#Clear and Gold Tower
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There was only darkness, and pain.
He roared against it, distantly aware of the bit in his mouth, the rawness of his throat.
Burned alive burned alive burned alive
The void showed him fire. A woman with golden-brown hair and matching skin screaming in agony toward the heavens.
It showed him a broken body on a bloody bed.
A head rolling across a marble floor.
You did this you did this you did this
It showed a woman with eyes of blue flame and hair of pure gold poised above him, dagger raised and angling to plunge into his heart.
He wished. He sometimes wished that she hadn't been stopped.
The scar on his face--from the nails she'd gouged into it when she first struck him ... It was that hateful wish he thought of when he looked in the mirror. The body on the bed and that cold room and that scream.
The collar on a tan throat and a smile that did not belong to a beloved face. The heart he'd offered and had been left to drop on the wooden planks of the river docks. An assassin who had sailed away and a queen who had returned. A row of fine men hanging from the castle gates.
All held within that slim scar. What he could not forgive or forget.
The void showed it to him, again and again.
It lashed his body with red-hot, pronged whips.
And showed him those things, over and over.
It showed him his mother. And his brother. And his father.
Everything he had left. What he'd failed. What he'd hated and what he'd become.
The lines between the last two had blurred.
And he had tried. He had tried these weeks, these months.
The void did not want to hear of that.
Black fire raced down his blood, his veins, trying to drown out those thoughts.
The burning rose left on a nightstand. The final embrace of his king. He had tried. Tried to hope, and yet--
Women little more than children hauling him off a horse. Poking and prodding at him.
Pain struck, low and deep in his spine, and he couldn't breathe around it, couldn't out-scream it- White light flared. A flutter. Far in the distance.
Not the gold or red or blue of flame. But white like sunlight, clear and clean.
A flicker through the dark, arcing like lightning riding through the night ...
And then the pain converged again.
His father's eyes--his father's raging eyes when he announced he was leaving to join the guard.
The fists. His mother's pleading. The anguish on her face the last time he'd seen her, as he'd ridden away from Anielle. The last time he’d seen his city, his home. His brother, small and cowering in their father's long shadow.
A brother he had traded for another. A brother he had left behind.
The darkness squeezed, crushing his bones to dust.
It would kill him.
It would kill him, this pain, this ... this endless, churning pit of nothing.
Perhaps it would be a mercy. He wasn't entirely certain his presence-- his presence beyond made any sort of difference. Not enough to warrant trying. Coming back at all.
The darkness liked that. Seemed to thrive on that.
Even as it tightened the vise around his bones.
Even as it boiled the blood in his veins and he bellowed and bellowed-- White light slammed into him. Blinding him.
Filling that void.
The darkness shrieked, surging back, then rising like a tidal wave around him--
Only to bounce off a shell of that white light, wrapped around him, a rock against which the blackness broke. A light in the abyss.
It was warm, and quiet, and kind. It did not balk at the dark. As if it had dwelled in such darkness for a long, long time--and understood how it worked. Chaol opened his eyes. Yrene's hand had slipped from his spine.
#HoF paralells to Valg#Tower of Dawn spoilers#it was Aelin’s words: you did this#what HE could not forgive or forget#the hot pronged while: Aelin & Celaena (flame and Endovier’s pain) the words he should have said “what did you do to deserve it?#Dorians words and beloved face HIS first words to waking up in his Valg possessed nightmare#Aelin screaming at Rowan you left me screaming at Chaol for running#the burning rose left on a nightstand#not Aelin but Yrene unafraid and undettered Not the gold or red or blue of flame. But white like sunlight clear and clean.#she was his light in the dark😭#Feyre mercy paralell ACOMAF aka chapters that destroyed me BUT THEN HE MOVES HIS TOE😭#Sarah J. Maas#Chaol Westfall#Chapter 16#Tower of Dawn#Throne of Glass#TOG#TOG series#ToD#son of Anielle#Yrene Towers#Aelin Sardothien#Celaena Sardothien#Aelin Galathynius#Dorian Havilliard#Sorscha#Anielle#SJM#read with me#read along
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on neuschwanstein castle (part 1)
This is an essay in two parts.
Neuschwanstein Concept Drawing by the stage designer (!!) Christian Jank (1869).
There exist in architecture clear precedents to the McMansion that have nothing to do with suburban real estate. This is because “McMansionry” (let’s say) has many transferable properties. Among them can be included: 1) a diabolical amount of wealth that must be communicated architecturally in the most frivolous way possible, 2) a penchant for historical LARPing primarily informed by media (e.g. the American “Tuscan kitchen”) and 3) the execution of historical styles using contemporary building materials resulting in an aesthetic affect that can be described as uncanny or cheap-looking. By these metrics, we can absolutely call Neuschwanstein Castle, built by the architect Eduard Riedel for King Ludwig II of Bavaria, a McMansion.
Constructed from 1869 through 1886 – the year of Ludwig’s alleged suicide after having been ousted and declared insane – the castle cost the coffers of the Bavarian state and Ludwig himself no fewer than 6.2 million German gold marks. (That's an estimated 47 million euros today.) The castle's story is rife with well-known scandal. I'm sure any passing Swan Enthusiast is already familiar with Ludwig’s financial capriciousness, his called-off marriage and repressed homosexuality, his parasocial obsession with Richard Wagner, his complete and total inability to run his country, and his alleged "madness," as they used to call it. All of these combine to make Neuschwanstein inescapable from the man who commissioned it -- and the artist who inspired it. Say what you like about Ludwig and his building projects, but he is definitely remembered because of them, which is what most monarchs want. Be careful what you wish for.
Neuschwanstein gatehouse.
How should one describe Neuschwanstein architecturally? You’d need an additional blog. Its interiors alone (the subject of the next essay) range from Neo-Baroque to Neo-Byzantine to Neo-Gothic. There are many terms that can loosely define the palace's overall style: eclecticism, medieval revivalism, historicism, chateauesque, sclerotic monarchycore, etc. However, the the most specific would be what was called "castle Romanticism" (Burgenromantik). The Germans are nothing if not literal. Whatever word you want to use, Neuschwanstein is such a Sistine Chapel of pure sentimentality and sugary kitsch that theme park architecture – most famously, Disney's Cinderella’s castle itself – owes many of its medieval iterations to the palace's towering silhouette.
There is some truth to the term Burgenromantik. Neuschwanstein's exterior is a completely fabricated 19th century storybook fantasy of the Middle Ages whose precedents lie more truthfully in art for the stage. As a castle without fortification and a palace with no space for governance, Neuschwanstein's own program is indecisive about what it should be, which makes it a pretty good reflection of Ludwig II himself. To me, however, it is the last gasp of a monarchy whose power will be totally extinguished by that same industrial modernity responsible for the materials and techniques of Neuschwanstein's own, ironic construction.
In order to understand Neuschwanstein, however, we must go into two subjects that are equally a great time for me: 19th century medievalism - the subject of this essay - and the opera Lohengrin by Richard Wagner, the subject of the next. (1)
Part I: Medievalisms Progressive and Reactionary
The Middle Ages were inescapable in 19th century Europe. Design, music, visual art, theater, literature, and yes, architecture were all besotted with the stuff of knights and castles, old sagas, and courtly literature. From arch-conservative nationalism to pro-labor socialism, medievalism's popularity spanned the entire political spectrum. This is because it owes its existence to a number of developments that affected the whole of society.
In Ludwig’s time, the world was changing in profound, almost inconceivable ways. The first and second industrial revolutions with their socioeconomic upheavals and new technologies of transport, manufacturing, and mass communication, all completely unmade and remade how people lived and worked. This was as true of the average person as it was of the princes and nobles who were beginning to be undermined by something called “the petit bourgeoisie.”
Sustenance farming dwindled and wage labor eclipsed all other forms of working. Millions of people no longer able to make a living on piecemeal and agricultural work flocked to the cities and into the great Molochs of factories, mills, stockyards, and mines. Families and other kinship bonds were eroded or severed by the acceleration of capitalist production, large wars, and new means of transportation, especially the railroad. People became not only alienated from each other and from their labor in the classical Marxist sense but also from the results of that labor, too. No longer were chairs made by craftsmen or clothes by the single tailor -- unless you could afford the bespoke. Everything from shirtwaists to wrought iron lamps was increasingly mass produced - under wretched conditions, too. Things – including buildings – that were once built to last a lifetime became cheap, disposable, and subject to the whimsy of fashion, sold via this new thing called “the catalog.”
William Morris' painting Le Belle Iseult (1868).
Unsurprisingly, this new way of living and working caused not a little discontent. This was the climate in which Karl Marx wrote Capital and Charles Dickens wrote A Christmas Carol. More specific to our interests, however, is a different dissenter and one of the most interesting practitioners of medievalism, the English polymath William Morris.
A lover of Arthurian legend and an admirer of the architect and design reformer John Ruskin, Morris was first trained in the office of architect G. E. Street, himself a die-hard Gothic Revivalist. From the very beginning, the Middle Ages can be found everywhere in Morris' work, from the rough-hewn qualities of the furniture he helped design to the floral elements and compositions of the art nouveau textiles and graphics he's most famous for -- which, it should be said, are reminiscent of 15th century English tapestries. In addition to his design endeavors, Morris was also a gifted writer and poet. His was a profound love for medieval literature, especially Norse sagas from Iceland. Some of these he even translated including the Volsunga Saga -- also a preoccupation of Wagner's. Few among us earn the title of polymath, but Morris' claim to it is undeniable. Aside from music, there really wasn't any area of creative life he didn't touch.
However, Morris' predilection for the medieval was not just a personal and aesthetic fascination. It was also an expression of his political rejection of the capitalist mode of production. As one of the founders of the English Arts & Crafts Movement, Morris called for a rejection of piecemeal machine labor, a return to handicraft, and overall to things made well and made with dignity. While this was and remains a largely middle class argument, one that usually leads down the road of ethical consumption, Morris was right that capitalism's failing of design and architecture did not just lie with the depreciated quality of goods, but the depreciated quality of life. His was the utopian call to respect both the object and the laborer who produced it. To quote from his 1888 essay called "The Revival of Architecture," Morris dreamed of a society that "will produce to live and not live to produce, as we do." Indeed, in our current era of AI Slop, there remains much to like about the Factory Slop-era call to take back time from the foreman's clock and once more make labor an act of enjoyable and unalienated creativity. Only now it's about things like writing an essay.
I bother to describe Morris at length here for a number of reasons. The first is to reiterate that medievalism's popularity was largely a response to socioeconomic changes. Additionally, since traditionalism - in Ludwig's time and in ours - still gets weaponized by right-wing losers, it's worth pointing out that not all practitioners of medievalism were politically reactionary in nature. However – and I will return to this later – medievalism, reactionary or not, remains inescapably nostalgic. Morris is no exception. While a total rejection of mass produced goods may seem quixotic to us now, when Morris was working, the era before mass industrialization remained at the fringes of living memory. Hence the nostalgia is perhaps to be expected. Unfortunately for him and for us, the only way out of capitalism is through it.
To return again to the big picture: whether one liked it or not, the old feudal world was done. Only its necrotic leftovers, namely a hereditary nobility whose power would run out of road in WWI, remained. For Ludwig purposes, it was a fraught political time in Bavaria as well. Bavaria, weird duck that it was, remained relatively autonomous within the new German Reich. Despite the title of king, Ludwig, much to his chagrin - hence the pathetic Middle Ages fantasizing - did not rule absolutely. His was a constitutional monarchy, and an embattled one at that. During the building of Neuschwanstein, the king found himself wedged between the Franco-Prussian War and the political coup masterminded by Otto von Bismarck that would put Europe on the fast track to a global conflict many saw as the atavistic culmination of all that already violent modernity. No wonder he wanted to hide with his Schwans up in the hills of Schwangau.
The very notion of a unified German Reich (or an independent Kingdom of Bavaria) was itself indicative of another development. Regardless if one was liberal or conservative, a king, an artist or a shoe peddler, the 19th century was plagued by the rise of modern nationalism. Bolstered by new ideas in "medical" “science,” this was also a racialized nationalism. A lot of emotional, political, and artistic investment was put into the idea that there existed a fundamentally German volk, a German soil, a German soul. This, however, was a universalizing statement in need of a citation, with lots of political power on the line. Hence, in order to add historical credence to these new conceptions of one’s heritage, people turned to the old sources.
Within the hallowed halls of Europe's universities, newly minted historians and philologists scoured medieval texts for traces of a people united by a common geography and ethnicity as well as the foundations for a historically continuous state. We now know that this is a problematic and incorrect way of looking at the medieval world, a world that was so very different from our own. A great deal of subsequent medieval scholarship still devotes itself to correcting for these errors. But back then, such scholarly ethics were not to be found and people did what they liked with the sources. A lot of assumptions were made in order to make whatever point one wanted, often about one's superiority over another. Hell, anyone who's been on Trad Guy Deus Vult Twitter knows that a lot of assumptions are still made, and for the same purposes.(2)
Meanwhile, outside of the academy, mass print media meant more people were exposed to medieval content than ever before. Translations of chivalric romances such as Wolfgang von Eschenbach’s Parzival and sagas like the Poetic Edda inspired a century’s worth of artists to incorporate these characters and themes into their work. This work was often but of course not always nationalistic in character. Such adaptations for political purposes could get very granular in nature. We all like to point to the greats like William Morris or Richard Wagner (who was really a master of a larger syncretism.) But there were many lesser attempts made by weaker artists that today have an unfortunate bootlicking je nais se quoi to them.
I love a minor tangent related to my interests, so here's one: a good example of this nationalist granularity comes from Franz Grillparzer’s 1823 pro-Hapsburg play König Ottokars Glück und Ende, which took for its source a deep cut 14th century manuscript called the Styrian Rhyming Chronicle, written by Ottokar Aus Der Gaul. The play concerns the political intrigue around King Ottokar II of Bohemia and his subsequent 1278 defeat at the hands of Grillparzer’s very swagged out Rudolf of Habsburg. Present are some truly fascinating but extremely obscure characters from 13th Holy Roman Empire lore including a long-time personal obsession of mine, the Styrian ministerial and three-time traitor of the Great Interregnum, Frederick V of Pettau. But I’m getting off-topic here. Let's get back to the castle.
The Throne Room at Neuschwanstein
For architecture, perhaps the most important development in spreading medievalism was this new institution called the "big public museum." Through a professionalizing field of archaeology and the sickness that was colonialist expansion, bits and bobs of buildings were stolen from places like North Africa, Egypt, the Middle East, and Byzantium, all of which had an enormous impact on latter 19th century architecture. (They were also picked up by early 20th century American architects from H. H. Richardson to Louis Sullivan.) These orientalized fragments were further disseminated through new books, monographs, and later photography.
Meanwhile, developments in fabrication (standardized building materials), construction (namely iron, then steel) and mass production sped things up and reduced costs considerably. Soon, castles and churches in the image of those that once took decades if not a century to build were erected on countless hillsides or in little town squares across the continent. These changes in the material production of architecture are key for understanding "why Neuschwanstein castle looks so weird."
Part of what gives medieval architecture its character is the sheer embodiment of labor embedded in all those heavy stones, stones that were chiseled, hauled, and set by hand. The Gothic cathedral was a precarious endeavor whose appearance of lightness was not earned easily, which is why, when writing about their sublimity, Edmund Burke invoked not only the play of light and shadow, but the sheer slowness and human toil involved.
This is, of course, not true of our present estate. Neuschwanstein not only eschews the role of a castle as a “fortress to be used in war” (an inherently stereotomic program) but was erected using contemporary materials and techniques that are simply not imbued with the same age or gravitas. Built via a typical brick construction but clad in more impressive sandstone, it's all far too clean. Neuschwanstein's proportions seem not only chaotic - towers and windows are strewn about seemingly on a whim - they are also totally irreconcilable with the castle's alleged typology, in part because we know what a genuine medieval castle looks like.
Ludwig's palace was a technological marvel of the industrial revolution. Not only did Neuschwanstein have indoor plumbing and central heat, it also used the largest glass windows then in manufacture. It's not even an Iron Age building. The throne room, seen earlier in this post, required the use of structural steel. None of this is to say that 19th century construction labor was easy. It wasn't and many people still died, including 30 at Neuschwanstein. It was, however, simply different in character than medieval labor. For all the waxing poetic about handiwork, I’m sure medieval stonemasons would have loved the use of a steam crane.
It's true that architectural eclecticism (the use of many styles at once) has a knack for undermining the presumed authenticity or fidelity of each style employed. But this somewhat misunderstands the crime. The thing about Neuschwanstein is that its goal was not to be historically authentic at all. Its target realm was that of fantasy. Not only that, a fantasy informed primarily by a contemporary media source. In this, it could be said to be more architecturally successful.
The fantasy of medievalism is very different than the truth of the Middle Ages. As I hinted at before, more than anything else, medievalism was an inherently nostalgic movement, and not only because it was a bedrock of so much children's literature. People loved it because it promised a bygone past that never existed. The visual and written languages of feudalism, despite it being a terrible socioeconomic system, came into vogue in part because it wasn't capitalism. We must remember that the 19th century saw industrial capitalism at its newest and rawest. Unregulated, it destroyed every natural resource in sight and subjected people, including children, to horrific labor conditions. It still does, and will probably get worse, but the difference is, we're somewhat used to it by now. The shock's worn off.
All that upheaval I talked about earlier made people long for a simplicity they felt was missing. This took many different forms. The rapid advances of secular society and the incursion of science into belief made many crave a greater religiosity. At a time when the effects of wage labor on the family had made womanhood a contested territory, many appeals were made to a divine and innocent feminine a la Lady Guinevere. Urbanization made many wish for a quieter world with less hustle and bustle and better air. These sentiments are not without their reasons. Technological and socioeconomic changes still make us feel alienated and destabilized, hence why there are so many medieval revivals even in our own time. (Chappell Roan of Arc anyone?) Hell, our own rich people aren't so different from Ludwig either. Mark Zuckerburg owns a Hawaiian island and basically controls the fates of the people who live there lord-in-the-castle-style.
Given all this, it's not surprising that of the products of the Middle Ages, perhaps chivalric romance was and remains the most popular. While never a real depiction of medieval life (no, all those knights were not dying on the behalf of pretty ladies), such stories of good men and women and their grand adventures still capture the imaginations of children and adults alike. (You will find no greater fan of Parzival than yours truly.) It's also no wonder the nature of the romance, with its paternalistic patriarchy, its Christianity, its sentimentality around courtly love, and most of all its depiction of the ruling class as noble and benevolent – appealed to someone like Ludwig, both as a quirked-up individual and a member of his class.
It follows, then, that any artist capable of synthesizing all these elements, fears, and desires into an aesthetically transcendent package would've had a great effect on such a man. One did, of course. His name was Richard Wagner.
In our next essay, we will witness one of the most astonishing cases of kitsch imitating art. But before there could be Neuschwanstein Castle, there had to be this pretty little opera called Lohengrin.
(1) If you want to get a head start on the Wagner stuff, I've been writing about the Ring cycle lately on my Substack: https://www.late-review.com/p/essays-on-wagners-ring-part-1-believing
(2) My favorite insane nationalist claim comes from the 1960s, when the Slovene-American historian Joseph Felicijan claimed that the US's democracy was based off the 13th century ritual of enthronement practiced by the Dukes of Carinthia because Thomas Jefferson owned a copy of Jean Bodin's Les six livres de la Republique (1576) in which the rite was mentioned. For more information, see Peter Štih's book The Middle Ages Between the Alps and the Northern Adriatic (p. 56 for the curious.)
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#architecture#design#mcmansion#mcmansions#bad architecture#neuschwanstein#wagner#essay#medievalism#19th century
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Summary: Aemond finds comfort in your cunt. Paring: Aemond Targaryen x female!reader Word Count: 2.6+ Warnings: reader AFAB, dubcon elements?, oral (m receiving), vaginal fingering, rough sex as a coping mechanism, p in v unprotected, a hint of possessive Aemond as a treat Author’s Note: Thank you my beloved beta reader @sylasthegrim 💜 This story was partly inspired by the brilliance of @peachysunrize (my muse 💜) and @adragonprinceswhore and their wonderful pieces they shared on this hellsite, but it was also inspired by this bitch ass anon. This man is beautiful and I would do anything to be a hole at his disposal. Enjoy! Valyrian translations: ilībio is whore, Iksā ñuhon is you are mine 😈
The instructions from the madame were clear: you were not to speak to the prince and you most certainly were not to look him in the eye.
It was hard to follow her explicit instructions, as he was as beautiful as he was captivating. You recalled the night when you first saw Prince Aemond. He was poised at the entrance, pulling back his hood to reveal the silver spill of his hair that showed gold in the amber light basking the brothel, his brow furrowed as he looked over the room before taking a step. He was tall and lithe with a grace that cut through the crowd, not sparing a glance at the patrons or whores that parted to allow him through.
You remembered hearing the stories of the old gods of Old Valyria and thought that he was truly the embodiment from those legends, that he glowed from the ichor knitted into his veins.
He paused to look at you, and you felt your heart begin to gnaw at your ribs, your pulse erratic as you burned under his one-eyed scrutiny. Your head was in a fog, unable to understand his question. “Your grace,” you chose to say with a curtsy that was clumsy and unpractised.
He did not care for the attempt or for your formality, but instead repeated his question. “Where is she?”
You escorted him to Sylvi as requested, and the madame was quick to capitalize on her honored guest, excusing you at once. You continued to watch him from the shadows, entranced, lost in the daydream of being whisked away with the favoritism of a Targaryen prince.
When he finally left, she caught your gaze that followed him. Her law was laid, he was hers alone, and your envy was hot and thick in your blood, but you were nothing but another whore to serve, awaiting at her beck and call.
It was her constant threat of being cast out to Flea Bottom that kept you obedient. She wished you to be a decorative piece, dressed in sheer gowns chosen to complement your figure, and tasked to carry a carafe that would keep the cups filled. You did what you were told; you moved throughout, your fingers curled around the neck and the other hand supporting the bottom, careful not to spill a drop.
Your second run in with Prince Aemond was nearly your undoing.
You did not even see him, as your trained demure gaze left you counting your footsteps, and despite how lean the prince looked, he felt solid enough when you stumbled into him. Your hands cramped to hold the bottle upright, your senses flooded with the scent of the leather he had been wearing earlier, mixed with the sheen of perspiration and the bathing oils you surely would never afford.
You were rooted to the cobblestone with the realization that he was bare.
He seemed to tower over you, and the dragonfire that burned bright showed in the lavender of his eye, glittering in the sapphire of the other. You were mortified and he frowned in return, his silver brow furrowed as he looked you over.
You stared back at him, your embarrassment fading, and perhaps it was your unabashed awe that caught his attention–but whatever it was, he would not tell you.
Prince Aemond reached out to grip your jaw, dimpling into your cheeks. You could feel the warmth from his fingertip trickle down your spine and pool into your core; your thighs clenched for relief, your heart screaming to be consumed.
He tilted his head, his eye boring through as if he could see what you desired, though it was painted plainly on your face. He smirked. “One whore is as good as another,” he spoke out loud, and you felt your heart expanding, pumping your blood and encouraging your steps to follow after him.
The prince glided to a stop in front of an enclave that was draped in silk and lace. The whore and her patrons inside recognized him at once, scattering like rats into the shadows and leaving you alone with the dragon prince.
Your hands were still shaking as you set the carafe on top of a table, wiping your palms on your skirts. You turned to face the prince and saw his posture was proud, his muscles tensing as his hands balled into fists at his sides; his eye was ever-watchful of you.
Your lips parted with a soft exhale to soothe your nerves, to settle the pounding in your chest. You took a slow step towards him, your fingers wishing to reach and touch the marble he had been crafted from, but instead you untied the dress that was wrapped around your waist. The fabric pooled at your feet and you were just as bare, your blood seering to the surface when you saw his cock twitch, a lust that began to cloud his eye.
It was exhilarating to entice a god.
Your eyes widened with your own admiration as you took him in, a trepidation that fluttered throughout when he did not reach for you right away. Another exhale and you moved closer to kneel before him, your head tilting up to look at him.
His jaw ticked, a curiosity flickering, waiting for your next move.
You swallowed your hesitation and your eyes washed over him with reverence, falling to the lines that cut into his slim hips and trailing in-between. Your touch was gentle to wrap your fingers around his hardening cock, moving it aside to press a wet kiss on the curve of the base. You rested back on your heels and looked up again, licking your lips.
The prince had you rooted with his heady gaze, a rose dusting to his features. His hand touched the top of your head, returning your attention back to how hot and heavy he now was against the palm of your hand.
It thrilled you. Your tongue flattened to follow along the side, tracing every ridge and vein of his impressive length. The tip was flushed and you pressed another kiss, licking away the briny taste from your lips before wrapping them around to savor the dragon thrumming in your hand.
He gave a low groan, tensing with how your mouth moved to engulf him. His hand curled into the back of your scalp with a hold that made your skin prickle; your hand grabbed his hip to anchor your endeavor, moving up and down until he was slick from your spit, your desperation to try and swallow every inch of him.
You gagged, pulling back to lick your other hand and wrap it around what could not fit, matching your pace. He now held onto you with both of his hands, his fingers knotting into your hair with a hold that brought tears to your eyes, but you would not stop–the taste of royalty igniting in your blood vessels. You were spurred on with the sounds that spilled from his lips, and he bucked into your mouth, bruising your throat.
Only then did you let go, gasping for air. “Forgive me–”
He did not let you finish. He reached to wrap his hand around your upper arm and he pulled you to stand. “Get on the bed.” His voice was low and lethal, velvet that wrapped around to control you.
You scrambled on top with a visceral shiver from that anticipation already curling at the base of your spine. You looked up at Prince Aemond and it beckoned him closer with a heavy sway between his slender thighs. “My prince, you will not fit,” you realized, “I must–I need to prepare myself…”
He loomed over you, balancing one arm on the edge of the mattress while the other reached to stop your hand. “Allow me,” he murmured, bringing his first two fingers to his tongue before dipping to slip them between your silken folds.
It mixed with your arousal, jolting through you as his fingers curled into you. The stretch burned for a moment, but his touch was tactful, pressing upwards until colors began to dance in front of your eyes, soft sighs spilling.
You whined when his hand pulled away, wiping your slick onto his cock. He pushed forward until you melted back onto the bed. Your legs spread to invite him to the cradle of your hips, and he paused to look at you, a softer expression worn as his eye dropped to your lips.
Your pulse quickened with your hope for a kiss.
But instead, his hand dipped to guide his length. You felt a shiver of delight from the glide of his swollen cockhead up and down your slit, gathering the wetness that pooled. You ached for more, willing, wanting, canting your hips to angle yourself in a way for him to sink into you.
The prince took his time and you back arched, gooseflesh rippling over from the intimate pressure, from his intoxicating scent and the softness of his hair tickling your skin, from the heat that seemed to permeate from him. He pushed into you further and it was a fullness you had never experienced before; your walls clenched with the slow rut of his hips, deeper and deeper, until he fully sheathed himself within your warm cunt.
The prince melted into you, molding to your body. His head tucked into the curve of your neck, his teeth nipping at your pulse to muffle his low groan that rumbled through you.
Your lips pressed to his collarbone, a muted mewl in response. Your vision spun and your legs lifted to wrap around his slender waist, pulling him closer. Your hands followed up the definition of his arms to his shoulders, nails biting to hold onto him; you licked his skin.
He pushed back with a shudder, eye blown and red blotches staining his alabaster skin. A slow roll of his hips went even deeper and you moaned at the sensation. This pleased the prince, and his lips touched the soft spot under your ear, your nipples pebbling when you felt his smile, his rasped command on your skin: “Let them hear you.”
The madame taught all the girls how to feign pleasure. There was an art of kohl and hooded eyes, of girlish whimpers and whines to encourage patrons to completion.
But it was unneeded with how the prince was splitting you in half with his cock.
His palms pressed to hold you against the slow snap of his hips, fucking you into the bed until you were teetering on the precipice of both pleasure and pain. Tears pearled at the corners of your eyes and spilled with his brutal pace. He does not see them, his sharp chin tucked to his chest, mesmerized by the white ring forming around the base of his cock that glides in-and-out of you.
It sparked a kaleidoscope of colors with each thrust and you clenched again. “Gods,” he hissed, “you were made for me.”
His praise was muted, your mind so lost in the haze of passion building, in the wet suction of your cunt desperate to pull him back into you. Your slick spilled in-between your thighs, your fingers fluttering to his hips to pull him even closer–
But Prince Aemond pulled away.
You could not stop your whine, pressing to your elbows to watch him. He cupped your chin, not rough like before, but enough to tilt your head back and truly look at you. The severity of his features softened, the natural curl to his pink lips ticking upwards and hinting at a smile. “I want you to turn around and get on all fours.”
Your stomach dropped at the thought of him claiming his pleasure in a more… unnatural means, remembering the horror stories that the girls shared. You burned as you moved, just as he wished–for how could you deny a prince? You faced away, your arse up.
His palms were warm when they touched your hips, sliding back to spread your cheeks to see how you glistened for him. There was another noise of content as he shifted behind you, another trill of pleasure up your spine when you felt his cock pressing into your cunt again.
This new angle was tight, and your hands knotted into the linen of the bed to brace yourself. The prince does not force himself on you, but takes his time to fit; he leaned over you, his lips touching the curve of your spine and his large hand reaching around to palm your breast, pinching your nipple between his finger and thumb.
You crumbled, another muffled cry into the bed, your nerves aflame. His hand followed to the nape of your neck, a firm hold to pull you back up. “Let them hear you,” his repeated rasp was hot against your skin.
His hands bruised into your hips, sinking into you until the tops of his thighs were flushed against your arse. You were shaking, your back arching to feel him pressing even further than before. He hummed and slammed into you with a pace that builds.
It returned you to that pleasure you tasted earlier when his fingers curled within you, something anew. It was a warm sensation that prickled over your skin, igniting with his thrusts. Your hips rocked back to meet with his unrelenting rhythm as he crashed against you, again and again, until you shattered, splintering off and lifting above, a thousand butterfly wings fluttering throughout you.
Your cries pulled him after, your cunt grasping for his release. It was quieter for him; the prince hunched over you, his damp brow pressing to your spine with another guttural groan as he pulsed hot and deep into you.
You fell into the mattress, breathless and drunk from the pleasure pulled. Your mind was tittering how you should fetch a cloth to clean the prince, to pour a fresh goblet to wet his throat, but your body refused.
At best, you muscled enough strength to turn your neck and look at his sharp angles as he laid on his side, taking in the vision he commanded: the rose tones that touched him intimately, the freckles sprinkled on his shoulders, the lavender color that returned to his one eye.
Princely, you thought. “Beautiful,” you murmured.
His jaw ticked and for a moment, you swore he flushed from what you said. He touched a finger to your hip, following your curves and coming up to press into your chin to hold your attention–as if you would dare to look away.
“I will be back for you tomorrow,” he decided.
Your practiced stoicism masked your elation. “She will not like that, my prince,” you reminded him, thinking of the venom that poured when Sylvi glared at you. She made sure to mention him like a trophy she possessed, her face perpetually smug with her every mention of him.
A smirk played on his lips. He pulled you into his chest and you felt his spend spilling in-between your thighs. You did not care but melted into his warmth, your arm wrapping around his waist, pressing your face to his chest and feeling the low hum of his heart.
“She will be of no concern,” he spoke like a man who acted without any fear of consequences, but you supposed that this was the tone of all royalty. He pressed a kiss to your hairline and it jolted through your chest. “Iksā ñuhon.”
You curled against him, too dazed to comprehend the weight of his words that rolled from his lips–the tongue of Old Valyria. They meant nothing to you as you laid in the arms of a god.
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#house of the dragon#hotd fanfic#hotd x you#hotd x reader#aemond targaryen#aemond one eye#aemond targaryen x you#aemond targaryen x reader#aemond x you#aemond x reader
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THE FOOL CARD - Josh Washington x F!Reader AO3 // Spotify Playlist

WORD COUNT - 3.1k SUMMARY - You've been sneaking around with your best friend's older brother since summer. If it's supposed to be easy and casual, why does it feel so foolish? TAGS/WARNINGS - friends with benefits to lovers, female anatomy reader, teasing, alcohol/drinking, cursing, unprotected p in v sex, brief mentions of asphyxiation, creampie, josh has feelings first, dialogue heavy? NOTES - this is a self-indulgent fantasy smutty dialogue pracitce that isn't edited bc who has time for that these days. ignore overuse/repeat words if u love me. fan of josh since '15 only now i have the ability to do something about it
“You don’t really believe in that stuff, do you?” Josh asks, leaning against the doorway, casually sipping a beer.
You glance up from the cards spread out in front of you. Ashley sits opposite you, deer-eyes round with awe from when she held off of your every word, hinting at her friendship with Chris potentially becoming something more. A small smile grows on your face as you gather the silky cards together and slot them back into place.
“You’re not just saying that because you’re scared, are you, Joshy boy?”
With another sip, the corner of his mouth ticks up with intrigue. He shoulders off the doorway and saunters over, eyes never leaving you.
“Alright, I’ll bite,” he says cooly, sliding onto the stool that Ashley scoots out of. She shoots you a knowing look, a glimmer in the ring of her green eyes, a flush to her cheeks as she scurries back into the chatter-filled living room.
“Tell me,” he begins, lounging back in the wooden chair with a low, shadowed look on his face. A long sip of beer, a generous amount of lash-lidded eye contact. “What does my future hold?”
“Your future?” You smirk, skillfully shuffling the cards in your hand, cheeks warm when you lose the competition of holding his confident stare. The tarot cards are glossy and thick, a high-quality deck gilded with gold that you’d nabbed from a crystal shop that stunk of coconut incense and white sage.
A card flies from the deck, landing face-down. You reach and flip it over, revealing The Tower—a crumbling structure, lit with a devastating fire.
“Sudden, eruptive change.”
He leans closer, interest piqued. “What kind of change?”
“Well… let’s ask the cards to clarify,” you continue, reshuffling until another card leaps out. You pick it up, revealing a heart, daggered with three, long swords. “The Three of Swords. Heartache, and pain.”
He scoffs humorously. “The only heartbreaking and painful thing about this week was Chris eating my leftover pizza.”
You hum, unconvinced. Another card.
Ten of Cups reversed. Familial despair.
“It feels like a warning,” you say, trying not to look at the blatant picture. Familial grieving, pain, loss. Clearing your throat, you glance back up at him. “Almost like everything you know is about to change.”
“Hm. Seems ominous,” he replies, entirely not convinced. “What about my near future?” He perks a suggestive brow, licks the dry of his lips. “What are the cards saying about tonight?”
You roll your eyes, feigning indifference, but your hands tremble when you pull two cards. The Moon, and The Lovers.
“Hmm… looks like the cards are saying…” you faux scan the cards, then glance over your shoulder to ensure there aren’t any eavesdroppers. When you’re satisfied they’re distracted, you return with your chin propped on two folded hands and a small, mischievous smile.
“Your room. Midnight?”
His lips stretch into a grin. “Y’know, if the cards keep saying things like this, I might just become a believer.”
You mirror his smile, tucking yourself in tight as you lean closer to the counter.
Hannah walks in, playing with her fingers nervously, and you instinctively lean back. She glances between you, Josh, the cards, and twists her feet against the tile seams.
“You want a go, Han?” You ask. She nods, but appears apprehensive.
“Come on, Josh, client confidentiality. Get outta here. Scram.”
Josh laughs, once. “Alright. I’ll leave you ladies to it.”
Your eyes flicker to him for a moment. He nods with a poker face like steel, raises his beer in acknowledgement of his sister, and leaves the room without a second look.
It’s cruel, how he walks away. Cruel like it’ll never mean more to him.
Ashley, face pink from cocktails, corners you when you return from the readings, hand pawing at your arm.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Sure, Ash. What’s up?”
She leans closer, voice lowering. “Do you have a crush on Josh?”
You’re mid-sip of wine when she asks, and you sputter a cough.
“Excuse me?”
She grins. “You know. Do you like like him?”
Ever the butt of the joke, your defensiveness flares like the prickle of young flames. Is she teasing you? Your fingers tighten around the glass stem.
“No, I know what you meant,” you reply, face warming. “Um, no, Ash. I don’t have a crush on Josh.”
“You know you can tell me anything, right? I could totally set you guys up. I mean, I told you about my crush on…” she glances around, tactically lowering her voice. “…Chris. So, you can trust me!”
“Ash, I think everybody knows about your crush on Chris.”
She blinks like a doe in headlights. “No, they don’t,” her gaze slips away. “Do they?”
You sip from your glass. “Everybody except Chris, apparently.”
She whacks your arm gently. “Shut up! He might hear you!” She scolds, embarrassed. You chuckle to yourself, eyes drawn to your cup as you mindlessly swirl the drink.
“But, seriously, it’s probably good that you don’t have a crush on Josh. Hannah and Beth would kill you!” She laughs.
Your blood turns icy as your mind is suddenly overwhelmed by a flurry of hook-up flashbacks, and you take a healthy, guilt-numbing swig of your drink before replying.
“Haha. Yeah. You’re probably right about that.”
Two glasses of wine later, you excuse yourself for the bathroom and veer off path when the coast is clear to Josh’s room. His door is ajar, feeding through a slim slice of warm lamp lighting onto the dark hallway.
A familiar routine— a scratch for the itch, a hit for the craving. Can’t keep your hands off him, not since the first time. You’d be in so much trouble if the twins knew you were hooking up with their older brother, but the scandal of it all gives you hot flashes between the thighs.
Hands tickle up your sides when you sneak in. A flat palm over your shoulder to click the door shut.
“You’re late,” he teases.
You stifle your giggles. “Yeah, well, unless you want everybody finding out about whatever we’re doing, then you’ll have to be patient for me to find my moment to sneak off.”
He closes the space between you, pressing against your chest to tilt you against the dresser, feeling small beneath his frame. Knees locked around his hips when you hop up.
“Would it be so bad?” He murmurs, immediately kissing along your neck, hands greedy on your waist. “You know… if they knew? About us?”
Us. A word like hot coals, fingers instinctively recoiling from the topic. Excited butterflies turned to anxious wasps in your belly. Casual moments bleeding into lingering stares, “we’re just friends” to eye contact and hand-holding when he makes you cum.
You think Emily knows. She’s quick-witted and perceptive whenever you leave the room, eyes sharp like a bristled cat ready to pounce.
“What’s there to know? We’re just friends,” you say, and he hums sceptically in response. You clutch his shoulders, warm beneath wine-numb fingers. “Besides, Hannah and Beth would kill me—”
“So, that’s it?” He grins, pulling away just enough that you can feel his breath fanning across your clavicle. You smell alcohol and peppermint gum and your head spins from the proximity.
“I’m just your dirty little secret?”
He’s making fun of you.
“Shut up,” you whine, breath laboured from the tingly feeling he produces against your skin with his mouth. Arousal so severe you feel like you’re sixteen again, a hormonal ball of teenage puppy fat and insecurity.
“Fine. How’d Hannah’s reading go? What’d she wanna know?”
You sigh with frustration, trying to nudge your hips closer to his. “Josh, please don’t talk about your sister when I’m trying to fuck you.”
“Oh, just like that, huh? Like I’m a piece of meat?”
“Isn’t that what you signed up for, pretty boy?”
He nips harder. “You think I’m pretty?”
A severe eye roll. “I don’t know why I put up with you.”
“Well, I can be pretty convincing,” he mutters, pushing the hemline of your skirt up your thigh. “Your dress is cute. You wear it for me?”
You had— all butterflies and anticipation at the thought of easy access. A short, black milk-maid thing, as well as enduring an everything shower the night before, sore from vanilla-sugar exfoliation. Soft for him.
The words escape you in a stuttered breath when he thumbs up to your panty line, tipping it to the side.
“You wish.”
He noses against the column of your throat when he slips a finger against you, shuddery breaths when the slick gathers on his palm.
“Always so wet,” he strains, tipsy touches circling your clit, pressing into the honeyed entrance. “You’re insatiable, you know that? Can’t get enough of me?”
“Mm… don’t flatter yourself. Consider it convenient.”
He tilts his head. “Is that supposed to hurt my feelings?”
“Stop— stop being such a dick,” you pant, muscles seizing against the sudden onslaught of building pleasure.
“Thought you liked me a little mean.”
He slides a singular finger into you, all molten and tingly as he knuckle-fucks you.
“Oh God, shut up.”
He sucks pressure onto your neck, affectionate with a hand on the small of your back. Your insides clench, aching with the urge to be filled, a desire his fingers would never be fully be able to satisfy.
You palm the growing mound behind his denim. “Need to feel you.”
He leans back, looking at you boyishly, pausing the work of his wrist.
“Right now?” His voice peaks. “But you’re hardly ready—”
“Gotta be quick.” You tug on his belt buckle and challenge his eye contact with lowered eyelids. “I can take it.”
You’ve rendered him stun-locked, shy.
He blinks. “Fuck— shit, okay,” he reaches for the zipper on his jeans, already steel-hard when he releases himself. He nudges closer, but you’ve never done it like this before. Not without a condom.
“This okay?” He asks hurriedly, the strain to his voice a sobering splash.
The wine blurs the line you promised not to cross. You glance down to where he fists himself, hastily spreading your slick across his length, and your lower belly flips.
You nod, bottom lip captured between your teeth. “Fuck. Please.”
“You sure?”
“Alright, alright, needy.”
He slips a hand over the curve of your ass, propping you firmly on the dresser and nestling further between your thighs, notching his tip against your wet heat before pushing in. A sharp inhale accompanied by a hand on his chest, urging him to go slower.
It’s a tight stretch as you adjust to the weight of him pressing inside you, nails digging reflexively into the meat of his shoulders.
“Easy, I got you,” he murmurs, hand sliding up from guiding himself inside of you to the wall beside your head. His mouth captures yours as he sinks deeper, a balm to soothe the sting.
You don’t normally kiss. Not often, usually only when you’re drunk. It felt too intimate at first, too weird— because two “just friends” fucking each other’s brains out certainly wasn’t, but you sigh-melt when his tongue slips past the parting of your lips.
He rolls his hips shallowly once, twice— until the burn turns honey-silk, sheathed heavily in your velvet. He’s panting when he leans back, reaching up for purchase, something to ground himself. He instinctively goes for your waist, second-guesses himself, and leans a hand against the wall.
Dark eyes search for yours in the haze. “You alright?”
You slide your hands underneath his plaid shirt. “You trying to be romantic or something?”
He rolls his eyes. “Quit it.”
You bite down on your lower lip, suppressing a grin, and dig the ball of your foot into his ass to pull him closer.
“Get on with it, then.”
He obliges with a groan, pistoning slowly at first. A gentle back-and-forth, slickening himself up all sweet for you, precarious where he tries not to make the dresser rock too much. Helplessly his fingers cling to you, digging into the plush of your thigh, thumbing along the crease where the skin meets your hip.
He reaches to cradle your face and parts your kiss-wet lips with a thumb. You suck him into the cup of your mouth, tongue curling around his skin. You’ve never blowed him before but you’re sure he pictures you pretty on your knees with the way his eyes darken.
His thumb releases with a pop and he presses it against your clit, puffy with need.
The rhythm catches up, and soon you’re panting as you rock against one another. Arms clinging to the broad spread of his shoulders, legs squeezing around his waist. You could stay here forever, you think— drunk on the way he fucks you like he cares what you feel, what you think. Attentive, giving. Better than any exes and you’re sure he knows it— why else would you stick around?
Your best friend’s older brother.
“We should stop doing this,” you concede, words strung high across a moan. “Ashley thinks I’ve got a crush on you.”
A tilt of his head. Something flickers on his face, sparkles in his eye when his lip quirks up. Amusement.
“That right?” He breathes, teeth flashing. “Cute.”
“Jesus, right there—”
Panting breaths melt together between a symphony of curses. A roll of your eyes as your head tilts forward, nails digging into his tense biceps, bracing yourself against the pulse at your centre as his spit-silky thumb circles your clit.
He swallows thickly, throat bobbing against your temple. “Well… do you?”
You pull back from the crook of his neck you’d buried yourself into. “What?”
“Have a crush on me?”
You sock his shoulder. “Don’t make it weird.”
He grins, followed by a roll of his hips. “Oh, right, because that’ll make things weird.”
“Just— just keep doing that, please.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Footsteps and laughter.
Your eyes widen, nerves doused with adrenaline. “Someone’s coming—”
Josh’s hand snaps up and clamps across your mouth, his hips shifting to continue their pace but careful to mind knocking against the dresser. Eyes low and dark as he leans closer, cheeks flushed as he squeezes your face.
From outside the door, “Yo, where’s Josh?”
“He said he was going to get more beer!”
It’s Chris and Mike.
“He’s been gone for a while. Do you think he’s passed out in his room?”
Your brows scrunch, torn between the thrill of fear and pleasure. A moan squeaks behind his palm, every thrust a countdown. Josh mime-shushes you, licking his lips and glancing over at the door as footsteps pass by. Nothing but a piece of wood between you and a secret spilt.
You whimper, pussy turning to liquid heat between your thighs, fizzy with ecstasy, clamping down hard around his hips. Cobra tight around the lava sink and drag of his cock.
“Nah, man. Let’s check the wine cellar.”
The footsteps continue down the hallway, easing your adrenaline with each step as you turn gelatinous in his arms. He releases you at once and the oxygen runs to your head with a dizzying force, eyes wild as they address you.
“Did you…?”
“Mhm.” It pitches high, and his eyes widen with the realisation.
“You liked that. Do you want us to get caught?”
You tremble with the aftershocks of your orgasm. “Maybe I just liked you choking me.”
His brows raise. “Wait. Really?”
You smile wickedly in response, leaving the question unanswered— you aren’t trying to give him any ideas, but you feel that bubbly-wistfulness in your belly at the thought of his hand around your throat the next time he takes you.
You’re not meant to daydream or hope for the next time; this was only supposed to be a one-time thing— just shy of your nineteenth birthdays, fucking yourselves through a dry spell, but you’ve been jumping his bones since the Washington’s invited you to stay with them last summer and he showed you how to smoke your first joint.
You’re a sweet girl, their parents said. Hannah and Beth couldn’t have been more excited that their best friend was coming to stay for six weeks. They hadn’t suspected a thing.
That was last August. Now you’re here with the others for the annual winter getaway— the lodge all to yourselves, and you’d not even lasted a night before you’d tip-toed into his room at 1 AM.
Josh grunts into your neck, cock twitching within you, sliding in and out of your slickened pussy like water.
“Where should I…”
A vulnerable split-second of eye contact. Shivery energy zips between you and something atmospherically shifts, like a moon falling into orbital alignment. The space behind your rib cage becomes soft and malleable, gravity tugging on your heartstrings.
The Fool Card.
A dangerous cliff edge that you’re too wrapped up in the moment to take mind of. You’re already in this deep— might as well fling yourself over it.
You dig your fingers into him. “Inside.”
His eyes flash wide. “Yeah?”
“Yeah, yeah— fuck, Josh, let me feel you.”
“Oh, shit. Okay. So fuckin’ hot.”
He thrusts with more urgency now, brows knit, teeth bared. Sharp when they slide along the skin of your shoulder.
He releases a cute grunt when he comes, nose buried in your neck, cock pulsing strongly inside of you. A sharp little rut of his hips, pushing himself deep, milking dry what remains.
Panting breaths mingle together, misty with post-sex sweat. You stroke the back of his exertion-damp head, cradled gently against your shoulder, his knuckles white as they brace against the dresser.
This is usually the time when you clear your throats and tug your clothes back on, but when he lifts his head to look at you, there’s something soft and sticky-sweet in the post-clarity lax of his features, the seraphic upturn of his brows.
“Can I kiss you?”
You blink at him. “Josh…”
Something visibly deflates on his face. “Sorry, sorry, I overstepped, I forgot the 'rules'—”
You grab him by the neck, thumb affectionately along the line of his jaw, and capture his mouth against yours. When you kiss he’s still sheathed to the hilt, chests pressing together, and you suddenly don’t feel so drunk anymore.
Everything narrows down, vision tunnelling. You’re suddenly not in a lodge with all of your friends, not propped up on his dresser, not just friends with benefits. You can pretend in the safety of his bedroom, making out like lovers, because when it’s this dark it’s just him, him, him, an utter mind-reeling consumption, so warm and soft and tender you feel shame trickle down your spine.
It’s not supposed to feel this good.
Spit strings between your mouths when you pull back.
“We should… go back to the others. Probably wondering where we are.”
He pants, gazing down at your lips. “Yeah. Yeah, you’re right. We should do that.”
It’s cruel, the way he looks at you. Cruel like this means more to him, too.
dividers credit @saradika-graphics // mdni graphics credit @arcielee
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Lamb to the slaughter
Summary: Your husband, the Great General of the Roman Empire, wishes for you to perform your wife duties
Pairings: Dark! Marcus Acacius x Priness! Reader
Warnings: Non con, marital rape, arranged marriage, abusive and toxic dynamics, choking, riding, slight spanking, verbal abuse, forced breeding, breeding kink, I want to make this a series, reader is Geta and Caracalla's sister but there isn't any physical description, size kink, Acacius is just huge, reader is afab, legal age gap (Reader is in her 20s, Marcus is in her 40s)
"The people of Rome are hungry."
You bellowed at your brother, glaring at him amidst the climax of your fight. He wouldn't listen; Geta had been as stubborn as he was as a child. He stood before you, draped in fine silks and gold, infuriated that you had disturbed his feast to talk about these matters.
"The people of Rome wouldn't be hungry if we had enough land to import food from." He grunted at you. "Our main aim is to conquer these lands in order to have so, is that clear, my dear sister?"
You laughed at his excuses. "You greedy little bastard, you could have the entire world and still find something to blame for your poor governing."
He glared at you, fingers twisting madly as he stepped, slowly, towards you. The slap resonated through out the empty corridor, drowning the sounds of the party just at mere meters away. Before you could place your hand in your aching cheek, his ringed fingers covered your neck, quickly cutting the air.
"I believe I have granted you too many liberties, my dear sister." He whispered with trembling calmness. "I believe you forget that if you eat, it is because I feed you, if you breathe, it is because I allow you to, and if you speak...it is because I haven't cut off your tongue yet."
You attempted to remain stoic, but the lack of air brought tears to your eyes. He watched you, grinning slightly from your position, before he let go.
"I have decided your fate;" He smirked, decisively. "I am to find a man to marry you. That will tame you."
As you gasped for air, your eyes widened, fearing whichever man your brother may choose for you. And you were right to fear it.
Two days after the fight, you continued praying that your brother forgets the threat, as he most usually does; however, as General Marcus Acacius returned from Numidia, with ships filled with fresh slaves and land conquered, the gods have decided to frown upon you.
You watched as he was paraded into the main palace in dashing white robes, certainly a spectacle fit for a Hero. He reached the steps as people chanted his name, and went directly to talk with the Emperors, not sparing even a glance at you, sitting along with your brother's pet monkey, Dundus. You caught a whiff of his scent; eucalyptus, mint and leather.
You were busy observing your nails as a shadow casted itself upon you, and you glanced to see Geta and the General standing right in front of you. You had never seen Acacius so close, the battle scars smearing into his skin, the streaks of grey in his dark curls, and his piercing dark eyes as he observed you back.
"Do you think you can handle her, my General?" Caracalla questioned, perching on his shoulder. Your brows furrowed in confusion, before it all doomed on you.
"No!" you whispered, to no avail.
"If I can handle Barbarians from the other side of the sea, I think I can handle a spoiled princess." Acacius replied, his eyes wandered down the neckline of your dress, which he could see as he was towering before you. You couldn't do more than stare into those eyes as your brothers laughed, demonically.
After that evening, you had done everything in your power to postpone the wedding. Ditching tailoring appointments, sending back any flower arrangements proposed and avoiding Marcus Acacius at all costs. But you couldn't miss the games thrown in his honor.
His presence emanated an aura of masculinity and ferociousness as the Colosseum chanted his name; you smelled him before you saw him, eucalyptus, mint and leather. You were taken a back when he sat next to you, being too immersed in thought as Geta and Caracalla announced your matrimony.
You watched as a group of slaves was tossed into the arena; as they fought and as one of them was notoriously more skilled than the others; Hanno, he was called. You wished for a second that your brother had decided to marry you to one of them instead, perhaps they'd be more discreet about staring at you, unlike Acacius.
The wedding day came, a sunny morning with games planned to be celebrated in the afternoon as an honor. Acacius stood in the altar, clad in white like the day of his parade, and you couldn't help but wonder about how little you knew about him; not a single word had he crossed with you. His face was stern, not a single ghost of a smile on his face. The evening went by quickly, quicker than you expected, and soon enough you were in his Villa, the place were you would now reside.
You barely noticed the decor of his chambers, the paintings and sculptures, the soft wool cushions and the white and crimson sheets. He walked in confidently, as one walks into his room, and you stood, long white robes and golden embellishments, looking the most gorgeous you ever felt, but the fear was overwhelming.
What did he expect of you, certainly? you were well educated, but no one had ever explained you what actually happened in a wedding night. You had some idea, a naive concept, but as Acacius disrobed himself, any idea of what to do slipped your mind.
He was soon standing in all his naked glory, and your lips parted. His shoulders were broader than you have seen, a muscled stomach scarred with evidence of his battle experience, thick thighs, and a cock that slowly grew before your eyes.
"Why are you stilled clothed?" He inquired; the first words ever directed to you. As you stumbled with your words, he neared you dangerously. You felt the warmth emanate from his body as he unwrapped your dress from your body.
"Wait," you pleaded, tugging at the dress. "I have never been with a man."
He looked at you; and for the first time, he snickered.
"You think that will change anything?" He questioned, taking the silk from your hands; he ripped his way through the fabric until you were bare, only the gold on you. His hands, rough and calloused, palmed your stomach, smoothing the skin as if inspecting you. Tears welled up in your eyes.
His fingers smoothed over your nipples, making you squirm, he observed and then he pinched them, enticed as you let out a yelp. One hand trailed down your abdomen, pointer finger touching your skin until he reached your mound; tears now poured down your cheeks. His finger graced your slit, feeling sudden wetness you haven't anticipated. His scent, eucalyptus, mint and leather.
"Have you ever rode a horse?" He asked, intrigued. You nodded, brows furrowing in confusion. "It would be pretty much like that."
Before allowing you to respond, his hand wrapped around your forearm, pulling you behind him as he made your way to the bed. Any effort against it was futile, he would easily overpower you.
As he laid against the pillows, still gripping you, he nodded at his cock, now fully erect. You stared in awe, as even the veins on it looked huge; his tan skin melting into the red hot tip, weeping precum, standing proudly enough, you thought that if could tear you apart, reach your guts.
"Put it in." He demanded, because he couldn't just rape you like a barbarian, he had to force you to do it. You breathed, trying to recollect any previous knowledge as to how to do it. Impatiently, he grabbed a handful of your leg, forcing you to straddle him. His thighs were so wide, the stretch from your legs hurt.
You let out a breathe and grabbed it, careful of hurting him in fear of his anger. Angling his cock with your entrance, you attempted to push it in, only securing a searing pain. As more tears sprouted of your cheeks, Acacius spat on his hand and pushed yours away, pumping his cock with slick. His fingers then found your cunt, and his grip on your arm tightened. Wet with his saliva, he circled the spot that sent waves of pleasures towards your stomach. Wetness grew down there, and he slipped one of his thick fingers.
You gasped from the sudden intrusion, feeling as he pumped the digit, stretching you for him. Before you could feel pleasure building up, he had taken his hand and lined his cock. Your other hand fell to the middle of his chest, seeking support as he stretched you with his mushroom top. Every ridge and vein took its place inside of you, forcing your mouth agape. He fed your cunt slowly, inch by inch until you felt as full as you could possibly be. Your crying had seized as your body processed the new feeling, of being split open.
You felt him stop, nudging at a curve deep inside of you, and you felt a slight relief that it was over before his hands went to your hips, forcing you on the half his hand had preciously been wrapping around. Quick and rough, you doubled over, attempting to find a spot were it wouldn't press against you like it did. Acacius grunted in pleasure at how your walls fitted tightly around him.
"Was that so hard, foolish girl?"He barked, and you looked at him between the strands of your hair that had fallen away from your laurel wreath crown. His hand slapped your ass, leaving pain the size of his huge hand. "Move."
You physically couldn't; shaking your head, you tried to plead for him to stop, but all he did was seize your neck with his hand, pressing similarly to your brother months before. He gave you a warning look, eyes glossy from pleasure, and you attempted to move, guided by the grip on your hip.
"There you go,"He groaned. "Didn't think you could take it."
You attempted to keep the pace of his hand, staggering. Through your droopy eyes, you could see his face illuminated by the candle light; a scar across his cheek that didn't maim his handsome face, the grey in his scruff and his hands moved you to fuck him, his brown eyes were closed in pleasure as his cherry tainted lips parted, allowing grunts and moans to escape. You felt his desire as he increased his speed, his cock burning into you in every thrust as he commanded you with his hands. He seemed to be fighting his pleasure, his eyes rolling back every now and then as he attempted to keep his gaze on you.
"That's it," he guided, voice gruff. "You look much prettier like this."
Your gaze, that had been stuck to his chest in effort to advert his eyes, rose to look at him. Oh, he was entranced by the way your crown had knocked to the side due to his maneuvering, the way tears glistening in your blushed cheeks, and how small your hands looked pressed into his chest. And finally, how your cunt pulsed around him every time he slammed you down onto his hips along with the sweet whimpers you emitted.
His hands departed from the place they have stuck to, roaming to cup your ass for more support. You gasped as he effortlessly raised you off his cock, letting it slip out with a faint "pop". Without a word he tossed you to the side of the bed.
"Enough of my amusement," he groaned as your face slammed into the pillows. He was everywhere as he positioned you on all fours, immense chest stuck against you and hands arranging your limbs. His hand fell across your cheek, igniting fire in his touch. "I am going to fuck a heir into you, stay still."
He said it with such easiness in his command that you knew he was used to giving this type of orders.
"No no please," You attempted, thrashing around to persuade him, but his cock was already lined between your legs. "Please, please don't-"
The scruff of his chin scratched against your neck a he bottomed inside of you, quieting you definitively. You could feel him in your guts, balls sticking to your clitoris due to the wetness he had caused.
"What can make a foolish little girl like you to behave more than carrying a General's heir?"
He began his assault on your core, one hand grasping the hair on your nape as he fucked you as a animals do.
"Your brother told me-"He grunted between thrusts, allowing himself to go inside, all eight inches of him. "You doubted his reign."
As you wept into the pillows, moans escaping your mouth, against your honor. He halted, hand pressing against the back of your neck.
"Answer me." He pressed, pushing your face even deeper into the pillows. "Did you?"
"Y-yes." You choked out, cock so deep inside you couldn't string a coherent word.
"Good." He admitted, to your surprise, continuing his pace. "Your brother is a foolish man; proved it himself when he gave you to me."
Your knuckles wrapped around the bed sheets, attempting to suppress the waves of pleasure that erupted as he picked a strong pace. Your cunt became wetter and wetter as it clenched, unwillingly, around him.
"What can a war torn general do to a tiny princess like you?" He mused between his sighs and groans. "Foolish Emperor."
As he said the last part, he rested once again his chest to your back, both covered in sweat from the heat of both of your bodies. His arm, strong and rough, wrapped itself around your lower stomach, holding you in place as his lips sucked your neck. The closeness felt awry, even if you were newly weds.
"Once I have fucked a child into you, no one could deny it's place in the throne."
That took you by surprise, but your eyes were closing off from exhaustion and your lips were too busy whimpering from the hot fire he had ignited in your core.
"Oh," he chuckled against your salty skin, dipping his other hand in between your body, tracing a path until he found that spot. His pointer and middle pressed against it, recollecting moisture from your pussy before circling it slowly. You felt the pressure build, as if you urgently needed to go to the bathroom. "a gentlemen as myself needs to make a girl cum before painting her insides. How could I forget that?"
He teased, managing a rhythm with his hand and hips. You felt a knot building right where he was rubbing, spreading through your nerves to make your whole body become limp. You let him fuck you, body tired and sore and unable to pose any more resistance other than gentle whimpers, swallowed by his loud groans, the sound the bed made against the floor and the squelching of his cock drilling into you. You were too gone to process any more than the pleasure washing over your body; pain bloomed, but in the most exquisite way as you felt yourself cling around the thick thing drilling into you.
"There you go," He cooed, closing his eyes as he felt it too. "there, there..."
Your mouth suddenly opened agape, as a hoarse whine left your throat and you felt it. You came undone so easily, beneath him.
He attempted to last, at least a few minutes more, prolong his pleasure, but the way you looked over your shoulder at him, as if attempting to understand what just happened, drove him wild.
It took him three final thrusts to come; You could count them as each was more punishing and rough than the previous, despite being hammered into you quickly. With a final grunt, you felt his burning hot cum pour into your insides, and his huge body collapsed on top of yours. You waited patiently for him to pull out, but as a child smitten with his favorite toy, he rolled over and continued to hold you close, hot breathe fanning in your neck.
He panted, regaining his breathe, before he actually spoke to you, who was quietly laying in his bicep. You felt tears spring from your eyes again.
"You will birth me an heir to claim the throne after your brothers have fallen."
Marcus Acacius had spoken.
#Dark! Marcus Acacius#Marcus Acacius#Gladiator 2#Pedro Pascal#Marcus Acacius x reader#Gladiator II#Dark! Marcus Acacius x reader#Pedro Pascal x reader#Emperor Geta#gladiator ll#general acacius#dark fic
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Avoiding every mistletoe (Until I know It’s true love)
Marvel Masterlist
PROMPTS: Shy Natasha Romanoff and Lab Assitant!Reader
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x F!Reader
Tags: Fluff, awkward and clumsy Nat, Tony's lab asistant reader, christmas fun! ( posting this during actual christmas), meddeling avengers, a sprinkle of hurt/comfort.

Summary —> Ever since Natasha met you, Tony's new brilliant assistant, she has been down bad. But her sudden lack of confidence around you banishes every hope for her to make a move. Christmas is around the corner, and the team knows about your superstitious nature. There seems to be a clear answer: Mistletoes.
WC: 5473
Warnings: Descriptions of making out, but not explicit sexual content.
November was in full swing at the Avengers Tower, which meant sophisticated red, green, and gold decorations adorned every surface, Christmas songs played on an endless loop through the speakers, and the unmistakable aroma of gingerbread wafted (somehow) through the air.
As was classic Tony Stark fashion, a lineup of extravagant holiday parties had already been scheduled and meticulously planned for execution. Natasha Romanoff though was already dreading it.
Hoping to avoid any unnecessary interaction, she quietly sneaked into the communal kitchen, intent on grabbing a couple of waffles Wanda had made earlier. But as soon as she stepped in, she felt the weight of several pairs of eyes on her back.
“Ah, Miss Romanoff, there you are!” Tony’s voice rang out, cheerful and full of purpose. He was already decked out in one of his newest suits—sharp, festive, and annoyingly ostentatious.
Sighing, Natasha turned around, realizing it was too late to make a run for it. She was greeted by the sight of her team sprawled across the couches and armchairs in the lounge, each of them absorbed in their own activity, but now casually watching Tony’s sudden commotion with mild interest.
“Morning,” Natasha grunted, reluctantly moving to join them, plate in hand.
“Just the person I was looking for!” Tony said, flashing a shit-eating grin as he patted the empty space beside him on the couch.
Instead of humoring him, Natasha settled herself on the fluffy rug in front of the coffee table, placing her plate down without a word.
“You are officially invited to the pre-Christmas party hosted by moi,” Tony declared dramatically.
“Tony, you literally held us hostage at one last week. I still have a hangover,” she deadpanned, recalling flashes of the chaos where even she had gone overboard with the alcohol, thanks to Sam Wilson’s stupid drinking games.
“Oh, come on! This one’s different. It’s intimate—just for us heroes and co,” Tony countered, undeterred. Then, leaning back smugly, he added, “I even got the space lady to come. How awesome is that?”
Natasha raised an eyebrow, unimpressed.
“Oh don’t be boring. Where’s the wild Natasha Romanoff we all love?” Tony teased, grinning as if to provoke her.
“Easy. She doesn’t exist,” Natasha replied flatly, cutting into her first waffle. She let out a satisfied hum at the sweet taste.
“These are amazing, Wanda,” she said, looking over at the young witch.
Wanda, sitting comfortably on a loveseat, smiled warmly at the compliment. “Thanks, Nat.”
“Is it a new recipe?” Natasha asked, curious.
“Yes, actually. I added a bit of cinnamon and—”
“Okay, okay!” Tony interrupted, baffled by the lack of attention he was receiving, looking bewildered between them two. “Let’s get back to the main thing here. Are you coming?”
At Natasha’s reluctant silence, Steve stepped in with a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry, Natasha. I’ll make sure he’s on his best behavior.”
“Ugh, boring—” Tony groaned, dragging the word out in sing-song. But under Steve’s hardened stare, he sighed in defeat. “Fine. It’ll be a cozy hangout. No traces of fun or whatever,” he relented, raising his hands in mock surrender.
Taking another bite of her waffles, she carfulkly took a sip of her coffe, trying to hide her smirk as she sees Tony waiting in anticipation fo her response. “Fine.”
Tony threw a punch onto the air, clapping in victory. “Carol is coming you said?”
He nodded proudly. “Yeah I managed to rope her and her little sidekick in. There is also the kid, Clint and his family…”
”Dont forget Strange.” Bruce, who just entered the living room reminded. Tony grumbled a bit at that.
“Yeah, Houdini too. Scary lady and Patch eye…god were those hard to convince— Oh and my lab assistant too.” Nathasa choked at that.
”Assistant? She practically takes over your lab.” Bruce chuckled.
Tony rolled his eyes, but there was no hint of malice. If anything, a spark of pride made his eyes a bit brighter. “Yeah well, I taught her well. Did you knowl that last week she-“
Nathan’s brain disconnected at a scary speed after those words. Images of you hit her hard, and she could already start to feel her heart race a bit.
Y/N Y/L/N was Tony Stark’s most recent lab and tech assistant, and to say he was impressed would be an understatement. After reviewing your résumé, Tony had practically declared you a godsend. You were one of the rare people who could keep up with his eccentricities, effortlessly managing the stream of tasks he threw your way. It didn’t take long for you to earn a permanent spot at the Avengers Tower.
Natasha remembered the first time she saw you as if it were yesterday. She had been on her way to ask Tony for a replacement for her gauntlets after a particularly rough mission. When she stepped into the lab, though, she was surprised to find someone else hunched over the workbench.
Frowning, Natasha set her hand on the fingerprint scanner, the door sliding open with a soft whoosh. At the sound, the stranger turned around, and Natasha froze in place.
For her, the world seemed to stop spinning, settling into an almost unnatural silence. You were… ethereal.
In her life, Natasha had faced aliens, wizards, and even sentient robots. So how far-fetched was it to assume she was now standing face to face with an angel?
Even though you didn’t know her, a gentle smile settled on your lips, your gorgeous eyes peering at her with almost childlike curiosity. Natasha stood there, frozen in place, unable to move. It wasn’t until something shifted in the silence that she remembered to breathe again.
Startled, she realized she hadn’t moved from the doorway. The door had automatically closed where she stood, trapping her. Embarrassed, she quickly stepped forward, pushing herself to snap out of it.
And, of course, she had to stumble. The gauntlets she was holding slipped from her grip and fell to the floor with an unforgivable thud. Cringing, she immediately knelt down to retrieve them. What she didn't expect was for you to do the same, even if your movement were more calm.
She flustered when she dared to look up, finding your own awaiting gaze. “Well, if they weren't broken before, they sure are now.” You joked with a smile, tone teasing but not judging.
Blinking, Natasha started sputtering, not really knowing what to say. Or how. “Yes.”
“Yes” is what her stupid brain decided to go for. Even thinking about it even now, her face scrunch with self embarrassment. What was even happening? Taking a breath, she redirected her eyes to the ground. Right, the gauntlets. They are broken. Need them fixed.
Finally standing up, she forced her body not to fidget. As if sensing this, you offered a hand to her. “Y/N Y/L/N, Mr.Starks new hire here in the lab.”
Tentatively, she accepted the shake. Her mind hanging on how your hand seemed to fit into hers. “Natasha Romanoff. Um, avenger.”
God what’s wrong with her? You giggle at that, and the sound is enough to get her out of her head. Of course that the sound is also beautiful. Was there anything about you that wasn’t? Why is she even think that?
“I know. Pleasure to meet you, Ms.Romanoff. So…may I help you with those?” You ask, your hand still being held by hers. Noticing this, Natasha removed her grip as if you were burning.
“Please.” She ended up saying, utterly embarrassed by her behaviour. Still, you gave no sense of judgment, only nodding and taking her over the workbench.
She stayed with you all that evening. And most of the next ones after that.
Her infatuation with you only seemed to grow since that first meeting, and the others quickly picked up on it. They saw it in the way Natasha—the most grounded person they knew—started sputtering and flustering whenever she talked to you. The unshakable confidence she was known for seemed to melt under the warmth of your sunshine smile and the twinkle of mischief in your eyes.
And as much as they insisted for her to make an actual move, Natasha refused.
“Uh-oh, I know that look.” Wanda sang, like a high school girl teasing her friend in high school when they listened the name of their crush. Rolling her eyes, Natasha scoffed.
”There is no look.”
”Oh, but there is.” Clint, who was watching Sam and a struggling Bucky play Mortal Combat added, not even looking away from the screen. “Your pupils practically shape into hearts— likes a lovesick puppy. It’s almost painful to watch.
”Shut it Barton.”
You were too good for her, Natasha decided on her own. You were like the sun, kind and warm, gentle in a way that it was entirely selfless. Natasha's life was one of dangers and precautions, she didn’t want to expose you to any of the threats that surrounded her lifestyle.
Even if she ached to be close to you, call you her own.
“Now it’s the time to make a move. Who knows? Maybe you will find each other under the mistletoe.” He adds with a wink.
Tony hummed. “Hm, that’s actually a good idea.”
Her head whipped toward him. “Don’t even think about it, Stark. Besides, that’s a stupid tradition. How do you even know that Y/N would willingly kiss someone just because a stupid parasitic plant is above her?”
They all laughed at that.
“Our Y/N? Please. She practically had a mental breakdown when I broke a mirror in the lab the other day,” Tony quipped, grinning.
Wanda nodded in agreement, casually flipping through the pages of her book. “Yeah, once she made me search the entire tower for something made of wood to touch, just so I wouldn’t jinx the next mission after I mentioned a hypothetical worst-case scenario. Still don’t get that one.”
Natasha’s face went pale at that, remembering a conversation she’d once had with you. You had mentioned that, while you didn’t fully believe in superstitions yourself, your family did, and it had resulted in some strange and unshakable habits for you. “Better safe than sorry,” you had said with a shrug.
A cold sweat made her tremble slightly, worsening by all of a sudden interested and sneaky grins on her friends faces.
Whatever, she still can not go.
She still had to go.
When you confirmed your attendance, you clapped excitedly, rambling about how fun it would be to spend your first Christmas together. You even brought it up when she bought you lunch—a frequent occurrence, since you often got so engrossed in your work that you forgot to eat. Natasha would be lying if she said your words didn’t tug relentlessly at her heart.
And so, there she was, surrounded by the thrumming chaos of an all-together gathering, overwhelming decorations, and overly festive arrangements at every turn. Anxiety prickled at her as she glanced toward the newly decorated attic. They couldn’t possibly have infested the entire place with mistletoe, right?
They were everywhere.
On every doorway, on the stairs, in the high columns and ceilings, even on top of the Christmas tree, scattered around—everywhere she looked, there it was. Mistletoe.
Trying to shake it off, Natasha focused her attention on the ground, her sharp gaze scanning for the culprit behind this festive ambush.
“Tony!” she half-yelled, her steps quick and deliberate as she marched toward the eccentric billionaire, who was in the middle of a conversation with Pepper.
His head whipped toward her, a flicker of fear flashing across his face before his usual smug smirk returned.
“Care to explain?” she demanded.
“Explain what, exactly? My fantastical abilities to host, or…?” he drawled, his tone dripping with amusement.
She glared furiously. “Aw, c’mon, don’t look so grumpy, Grinch! This is a time of tradition, joy—”
“And manipulation?” she interrupted through gritted teeth. “This is way too much.”
Despite her glare and the unmistakable edge in her voice, Tony remained unfazed. If anything, his amusement only grew. He glanced over her shoulder, his expression brightening as he perked up.
“Well, complaints are non-refundable. Sorry, it’s the new policy. If you’ll excuse me, Pepper needs me to sign some super high-confidence document, right, dear?”
Pepper frowned. “What are you talking ab—”
Before she could finish, Tony gently grabbed her hand and began steering her away, the two trailing off into the crowd.
Natasha was about to follow and press him further, but a voice behind her made her freeze.
“Nat, hey!”
She turned around, and suddenly, everything seemed to slow down for her. There you were, wearing a comfy red sweater, black jeans, and a pair of Mary Janes. Your hair, usually tied back for work, was flowing freely, framing your face. It was a simple, casual look, but Natasha felt her face heat up at the sight of you.
As you got closer, alarm bells blared in her mind. Her eyes darted upward, and her stomach dropped. One of those dreaded mistletoe clusters hung right above where you were heading.
Panicking, she practically sprinted toward you, desperate to avoid both of you standing under it. But she miscalculated her speed, and before she knew it, she was barrelling straight into you.
You let out a startled huff as her momentum almost knocked you over, but her quick reflexes kicked in, and she steadied you before you could stumble.
“Geez, Romanoff,” you joked, brushing yourself off as you smiled up at her. “We just saw each other this morning. Did you miss me that much?”
Your teasing tone and warm voice snapped her out of her panic, but the damage was done. Natasha’s heart was hammering in her chest, her senses overloaded as she became acutely aware of how close you were. The soft warmth of your body pressed lightly against hers, the delicate scent of cocoa beans, coconut, and something distinctly you filling the air around her.
Her cheeks burned as her mind scrambled for something—anything—to say as she looked down at you, mortified. Luckily for her, your attention diverged when someone from the staff (who even brings staff in closed up parties?) bough a chocolate fountain in a rolling chair. “No. Way.— I thought he was kidding!”
And just like that you went off excitedly, a silhouette of dust being the only trace of you left. Sighing, Natasha brought her hand to her racing heart, trying to figure out a way to survive this evening.
Her eyes opened again in determination, she was going to take off these damned things, starting with the one right on top of her.
This task, however, grew increasingly difficult as the evening wore on. Between being roped into endless conversations, you constantly looking out for her (and her desperately trying to avoid you), and the absurd number of mistletoes everywhere, Natasha felt like she was fighting a losing battle. It was as if they were multiplying before her very eyes.
Her frustration peaked during a particularly embarrassing moment—one where, of course, you were the witness.
After listening to Peter and Kamala endlessly gossip about high school drama, Natasha had collapsed onto the sofa, her patience hanging by a thread. As her gaze wandered across the room, her eyes landed on the ceiling—and there it was. Another mistletoe. This one was perched slightly higher than the others, hanging right above the beanbag chair where you often sat. Of course.
Those strategic bastards.
Taking advantage of everyone being distracted in the kitchen, she sprang into action. With no ladder in sight, she grabbed a nearby chair and carefully climbed onto it. Still too short to reach, she braced herself against the shelves, stretching precariously as she balanced. Every slight wobble of the chair made her heart lurch, but she pressed on, determined to remove the offending decoration before anyone noticed.
But of course, that was the moment you walked in, calling for her.
“Nat? Aren’t you hungry? I saved you some of those little pies you like so much—”
Your voice startled her, and she immediately looks down at you. Her grip slipped briefly, the chair wobbling dangerously beneath her.
“Y/N! Shit—” she hissed, her heart leaping into her throat. Scrambling to steady herself, she clung to the edge of the shelf and managed to avoid completely losing her balance. She froze, her cheeks heating as she realized you were staring at her, bewildered.
“What… are you doing?” you asked, the corners of your lips quirking up in confusion and slight amusement.
Blushing furiously, Natasha’s mind scrambled for a reasonable explanation. “Um… I was just… looking for Clint? You know how much he loves to hide up here.” she said with a nervous laugh, trying to sound nonchalant.
Before you could respond, someone brushed past you, momentarily breaking the tension.
It was Clint, holding a bottle of rosé wine, with the kids trailing behind him. “No alcohol until you’re 21,” he announced, his tone firm but playful.
“But I am 22!” Kate argued.
Clint snorted. “Sure you are.”
As they disappeared into the kitchen, you turned your attention back to Natasha. Arching an eyebrow, you crossed your arms, your curiosity clearly not satisfied.
“Oh, great! There he is!” Natasha blurted, clinging to her flimsy excuse. She waved awkwardly in Clint’s general direction, desperate to change the subject. “Let me just—”
But as she began stepping down, her foot slipped on the edge of the chair. She let out a startled gasp as she lost her footing entirely.
”Oh my- Natasha!”
She even tried to gain support in enemy territory.
“Steve!” she called out. The man looked over at her and clearly tried to sneak off, but it was too late. “Just how many are there?” she asked, her desperation evident. So far, she’d removed eight mistletoes and had endured three risky situations where she’d practically had to run away from you.
“Of what?” Steve replied, taking a sip of his drink, feigning ignorance.
Natasha huffed, crossing her arms. “Please, let’s skip the act. I know you also took part in this.”
Steve remained silent, his expression unreadable but gullible. Natasha sighed in exasperation. “Come on, Steve, you’re the most reasonable one out of all of them. Just tell me where the rest of the mistletoes are!”
She could see the guilt on his face—he was clearly uncomfortable. Steve Rogers wasn’t a man who lied easily. As he opened his mouth, clearly about to crack, Sam and Wanda swooped in.
“What are we talking about?” Sam asked with a goofy smile, casually draping his arm around Steve’s shoulders as if shielding him from her interrogation.
Natasha’s left eye twitched. “You know exactly what, Wilson.”
“Hmm, do I?” Sam teased, his grin widening.
Natasha ignored him, focusing on her second-best shot, since it was clear Steve wouldn’t be of much use now.
“Wanda,” she said, turning to the witch, “how many mistletoes are there?”
Wanda shrugged, playing innocent.
“If you tell me…,” Natasha added, her voice turning sly, “I’ll lend you those boots of mine you like so much.”
Wanda hesitated at that, her composure faltering slightly. “… The ones with the metal buckles?”
“The ones with the metal buckles.”
Wanda’s eyes glinted with temptation as she weighed her options. But after a brief internal debate, she furrowed her brow and firmly shook her head and crossed her arms. “No. We’re doing this for your own good, Natasha.”
Natasha laughed forcefully, her expression taut with frustration. “For my own good? I’m losing my sanity over here, Wands.” Her tone was sharp, but her forced smile remained plastered on her face.
Just then, a voice cut through the air, making Natasha freeze.
“Have you guys seen Natasha? I swear I just keep losing track of her today,” you said, your voice light-hearted as you spoke to Bruce and Tony.
The group perked up at your words, and Natasha’s head snapped toward the sound of your voice. There you were, standing across the room, looking as radiant as ever as you chatted with the two men.
As Tony and Bruce were about to point in her direction, Natasha didn’t waste another second—she quickly ducked behind the rolling chocolate fountain cart, slipping out of sight just in the nick of time.
It all came down to the climax of the party. Most of the children were asleep by now, and only the closest circle remained. Natasha was exhausted but relieved. She had finally managed to get rid of all the mistletoes, even if, in doing so, she had humiliated herself in ways she hadn’t thought possible.
Now, she could finally relax and hang out with you. Or at least, that’s what she thought. A wolf whistle and cheers erupted from her friends, who had formed a circle outside on the terrace. Curious, she approached, only to regret it immediately as she was squashed between Steve and Bucky.
Her face went pale as she saw the final mistletoe, hanging right above you and a smug Carol Danvers. In her frantic pursuit of avoiding standing under a mistletoe with you, someone else had managed to get there before her. This outcome was far worse, and dread filled her as she watched the scene unfold.
She couldn’t stand it. The way Carol got closer with bravado and you, with a smile (it was more polite and friendly than anything, but at that moment she didn’t see it like that), made her heart drop.
The world once again slowed down, but this time it was for her and you. And she just couldn’t stand it. Shattering the slow-motion moment, her mouth and body moved faster than her mind.
“Wait! You’re supposed to kiss under the mistletoe, not near it! I mean—look at that angle, it’s tilted and all wrong. Besides, is it me or are the leaves…wait, let me just scoot over here—” she muttered, pushing her way through the onlookers to get to the mistletoe. Everyone went quiet in surprise as she reached it and caressed the leaves. You just stared at her, but she seemed to pay no mind. “Ah, as I thought! These leaves are all dried. How about we replace it? Here, I know where we can find a suitable one. Will you come with me, Y/N?”
Without thinking, she took your hand and practically dragged you away, turning back toward the group. “We’ll be right back.”
Everyone remained quiet as they watched the two of you disappear.
“Here, let me just…” Natasha started, trying to find her card in her pockets. “Where did I—ah, here.”
With quick motions, she attempted to swipe the card to unlock her room. You stood behind her, watching her increasingly desperate attempts to open the door.
“Nat…” you started softly.
Chuckling awkwardly, she waited for the green light, but it still wasn’t processing for some reason. “These are so annoying. I keep insisting to Tony that he should just put in a code, but he doesn’t listen—”
“Typical of him, I know. Let’s try again.” Waiting for the red light to turn off, she swiped again, and this time the light turned green. “There, finally.”
You tried calling her again, but she interrupted. “Sorry for the wait. There are some left in my room, let’s just pick one and…” She said, turning the handle and opening the door, knowing that all the stolen mistletoes were in the corner.
“Natasha!” You finally yelled, making her turn around with wild eyes. Uh oh, you almost called her Natasha.
Your face held no negative feelings, only the patience you were known for. “Nat.” Slowly, you grabbed her trembling hand and got a bit closer. Your worry made her squirm.
“What’s going on?” you started softly, as if trying not to scare her. The consideration and gentleness in your voice made her almost burst into tears. “You’ve been behaving… strange this entire party. Running around all over the place… avoiding me.” You whispered the last words, clearly pained, and her heart shattered.
The last thing she wanted was to make you feel bad. “Did I do something wrong?”
Your question was so raw, your expression vulnerable, and Natasha wanted nothing more than to wrap you in her arms, kiss you gently, and reassure you that you didn’t—couldn’t—do anything to upset her. But she couldn’t, and the knowledge of it broke a little bit more.
“No, no, of course not. It’s just—” She started, her words getting stuck in her throat, unsure of how to put them together. “The others decided to put the place swarming with mistletoes.”
You looked at her in confusion. “Okay…why?”
Refusing eye contact, Natasha took a deep breath, her heart pounding so loudly that she thought you could hear it. Without dropping your hand, she stepped a little closer, her legs slightly trembling. She figured the best thing to do was to just say it and get it over with. She had already been making a fool of herself the entire day. But saying it was harder than she thought it would be. The fear of rejection was suffocating her.
“Because…” Finally daring to look at you, her neck reddening all up to the point of her ears, being suddenly conscious of the warmth radiating. “Because they know how serious you are about superstitions. And that if we got caught under one, then I… then I would finally dare to kiss you.”
The admission came as a whisper, shame and embarrassment hitting her like never before. It was as if she was going to combust from the inside. A pause hung between the two of you, each second of it feeling like a stab straight to her chest.
She couldn’t even begin to imagine losing you. You had become so close this year, and to think that just a couple of silly words could ruin everything was killing her. Her eyes closed tightly, waiting for the worst—a rejection, disgust, or just pity. Any of these would shatter her.
But it never came. Instead, she felt warmth—a gentle caress on her cheek, you softly urging her to open her eyes and look at you. Your face was far from the rejecting one that Natasha’s brain had conjured. Instead, it was a reassuring one, with a bright smile like the one you first gave her the day you met, your eyes soft and bright under the lights.
She blinked, as if the soft touch had pulled her back from her darkest places. Her heart seemed to stop, no longer beating out of fear but for hope. Because as she studied you, she saw nothing but kindness and happiness.
“You… you’re not upset?” she asked, as if it were too good to be true.
Your smile widened, laughing softly under your breath at her surprise. “Nat, how could I ever be upset? I—” This time it was you who searched for the right words, your cheeks flushed with a lovely rosy color that Natasha couldn’t help but find fascinating. “How could I, when I’ve been waiting for you to do this for quite some time?”
Your admission hung in the air, like a symphony. Natasha could feel the weight of the world lift from her shoulders. “You have?”
“Of course I have.” You confessed, as if the question were ridiculous to even ask. “You’ve been everything my heart has been yearning for, Natasha.”
Natasha sure wasn’t a poet, but right now she was seeing the world as one. The way in which your words embraced her, your slightly dilated eyes looking at her as if she was the only one on your mind.
Was this what the others saw? The look she has been too oblivious to see?
She wanted to hit her head in frustration, all the time wasted because of her doubts. But she was free of them now, having you as her savior.
Getting closer, she dared to pull you closer by your waist, marveling at how it felt in tandem with her movements, as if you two had done this a thousand times before, in different lives, before this one.
“So… you’re telling me I made that champagne pyramid fall all over Fury for nothing?” she asked, as if it were a secret.
You laughed loudly at that, remembering the moment when Natasha stumbled all over the table later on in the evening. Everything seemed to make sense now.
“You know…” you started, the laughter dying down as you softly tucked a piece of Natasha’s hair behind her ear, your touch lingering on her jaw. “For someone so intelligent and charismatic, you sure are clumsy at times.”
Natasha huffed, rolling her eyes with an affectionate smile. “Only because you…” she started, but caught herself, her eyes slightly widening.
You arched an eyebrow. “Oh? Only because of that? Do I make you nervous, Romanoff?” You grinned, adoring the way she seemed lost for words.
Sputtering, she tried to defend herself, but someone beat her to it.
“Very much so!” Tony yelled.
Your eyes snapped toward him, only to see the team huddled up behind the corner.
You snickered, Natasha flustered. “What are you…? Go away!” She hesitated.
Tony smirked. “Not so fast, Romanoff! You have to kiss.”
Confused, she followed his hand motion, only to see a mistletoe floating with surrounding red magic.
“Damn it, Wanda…” she muttered, but you just laughed at your friend’s antics, hiding your face in her shoulder.
Natasha’s attention shifted back to you, her smile filled with adoration. Finally, you peered up at her.
“We don’t have to if you don’t want to…” she started shyly, not wanting to pressure you into doing anything. But you only got closer to her.
“I don’t know, I think you do owe me a kiss,” you replied with a grin. “You know, to balance the universe.”
“Yeah…” she muttered, eyes lowering. “To balance the universe.” She reaffirmed, leaning down. But before her lips touched yours, she gripped you and dragged you both into her room, slamming the door shut. She ignored the muffled complaints heard from the hallway as she pinned you against it, wanting to have you all to herself.
Connecting her eyes with yours, she searched for any trace of doubt, but found nothing but darkened irises. Hesitation left her once and for all as she leaned in, her lips meeting yours. She sighed, and everything else seemed to fade into the distance.
The kiss was slow at first, gentle and tentative, giving you both time to discover each other. But the passion, held back for so long by insecurities and “what ifs,” broke free like a dam, intensifying everything tenfold. Her hand gripped your waist slightly harder, while one of your hands trailed up to her hair, tugging it just enough to make her shudder. Urgently, she pulled you even closer, as if afraid you might disappear.
Her breath quickened as she felt your body pressed against hers. The kiss deepened, turning frantic with all the pent-up desire. Suddenly, you tugged at her bottom lip, almost provocatively, as you looked up at her through your eyelashes. Natasha groaned, her heart racing. It was like seeing a whole new side of you, and she just couldn’t get enough.
Licking into your mouth, she hummed as your knees seemed to buckle, holding your hips to make sure you didn't fall. No, you weren’t going anywhere. Not when she finally had you in her arms.
You could feel the tension in her body as you traced her shoulders and back, her muscles tensing with every movement. It was as if she couldn’t get enough of you, kissing you—consuming you with everything she had.
It left you breathless. If anything, air became the only obstacle, the only force capable of separating you. Both gasping for breath, you didn’t dare to say anything for a moment, just taking in the overwhelming sensation of being so close, so lost in each other.
“You know, technically…” you started slowly, a playful smirk on your lips. “Technically, you interrupted my kiss with Carol before.”
As soon as the words left your mouth, her grip on you tightened, a small growl escaping her at the thought of anyone else getting the chance to do what you had just done. But you quickly calmed her, softly cupping the side of her face. “So, you owe me another kiss.”
She looked at you with darkened eyes, a mix of desire and challenge in her gaze. “I guess you’re right… We wouldn’t want to have bad luck.”
“Of course not,” you repeated, your lips brushing against hers as you gently guided her closer. “You know how superstitious I am.”
“Yes, I do,” she whispered, a teasing smile crossing her face as she closed the distance.
#mcu#natasha romanoff#fanfic#nat x reader#natasha x reader#fluff#oneshot#short prompt#christmas#reader insert#avengers#marvel blurb#natasha romanoff x fem!reader#natasha romanoff x reader
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Title: Nursle.
Pairing: Yandere!Gojo Satoru x Reader (JJK).
Word Count: 3.4k.
TW: Non/Con, Fem!Reader, Mentions of Pregnancy, Implied Stalking, Unprotected Sex, Oral Sex, Rough Sex, Lactation, Slight Breeding Kinks, Daddy Kinks, Mentions of Abusive Relationships, and Age Gaps (Gojo is 20, Reader is 35+).
[Part Two] [Part Three]
A few days into the new school year, you decided that Gojo Satoru could not be Fushiguro Megumi’s primary guardian, despite what the paperwork filed by the former claimed. Honestly, the fact that Megumi’s name had been misspelled in every conceivable way across the aforementioned paperwork should’ve been enough to make that clear, but after a decade of teaching, you’d learned to pick up on the smaller signs; a certain discomfort that passed through Megumi's expression whenever you asked about his homelife, the lapse before a half-hearted answer whenever you posed a question to Satoru as to Megumi's preferences. It didn’t necessarily mean anything bad was going on, just that something was going on - something you couldn’t ignore, not completely.
Four weeks into the new school year, you decided that Fushiguro Megumi did not like Gojo Satoru. All your students were at the age where they were suddenly eager to distance themselves from any adult they could call an authority, but Megumi was the only one still in your classroom hours after the school day ended, the only one who stayed for as long as you could afford to let him. Sometimes, Satoru would make an appearance, loiter outside of your classroom or pass time with the best attempts at small talk someone nearly two decades your junior could make, but Megumi made a habit of ignoring him and try as you might, you'd never had the heart to be very strict with your students. The only days he didn’t stay to help you (as much as a nine year old could help anyone do anything) were the days when his sister was free to pick him up and, much to your relief, Satoru was nowhere to be found.
Two months into the new school year, you found yourself on the doorstep of Gojo Satoru’s listed address which, notably, was not the dingy flat you’d dropped off Megumi in front of whenever he stayed too late to justify letting him walk home alone. Instead, you gaped openly at the skyscraper in front of you, as tall as the eye could see and pouring out the kind of people you couldn’t help but want to get away from. You’d called ahead, let Satoru know you’d be making a home visit to discuss some of your concerns about Megumi, but for as long as he’d kept you on the phone, he’d never bothered to explain why he would ask you to meet him in a place like—
“You’re early, Miss (L/n).”
You stiffened, glanced over your shoulder to find Gojo Satoru – dressed in his usual plain, black uniform and unaccompanied by the student you’d come to discuss. He greeted you with a wide grin, a lazy nod, and you returned it with a purse-lipped smile and a tightened hold on the strap of your messenger bag. “Well, I’d hate to waste your time.” You toyed with the idea of meeting his eyes, but your gaze skirted over the pitch-black lenses of his sunglasses and settled firmly on the collar of his button-up. “And you don’t have to call me that. It makes you sound like one of my students and—” A slight pause, a nervous laugh. “I think you might be a little too old to blend in.”
Satoru’s grin only widened. With only your own paranoia as warning, he strung an arm through the crook of yours, dragging you towards the entrance of his looming tower. “I think it’s got a nice ring to it, Miss.”
Something sharp pricked at the back of your throat.
In hindsight, it might’ve been easier to do this with the nine year old.
You kept your teeth grit and your smile plastered on as he led you through the lobby – all shining crystal chandeliers and glistening marble floors – and hauled you into a gold-gilded elevator, the kind that would’ve let you know you were somewhere you didn’t belong under normal circumstances. You watched in stomach-knotting, heart-stopping terror as the numbers ticked up, up, up, until the mirrored doors were sliding open and you were stepping into the living room that could’ve swallowed your shoebox of an apartment whole. Your heels (blocked, low, practical – the only pair you’d found the strength to wear since coming back from your leave) clicked against the bare tile floor as you stumbled into the remarkably open space, his furniture sparse and largely utilitarian. You spotted one of Megumi’s drawings on a low coffee table, a pile of Tsumiki’s hairbands forgotten on an otherwise empty bookshelf, but any other signs of life were either nonexistent or exceptionally well-hidden. Any hope you had that Megumi and Satoru’s situation might’ve just been that of a young, overburdened guardian and his slow-to-warm ward evaporated immediately. Those of limited means tended not to live in penthouses that cost triple your annual salary in rent.
If Satoru noticed your growing anxiety, he didn’t seem to pay it any mind. With an exaggerated yawn, he strode past you and collapsed onto a leather couch – too pristine to have been recently visited by two hyperactive children. When you stalled near the entryway, he let his head lull to the side, his tinted glasses falling low on the bridge of his nose. “You don’t have to be shy. There’s plenty of room – not that I mind the view, if you really wanna stand.”
You took a deep breath and let it out in a long, labored exhale. He’s practically a kid, you reminded yourself. You could only be thankful you hadn’t gotten him a couple of years ago – otherwise, you’d be dealing with an actual child.
Reluctantly, you squared your shoulders and perched yourself on the far edge of the sofa. Satoru immediately closed the distance, draping his lanky arms over the back of the couch, his fingertips just barely brushing against your shoulder. You pulled your messenger bag into your lap, opening your mouth as you looked for Megumi’s file, but Satoru cut in before you could start your well-practiced monologue. “This is your first year at his school, right? I’d remember if I saw a teacher as pretty as you around campus.”
“It’s my first year back,” you corrected. “I’ve noticed Megumi very introverted for a boy his—”
“Let me guess – maternity leave?”
Your lips quirked into a tight frown. Fighting the urge to cross your arms over your stomach self-consciously, you sent him a withering look out of the corner of your eye. “I’d rather not talk about my personal life, if it’s all the same to you. Like I said, I’m not here to waste your time.”
Your tone was clipped, your voice strict, but Satoru’s only response was an airy chuckle, a careless grin. “I’m not in a rush,” he said. “But you’re probably eager to get back home to your baby girl. I know you try to spend time with her on weekends.”
This time, you didn’t try to breathe. Letting your bag fall back to your side, you moved to stand, but Satoru was quick to catch you by the wrist, to pull you back down with a single, playful jerk. Your bag fell off of your shoulder, hitting the floor and spilling open at your feet, but you didn’t reach for it. He was stronger than he looked, and you already knew everything you had to about strong young men with more power than they knew what to do with. “I’d really rather not talk about myself when Megumi is—”
“Can’t be easy, leaving her all alone like that. Did you ask your neighbor to babysit again, or was it that brat of a teenager you call up on weekends?” His hand fell to your thigh, and you immediately regretted wearing a dress, let alone one that ended well before the knee. You’d wanted this to seem causal, unintrusive, but as his fingertips bit into the plush of your thigh, you regretted not going straight to the police as soon as you noticed something strange. “Can’t be easy, not having a husband to dote on you and the little princess anymore.”
You keep your eyes on your feet, on one of the manilla folders spilling out of your bag. Megumi's name was scrawled messily across the upper right corner in red pen, because red was his favorite color and you knew he would see it every time he helped you organize paperwork for your other students. “I appreciate your concern, but we’ve managed to take care of ourselves.”
“I know.” He was close, too close. You could feel his breath, hot and humid, against the shell of your ear. “It’s just that I think I might just be able to take care of you a little better.”
“I think I should leave.” You spoke slowly, your tone flat, factual. Like you were talking to a child, or a dog, or worst of all – a man in monks' clothing, ready to worship at his own alter. “Before either of us does anything we might regret.”
Satoru let his lead lull forward, his fanged smile biting into the corner of your jaw.
You tried to bolt, but it was already too late.
It happened too quickly for you to process. One second, you were writhing in your own skin, your favorite student’s neglectful guardian pressed into your side and the next, you were on your back, splayed over the length of his couch, Satoru’s knee between your open legs and his hands on either side of your head. Your body reacted before your mind, trying to run, to resist, to get away from him, but Satoru’s hand was on your chest before you could so much as sit up, keeping you trapped underneath him without a trace of effort. “You can stop working so hard, momma.” His glasses had fallen away completely, revealing eyes as blinding as the cloudless sky and as unfeeling as raw ice. It was hard to remember why you’d ever thought a man like this could ever have anything to do with a boy as sweet as Megumi. “Daddy’s gonna take real good care of you.”
You shouldn’t have been so worried about the dress. It didn’t matter how long your skirt was, not when the cheap material fell apart so easily under his eager touch – your bra and panties discarded with just as little thought. You panicked, started to kick and shove and thrash, but his hands were already locked over your hips, keeping you pinned to the couch as he bent down and buried his face between your thighs. However young you’d thought he was, he must’ve been younger; his inexperience shining through in the overzealous way he nipped at the inside of your thighs, how hastily he laved the flat of his tongue over your slit. His pace was rough, his technique nonexistent, but you couldn’t remember the last time you had time to touch yourself, and you hadn’t slept with someone else since…
This time, when your mind went blank, you were the one willing away fractured thoughts and bitter memories. You didn’t want to acknowledge the twisted pleasure Satoru was forcing onto your body either, but it would’ve been impossible to ignore the way his teeth grazed over your clit as he wrapped his lips around the sensitive bud, to not hear the slick sound you just couldn’t seem to believe a part of you would make as he forced two fingers into your tight pussy. You threw your head back, clenched your eyes shut, but no amount of aversion could seem to block out his throaty laugh, to make the reverberations his deep voice sent pulsing through your cunt anything short of unbearable. “Needy little thing,” he muttered, pulling away just far enough to press a lingering kiss into the apex of your hip. “Bet he was neglecting you even before you ran off. Is that why you had to leave him? He didn’t know how to treat a pretty thing like you?”
You would’ve given anything to make him stop talking, but you didn’t have a chance to try and bargain. While his fingers pumped mercilessly into your pussy, his mouth pushed slow, wet kisses into the rounded curves of your stomach, your midriff, your chest. He noticed it before you did; saw the thin trail of thin, near-transparent fluid running down the curve of your chest before you felt the telltale soreness in your breasts, managed to draw a connection between that and the shallow, airy moan Satoru let out as he ran his tongue over your leaking nipple. He took long, agonizing seconds to lick up the spilled milk before his lips found the closest nipple and finally, he latched onto you properly.
He was worse than your newborn. It was an awful thing to think, it was a terrible thing to have to think, but it was true. He was rough, and clumsy, and noisy – groaning as he lapped and sucked, eager to swallow down anything you had to give. Drool seeped out of the corner of his mouth, whatever pain he might’ve alleviated immediately replaced as the fingertips of his free hand kneaded into your swollen tit. By the time he pulled away, he was panting, scissoring open your pussy with enough force to leave your toes curling, your thighs twitching, little involuntary whimpers slipping past your lips despite your best efforts to choke them back.
He didn’t so much earn your climax as drag it out of you, piece by fractured piece, broken moan by stuttering convulsion. Your hands shot to his head, fingers soon knotted through messy white hair, but he didn’t seem to care, didn’t seem to mind, his attention devoted entirely to spreading open your cunt and milking your chest dry even as the last of the aftershocks faded and the first pangs of overstimulation began to set in. When he did pull away from you, it was with an exaggerated smack of his lips, a teasing nudge of the heel of his palm against your clit, a cocky smirk that reminded you of the expression Megumi would sometimes draw onto his doodled stick figures as they were hit with simplistic, two-dimensional cars or torn apart by black and white wolves. That was something you’d meant to bring up during your conversation with Satoru – Megumi’s tendency towards more violent forms of creativity, how it could be an early sign of emotional unrest in children too young to properly express themselves. Now, you could only wonder why he didn’t draw Satoru more often.
You were barely conscious by the time he drew back working one arm under your back and another under the bend of your knees. You let your eyes fall shut and, by the time you found the strength to open them again, you were on your back, dark satin sheets underneath you and Satoru above, snowy hair providing a much-appreciated barrier between you and those terrible eyes. This time, you couldn’t stop yourself from meeting his prying gaze, and he welcomed your bleary stare, drinking you in for one second, then another, before dipping that much lower and slotting his lips against yours. The kiss was surprisingly gentle – all slow tenderness and delicate warmth. Your mind flitted back to dark eyes and pitch-black hair, pointed teeth and deceiving smiles and you willed yourself not to think at all.
You heard fabric shift, felt his hands curl around your thighs. With an aching sort of slowness, he pushed your knees into your chest, leaving you spread open and vulnerable below him. You felt the head of his cock press against your slick entrance, heard a raspy groan trickle past his lips as he thrust into you – bottoming out in the same stroke.
He didn’t wait for you to adjust to his size. With his face buried in the crook of your neck, he rutted into you with short, brutal thrusts; never pulling out of you entirely, never happy unless his cock was abusing the deepest pocket of your wet heat. Immediately, it was overwhelming – too much stimulation being forced onto you too quickly with too little preparation. Your hands fell to his back, your nails biting into his skin as he fucked into you with a jagged kind of desperation. His cock scraped against something soft and spongy inside of you and you cried out, arching against him. “I can’t— It hurts, Gojo, slow—”
“C’mon, baby, you can do better than that.” His voice was low, airy. He pressed an open-mouthed kiss into the corner of your jaw, rolled his hips and pressed himself that much deeper into you. “What’s my name? Who’s takin' care of you from now on?”
It was more an act of desperation than anything; a broken plea that you could barely recognize as your own voice. “Daddy,” you sobbed, shrinking against him. “Please, don’t cum insi—”
You were cut off by an unabashed moan, the feeling of his cock twitching inside of you. His hips pressed into yours, his thrusts growing shorter, more violent as he pumped something warm and awful into your pussy. At the same time, his thumb found your clit, pushing harsh circles into the vulnerable bundle of nerves and bringing your exhausted body to its second climax. Your vision burnt white as your cunt clenched around him, as his thrusts turned labored and languid, as collapsed against you – limp and boneless. Idly, almost lovingly, he nuzzled into the side of your neck, letting several seconds pass in silence before sighing, the pinnacle of satisfaction. Eventually, he picked himself up, resting his weight on his elbows as he cupped your face. “Pretty girl. I think the brat’s got a crush on you, too – always going on about his favorite teacher, telling me to keep my dirty hands away from you.” He laughed, shook his head. “Think he’ll be excited to have a younger sister?”
You didn’t answer, but Satoru didn’t need you to. He was already picking himself up, already pressing a kiss into the crook of your neck as he straightened his back, staring down at you with eyes that must’ve gone lifeless years ago. Eyes that, despite your best efforts to ignore their similarities, you couldn’t help but feel that you’d seen before.
“Speaking of, I think it’s about time we checked on our baby girl.”
Less than an hour later, you found yourself in your makeshift nursery; the corner of your bedroom occupied by a crib and a few shelves of miscellaneous supplies. You sat on the foot of your bed as Satoru held your daughter in his arms, rocking her as she sniffled and threatened to cry. You’d taken a taxi back to your apartment – called up and paid for by Satoru, of course. He’d given the driver your address before you so could so much as process where he was taking you, something you were currently choosing to ignore.
“She looks just like him.” His tone was light, his smile soft. He gestured to your daughter’s curly tufts of dark hair, her brown eyes – both only a shade away from black. “It’ll get worse as she grows up. He was always like that – couldn’t stand to let anyone else be the center of attention.”
You felt sick. Black spots still danced in the corners of your vision, and it took all your strength just to choke something coherent out. “He’ll never meet her. I’d die before I ever let him put his hands on my daughter.”
“I know, baby, I know.” He flashed you a grin, then turned back to your daughter. “I’m gonna keep both of you safe, be such a good daddy to both my pretty girls.” He pulled her that much closer to him, pressing a ginger kiss into her forehead. “You know, you really gotta open up more. I tried as hard as I could, but I don’t think I ever managed to catch her name.”
That made sense. You tended not to use it, when you could help it, when you were strong enough not to think about the man who’d given it to her – the man who’d tried to take yours, before you’d gotten away from him and and his monsters. You weren’t feeling very strong right now, though.
“Himari,” you mumbled, the sound of it alone still enough to steal the air out of your lungs, to leave the taste of blood heavy on your tongue.
“Geto Himari.”
#yandere#yandere x reader#yandere x you#yandere imagines#yandere oneshot#jujutsu kaisen#jujutsu kaisen imagines#jujutsu kaisen x reader#yandere jujutsu kaisen#jjk x reader#jjk imagines#yandere jjk#gojo x reader#gojo x you#yandere gojo satoru#gojo satoru x reader#yanderecore#yancore#yandere gojo
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never let me go.
PART ONE ➺ series masterlist
[jason todd x reader]
summary — you’ve returned to gotham after a few years away, having left as soon as you could to escape the constant reminders of your deceased best friend, jason todd. you expected to be haunted by the ghost of him the minute you stepped foot in the city, but certainly not like this — the city you call home has much more in store than you could have imagined. warnings — childhood best friends to lovers, mentions of death + mourning, angst a/n; my first jason series! i hope you guys like it and please let me know your thoughts! <3
You step out of the revolving doors of Wayne Enterprises, grimacing as you leave the sweet kiss of air conditioning blowing on your face to step into the suffocating August heat.
The humidity turns the whole city of Gotham into a pressure cooker, warm air sinking into the pavement and rising from the streets in thick waves like something sentient as it clings to your skin. Each inhale you take is more stifling than the last, the scents of gasoline, hot metal, the occasional waft of something fried from a street cart dizzying you.
Wayne Tower looms tall behind you, its glass windows tinted gold in the dying sunlight that cast you in a warm glow as you leave for the evening. Your work day is over, but the streets are still restless, businessmen bustling around trying to hail cabs, couples weaving through the foot traffic, kids running from their parents’ grasps.
You adjust the strap of your tote bag and start walking, the sound of your heels clicking against the sidewalk getting lost under the city’s constant hum.
The air smells like rain, even thought the sky is clear, just streaked with the last bruised colours of a sunset. It’ll storm soon, you think, squinting at the sky. Gotham in August always storms.
You walk faster, eager to get home and nearly bump into a couple of teenagers loitering outside a bodega. The neon glow of the sign flickers and spills onto the sidewalk, casting them in a sickly green hue. The glass doors swing open and shut as customers come and go, but the teens are laughing quietly, heads inclined towards each other and paying no mind to anyone else.
One of them nudges the other with an exaggerated shove, nearly sending them off the curb. It’s careless, completely normal. And yet you find yourself feeling suddenly hollow inside.
You snap out of it when they start walking, barely sidestepping in time to avoid colliding with the girl.
“Shit, sorry,” she mutters, stuffing a crinkled bag of chips into her hoodie pocket.
“No worries,” you reply automatically, but something in the scene pulls at you, holding you for a beat too long. The girl gives you a once over, her gaze lingering on your work attire — you don’t look like you belong here. She raises her brows, before turning away to join her friend.
The easy way they stand together, the teasing and the unspoken promise that they have each other’s back is clear as day with the way they angle themselves towards each other as they walk.
You want to open your mouth and tell them you once sat exactly where they’re hanging out, wearing clothes the complete opposite of the sleek pantsuit that’s basically become your uniform this last year. Using watermelon lip gloss and smudgy eyeliner instead of the sophisticated neutral tones that now make you look softer, unassuming.
Instead, you turn on your heal and continue to walk the familiar path home, lost in thought.
You’re fourteen, sitting on the curb outside the same bodega, nursing a stolen Coke between your hands. Jason is next to you, one leg stretched onto the sidewalk, the other bent up to rest his arm over his knee. He’s grinning, breathless and there’s a fresh scrape on his cheek from the chase.
“You should’ve seen your face,” he laughs, reaching over to shove at your shoulder. “I swear, I thought you were going to trip and eat the pavement.”
You glare at him, but can’t help the smile forming on your own face. “I wouldn’t have had to run if you hadn’t mouthed off to that guy.”
Jason simply shrugs, expression smug. “He was being a dick. You know I can’t let that slide.”
You shake your head, taking a sip of your Coke. It’s warm now, borderline flat, but it tastes like victory. The city hums around you, cars speeding past, the distant wail of sirens. The radio inside the bodega is playing something old and crackly and you sigh.
Jason leans back on his hands and tilts his head at you. “We’re gonna get out of here someday, y’know.”
“Yeah?” you ask, raising an eyebrow. “Where to?”
“Anywhere,” he says, like it’s the easiest thing in the world for two teenagers with no money. “Paris. London. Some random island where nobody knows our names.”
“‘Cause everyone knows who we are right now,” you quip back.
He nudges your sneaker with his own. “We’ll be big shots. No more scraping by. No more running from guys twice our size. Well. My size. Thrice yours.”
You snort, letting that one go. The way he says it makes you want to believe it.
You lean back beside him, staring up at the night sky, barely visible with the haze of light pollution. “Being the smarter one, I think I should get to pick the first destination.”
“Deal,” Jason says, tugging on a strand of your hair and laughing it off when you swat his hand away. He swipes the Coke from your hands and takes a large swig. “Goodbye, Gotham.”
You rest your head on his shoulder and drop your voice to a whisper, almost like you’re making a wish, “Goodbye, Gotham.”
The sound of a car horn jolts you back. A cab driver is swearing at you for not looking at where you’re going, but you’re letting the words roll off your back, the phantom of Jason’s voice still lingering in your mind.
He’s gone now and you’re still here, because Gotham doesn’t let people go. Not that easily.
Bruce doesn’t ask you why you live near Crime Alley anymore. Dick doesn’t hound you about moving to a much nicer area every time he sees you — God knows you can afford it now, with the broke college student life well behind you. Even in an area as shitty as this, your apartment is a lot bigger than the one you had in New York during college.
Tim will still occasionally send you links to available apartments much nearer to Wayne Tower, but you don’t expect him to understand. He knows you grew up here, but he didn’t know you back then. He doesn’t know that you can navigate the area like the back of your hand and that you practically feel separation anxiety. You just tell him it’s easier to do your job as Wayne Enterprises’ Philanthropy and Outreach coordinator if you’re living in an area you’re actively trying to help.
It’s ridiculous, but you can’t sleep without the background noise that doesn’t come with the territory of a nice neighbourhood. Every time you visit your mom in her new place, you get antsy after half an hour and it’s not like she’s living in a mansion or anything.
You’re thankful you were able to get her out of working multiple jobs to make ends meet, and that Bruce was able to find her a much nicer position in one of his offices. Call it his guilty conscience, but you’re certainly not complaining.
You don’t talk about Jason with him, but he knows it’s one of the reasons you stay where you are. He knows you feel a similar sense of survivor’s guilt and that it keeps you staying in an apartment where the weekly rent is less than the cost of your work heels. An apartment where the keys get jammed into the lock every time you try to open the damn door.
Once you’re in, you drop your bag at the door and toe off your heels, with a sigh. The apartment is quiet, the way it always is. You should eat something. Maybe shower. Maybe call your mom back.
You open your fridge instead. It’s half empty, unsurprisingly, but it’s not until you scan the shelves that you realise you’re out of milk and cold brew. And, now that you’re thinking about it, anything that could be considered dinner.
For a second, you debate it. The bodega right downstairs is closed, and the only place open this light is a 24-hour convenience store a few blocks over. You could just deal with it in the morning, but the thought of starting the day without caffeine is enough to have you grabbing your keys and slipping on your sneakers.
The night air is thick and humid, and you find yourself grateful for the light rain spitting on your face and cooling you down. Thankfully, the convenience store is empty, save for Mr Ruiz, the old man who runs the place, who sits behind the counter, flipping through a newspaper. He looks up when the bell chimes.
“Late night, sweetheart?” he asks kindly, too used to your visits.
“Something like that,” you say, grabbing some coffee, milk and a pack of ramen for good measure. You pause for a second before grabbing some chocolate too.
As you set the things down on the counter, Mr Ruiz shakes his head. “You be careful walking home, alright? Some punks started trouble just outside here earlier. Nasty fight.”
“I’m always careful,” you brush him off, undeterred, fingers brushing over the taser in your pocket as you reach for your wallet. Jason had given it to you in the first year of becoming Robin. Tim has had to spruce it up a bit for you since, to make sure it still works. It probably works a little too good now, but at least you feel better walking the streets at night.
“Swiped it from the Batcave. B’s got a whole stash of them, he won’t miss one. Just zap and run, alright?”
You just laugh — it seems a little overkill. But Jason just crosses his arms, eyes turning serious for once. “Just take it. Please?”
“Alright, chill,” you say, rolling your eyes and gingerly plucking it from his hands and he visibly relaxes. “I doubt I’ll even need it. I have Batman and Robin under my belt now, don’t I?”
His smile falters for just a second. “Yeah, well. I can’t always be around, y’know?”
You raise a brow at him. “Could’ve fooled me. You’ve been at my house every day this past week.”
“That’s not what I mean,” he huffs out a laugh but it doesn’t quite meet his eyes. “I’m always patrolling with B now, sure. But… you know it’s dangerous shit, right? Anything could happen.”
You frown, unsettled by his words for a beat before shuffling closer and flicking his forehead. He makes a startled noise and you smirk, leaning back against your bed, fiddling around with the taser. “Not to you, stupid. You’re always gonna be around to annoy me.”
“It’s a good thing Hood was around tonight,” Mr Ruiz says, bringing you back to the moment.
“Hood?” You blink, opening up your wallet.
He gives you a look like you’ve just asked him who Batman is. “Red Hood. Guy with the mean looking helmet? Ain’t afraid to get a little rough?”
The more you think about it, you have heard his name before, probably on the news. You don’t tend to spend as much time in your own neighbourhood, considering how busy you are with work. And you haven’t been back from college for long enough to be familiar with as many Gotham vigilantes beyond Bruce and co. At this point, there are so many running around the city, it’s hard to keep track.
“Yeah, sure. That guy,” you say, handing him a bill and nodding. “Good to know.”
Mr Ruiz shakes his head at you, bagging your things. “Just be careful. It’s Gotham.”
You nod, having heard those words a million times before and you offer him a smile before heading back outside.
Whatever happened earlier seems to have disappeared, the street completely empty. No signs of a fight, no lingering trouble. Just the flickering street lamp, the distant yells from a domestic dispute in some nearby apartment and that too familiar feeling — that someone is watching you.
Your fingers tighten around the taser in your pocket.
But when you glance up at the rooftop, as always, there’s nothing there. Just the city skyline stretching endlessly above you.
© angelfic. 2025
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Omg I adored your 10’s a crowd fic!! What if Logan was with a reader who loved the color pink! Their bedroom had pink everything, even wearing pink! You can make them innocent if you want but imagine how Logan would just find the reader so angel-like coming hard surrounded by bright pink pastels🤭
Handsome in Pink‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚.



♡ Pairing: Logan Howlett/female!Reader
♡ Word Count: 1.4k
♡ Rating: Explicit 18+
♡ Warning/Tags: SMUT! MINORS DNI, sub!Logan, hand job in the mirror, PRAISE, p-v sex, unprotected sex, a lil cum play (kinda?), a lil orgasm denial
♡ Note: Just a quick lil thing because love a lil sub!Logan and I love the color pink. I specifically envision worst!Logan for this, but do as you please
It wasn't something Logan had noticed about you at first. Pink. Typically, it was something subtle like your nails or just one piece of your outfit like that short little number that drove him crazy. When you causally mentioned that it was your favorite color, it all clicked for him. It wasn't just what you wore.
It was the little coral trinkets and floor mats in your car. It was rose gold key ring. It was the baby pink lace panties that poked out when you reached across his lap to grab the remote. They were all different shades. You saw rose, millennial, salmon, cherry blossom, etc. Logan, on the other hand...
"Hm, the site says pastel but then sends this," you groaned as you eyed the skirt that arrived in the mail.
With furrowed brows, Logan crossed his arms. "Ain't that pastel?"
"It's more bubblegum than pastel."
"But it's pink."
"You don't get it."
Logan would be the first to admit that he didn't exactly have an eye for fashion or design, but when he saw your room for the first time, he knew he had never seen so much pink in his life. There were a variety of pinkish hues were broken up by white furniture and flourishing green plants. The pastel bedding mixed with darker pillows and blankets somehow worked for Logan.
Logan had never seen a room like this. And by god, he had never experienced pleasure the way he did in that rosy room.
Your preference for pink gave people a number of preconceived notions, Logan included. A number of those assumptions were correction. Sweet, romantic, sensitive, tender—these were words that could describe you.
Innocent wasn't one of them. And Logan learned this in the best way possible.
"Look at you, baby," you cooed, feathery kisses lining Logan's shoulder. Both on your knees, you were flushed against Logan's taut back. Logan's large figure towered over yours. Still, you had a clear view of the man in your standing mirror. Your slight hand, wet from a mix of your own saliva and his pre-cum, was wrapping around his throbbing cock. Your nails of your other hand slightly tranced circles onto his back. "So handsome, so big...so good for me."
Logan's chest heaved and abs clenched as you tried to control his breathing. It was overwhelming for Logan. The feeling of your frilled, cerise bralette against his back, your warm hand steadily pumping him, your soft stare gazing at his reflection.
It would be easy for Logan to thrust his hips into your grip, control the pace. But there was something about giving into you, surrendering to your alluring spell.
"Fuck, sweetheart..." Logan's groans came deep from his chest as he tried to ignore every dominant instinct he had. "I need to touch you. Please darlin'."
You relished in his begs and pleads but continued your pace. The deep growls that were emitting from his chest was proof of thin his control was at. Your thumb grazed on his tip causing Logan's hips to unintentionally buck.
Your nails roughly dug into his back, earning a wince mixed with pain and pleasure. "Easy, baby...I think you're doing just fine with what you got, yeah?"
Logan couldn't find the words to respond. The smell of your peony perfume and your soft voice dancing through his head, being under your trance—it was intoxicating. Retraining himself, Logan dug his own palms into the sides of his thighs. He was a mess, and you both were loving every second of it.
It was like a high to watch the indestructible man crumble under the simple weight of your touch, knees digging into the cerise fleeced blanket. With ragged breaths and a twitching cock, you could tell Logan near his climax. You savored the strained breaths and groans that Logan couldn't help but release.
"You're gonna come for me, Lo." Your voice was just above a whisper, but you knew Logan heard you. You weren't asking; you never had to. Keeping your speed steady, you keep your eyes locked on his through the mirror. "Just let it happen, baby. Doing so good for me."
Logan's release was almost immediate as if he was waiting for your divine approval. His body clenched against your, feeling his release tighten every inch of his physique. He'd rather have painted your walls, feel you clench around him. But the feeling of taking ropes of his cum into your palm just to lather his still-hardened cock with it as he rode his high felt like something else entirely. As he watched you lubricate his cock further, his thoughts were completely taken over by your soft moans of approval.
"Oh, Lo, such a good boy," you purred against his shoulder. The sound of your praise made his cock twitch again. And you knew what he wanted.
You looked ethereal as you rode his cock. The sight of his cock continuously disappearing into your tight cunt—leaving a creamed ring in its wake—it was heaven. Logan was more than happy to watch you control your pace on his lap in exchange of finally being able to caress you. With a slacked jaw, his rough hands massaged your soft skin from your thighs to your ass, all while watching provide him levels of pleasure that he hadn't experienced in years. And he never imagined he'd feel this way with blushed, stringed lights in his vision field and rose, satin sheets smoothing his back.
Even when you told Logan not to come, not yet at least, Logan found that there was a level of pleasure of watching you get yourself off on his lap. Yes, flipping you over and hammering deep into you until you drunk from his cock sounded good. Yet, surrendering to your alluring call was something else entirely.
"Jesus, princess." He words were barely audible as his eyes roamed your figure. "So goddamn pretty."
Your hum turned into a worn gasp as you felt your climax on the horizon again. You knew ordering Logan to hold off on his own climax during your last one was difficult. As your grinds turned into bounces, Logan looked desperate. He needed to finish in you, coat his favorite pink walls white.
"I know, Lo..." You were practically about to come apart yourself, leaning down to pressed your chest against his. Your strained yet firm voice rang in his ear, "I need y-you to fill me, baby. S-so close."
His grip on your hips slightly tightened. His needy eyes looked in with yours, scanning for you permission to give you everything he had. He didn't see it but he sure as hell heard.
"Please, Logan, just fuck me! I need you, baby."
Like flipping a switch, his hips thrusted up into you with reckless abandon. Your cries were soon muffled when Logan's lips meet yourself in a searing kiss, but he needed to hear those pretty little moans of yours no matter how sweet you tasted. Nuzzling his head into your neck, he continued to mercilessly thrust into you, feeling the recoil of your ass against his hips.
The combination of his teeth nipping at your pulse and pounding deliciously close to your cervix made your eyes roll. You knew you were good at getting Logan to fall into a wave of pleasure just from your touch alone, but the both of you knew Logan could easily turn those tides.
"That's it, Lo. No one fucks me like yo—fuck!" Your voice cracked as your orgasm shot through your body quicker than you expected. Your nails dug themselves into Logan's shoulder as he continued to fuck you through your high. The cries of his name was enough to push him to his edge.
"Ah—shit! Thank you, baby, so fucking good!" With three final thrusts, Logan spilled into you, completely enveloped in a rosy haze. He came harder than he did earlier, entirely stuffing you with his arousal.
Clinging to your glistened figure, his mind was cloudy. The rose-colored sheets were definitely closer to cherry under Logan's sweating form. He couldn't conjure a singular thought as you slowly grinded against his, singing his praises. There wasn't a better feeling; Logan was sure of it.
If pleasure had a color, it was definitely pink.
♡ note: i love hearing y'all's thoughts
#logan howlett#logan howlett x fem!reader#logan x reader#logan howlett smut#logan howlett x reader#hugh jackman#x men#x men fic#logan howlett fic#britt fics#logan smut#wolverine x reader#the wolverine#wolverine smut#wolverine x female reader
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Don’t Tempt Me - Xaden Riorson x female reader
Summary: Xaden finds you burnt out on the training field
Warnings: none
Words: 6k (somehow)
Notes: Not my fave and not proofread
The sun hangs low over Basgiath, bleeding gold and deep crimson across the sky, its light casting jagged shadows over the towering battlements. The war college looms around me, its stone walls unyielding, its presence as foreboding as ever. The air is thick with the lingering scent of sweat and scorched leather, remnants of a day spent in brutal training.
The air is thick with the scent of fresh earth and damp stone as I sprint across the training yard, my feet pounding the ground with a rhythm that feels like a heartbeat—a constant reminder of my inadequacies. Sweat drips down my forehead, stinging my eyes, but I refuse to wipe it away. I don’t have time to care about that. I only have time to run.
Over and over, I push myself to the brink, my body screaming in protest, muscles tight with fatigue. My breaths are ragged, desperate for air that feels like it's slowly being stolen from me. But the pain doesn’t matter. It’s nothing compared to the quiet voice inside my head, the one that whispers my doubts and my fears, the one that tells me I’m not enough.
You can’t keep doing this.
It’s Virethalon’s voice. Low, firm, and impossibly calm, like he always is when he sees me teetering on the edge. His presence pulses in my mind, filling the quiet spaces with a calm I can’t find within myself.
Stop, he says again, the warning clear. You’ll burn out before you ever get the chance to fly.
But I ignore him. I have to. I can’t stop, not when the weight of everyone’s expectations hangs so heavily on my shoulders. I can’t afford to be weak. I can’t afford to be what everyone expects—a failure.
My legs scream, my body trembling with every step, but I push harder. Faster. A flip, a backflip, then a roll, twisting midair in an effort to improve my reaction time, my agility. I force my limbs to obey, despite how they beg for rest, despite how my mind is breaking under the strain.
I am not enough. I’m not strong enough to make it here.
Each fall, each misstep echoes the same message in my mind: You don’t belong.
The words are a sting in my chest, sharp and bitter, poisoning the air in front of me. The instructors don’t believe in me, not truly. They’re waiting for me to break, to fail in front of everyone. The other cadets—they’re watching too, eager to see how long I’ll last.
Virethalon’s voice is more insistent now, rising with frustration. I know he’s watching, can feel his eyes on me, even though he’s nowhere near. You don’t need to prove anything.
I don’t stop. I can’t. If I stop now, the quiet, haunting voice of failure will take over. If I stop, I’ll feel it—the shame of not being able to meet the impossible standard everyone else expects from me.
The ground shifts beneath me as I sprint forward, my foot catching on something, my body twisting unnaturally in the air. For a split second, time seems to stretch—slow, agonising. And then, I crash.
The world flips. My body slams into the earth, my hands and knees taking the brunt of it. The impact rattles my bones, sharp and unforgiving. My breath is knocked out of me, and for a moment, I just lay there, feeling the tremor of my body as it tries to recover from the shock.
I’m not moving. I can’t move.
Gentle hands find my shoulders before I can even process what’s happening. The pressure is firm yet careful, guiding me, coaxing me into a sitting position. My body trembles from exhaustion, every muscle protesting the movement, every joint aching with the weight of my own failure. I try to steady myself, but the effort makes the world spin, and I can’t seem to get my bearings.
The cold stone beneath me is a cruel reminder of how far I’ve pushed myself. My hands shake, fingers stiff from too much strain, and I finally drop my head, trying to hide the rush of heat that floods my face.
And then, I feel him.
His presence looms over me like a shadow, suffocating and unavoidable. My heart skips a beat, and I immediately wish I could melt into the ground, anything to escape the situation. But it’s too late.
I glance up—my breath catches as I come face to face with him. Xaden Riorson. He stands before me, looking like a damn god, his tall, muscular frame casting a shadow over me. The way his wide shoulders fill out his leather jacket should be illegal. He’s built like someone who’s spent years training and fighting, his chest massive, arms heavily muscled. His dark hair is windblown and tousled, the kind of messy that only makes him look more dangerous. His tawny-brown skin is kissed by the sun, and the dark stubble along his jawline only adds to the rough, untamed look. His eyes—gold-flecked onyx—are locked on mine with an intensity that makes me feel like I’m about to be set ablaze, and I would rather do anything else than face him like this.
I rub my face with both hands, hoping to hide the blush that’s rising to my cheeks. Of all the ways for this to end—of course, it’s Xaden Riorson who catches me. And of course, he looks like that.
“What the hell are you doing?” he growls, his voice a deep rumble of anger that makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. “You’re an idiot.”
I blink, half-frozen, half in disbelief. The audacity. “Oh, wow. Thank you, Wing Leader,” I drawl, sarcasm practically dripping from my tongue. “You really know how to make a girl feel special.”
Xaden’s jaw tightens, but he doesn’t bite back—at least, not yet. Instead, his eyes flicker over me, and I know he’s assessing the damage. My exhaustion. The way I’m trembling, barely able to hold myself upright. It’s the worst feeling in the world. I’m embarrassed as hell that he’s seeing me like this—weak, on the edge of crumbling.
“I told you to stop before you reached this point,” he mutters, shaking his head. There’s an edge of frustration in his tone now, and I can’t decide if I want to hit something or laugh at how he sounds like he’s scolding a child.
“Yeah, well, you know me,” I say, wiping a bead of sweat off my brow, trying to make myself sound more in control than I feel. “Can’t resist proving everyone wrong.” I let out a bitter laugh, the kind that doesn’t reach my eyes. “But, hey, thanks for showing up and saving the day. Just what every soldier needs: an overbearing Wing Leader.”
A flash of something—maybe amusement, maybe exasperation—crosses his face, but it’s gone too quickly for me to read it properly. His dark brows furrow, and he steps closer, invading my space. “You’re burning yourself out. You can’t keep going like this.”
I force myself to sit up straighter, determined not to appear as weak as I feel, but I can’t hide the tremor in my limbs. The ache in my muscles is almost unbearable now, and Virethalon’s voice echoes through my mind—Stop, or you’ll destroy yourself. But I ignore it, as I have for hours.
I grit my teeth. “I don’t need your help, okay? I don’t need anyone’s help.”
I try to push myself to my feet, but my body betrays me, buckling underneath me like a broken chair. I stumble, gasping for breath, my hand reaching out for support but finding nothing.
Xaden’s eyes flash with anger again, but his movements are faster than I can process. He’s at my side in a heartbeat, and before I can even protest, he lifts me up, cradling me against him in one smooth, powerful motion. His arms are like iron around me, and my body, still trembling with exhaustion, goes stiff against him.
“What the hell are you doing?” I gasp, still trying to regain some semblance of control. I push against his chest—unsuccessfully—my arms too weak to do anything more than flop uselessly at my sides. “Put me down, you asshole!”
Xaden doesn’t respond immediately. He doesn’t have to. His grip tightens, holding me effortlessly against him as he carries me toward the barracks. “I told you to stop, but you never listen. So now you’re paying the price.” His tone is laced with annoyance, but there’s something else beneath it—something that makes my heart twist. Maybe it’s concern, maybe it’s guilt, but I can’t focus on that. I’m too busy trying to avoid the heat that floods my face.
“You’re such a prick,” I mutter, my voice half muffled by his chest. I’m so fucking embarrassed, and I hate that I feel this way. His warmth, his scent, is all-consuming, and my skin burns at the contact. But I refuse to admit it. “I don’t need you to carry me like some helpless baby.”
“Funny,” he says, his voice low, “because you sure look like one right now.”
I can practically hear the smirk in his voice, and I want to punch him. I should punch him. But I don’t have the energy, so I settle for biting my lip, muttering curses under my breath as he carries me.
The weight of his presence presses against me, and I can feel his muscles shifting beneath me, each movement of his body reminding me of just how powerful he is. And for all my protests, for all my sarcasm, I don’t want to admit that I’m secretly grateful. Grateful that he’s here. Grateful that he doesn’t let me fall apart.
Even if it means I have to endure his endless teasing.
Xaden’s warm eyes flicker down at me, and this time, there’s something softer there. Almost like...he understands. But I’m too stubborn to let myself believe it.
Xaden doesn’t say a word as he carries me through the barracks, the warmth of his body pressing against mine as I try to ignore the heat rising in my cheeks. I’m too tired to fight it. His presence is too overwhelming, and I can feel his heartbeat steady against me. Every step he takes is calculated, strong, as though it’s second nature for him to carry someone in his arms like this. It’s as if he’s done it a hundred times—though I have to wonder just how many times I’ve crossed his mind before today.
Xaden moves with a quiet grace, his large frame effortlessly navigating the corridors of the dorm building as though he’s done this a thousand times before. He steps softly, almost soundlessly, his footsteps absorbed by the shadows that seem to cling to him like a second skin. My heart races, but it's not from exertion anymore—it's the way he's so effortlessly commanding in everything he does. The weight of his arms around me, the heat radiating from his body, and the way my mind seems to short-circuit whenever I’m near him make it hard to think straight.
We pass the first-year rooms—mine included—and I can’t help but cringe at the thought of being caught sneaking past curfew. But Xaden moves with such precision, such mastery of his surroundings, that the idea of us being caught seems laughable. No one can hear us, no one even notices us. It’s like we’re ghosts, gliding past the rooms, unseen by anyone else.
I briefly wonder how he does it—how he’s so adept at slipping through the shadows, unnoticed, silent. But then, he’s always been a mystery to me. The kind of mystery I’ve never quite been able to figure out. And maybe, in a way, I don't want to.
Finally, we reach the staircase that leads to the upper floors, and with a swift glance in either direction, Xaden steps into the shadows, carrying me effortlessly up the stairs. We move past the landing and down the hallway to the last door—the one I know leads to his room. He doesn’t hesitate, doesn’t pause, and with a final quiet push of the door, we’re inside.
Xaden doesn’t put me down right away. His arms remain around me, his hold firm, as if he’s unwilling to let go. As if, for a brief moment, he’s afraid to lose the connection. The closeness between us feels suffocating, overwhelming, and yet I can’t bring myself to pull away. Every inch of my body is acutely aware of his presence, the heat of his skin seeping into mine, the muscle and strength in his arms keeping me held too close. I can feel the steady thrum of his heartbeat against me, mirroring the frantic pulse racing through my veins.
His dark eyes meet mine, and I swear, for a second, everything else falls away. His gaze is fierce, like a storm trapped behind his irises, flickering with a raw intensity that sends a wave of heat rushing through me. I’m suddenly aware of how painfully close we are—so close that if I moved even an inch, I’d be pressed against him completely. My breath catches, and I can’t look away, trapped in the gravity of his stare, like he’s pulling me toward him without even trying. And then, as if trying to fight whatever is building between us, his eyes flicker to my lips, and I feel it—the pull—stronger than anything I’ve ever felt.
But just as quickly as the moment seems to rise, he jerks his gaze away, his jaw tightening with the effort to control himself. It’s like he’s trying to push back the part of him that’s aware—aware of the magnetic pull between us, aware of how much he’s been fighting this… whatever this is. He shakes his head slightly, as though dismissing the thought entirely, like he’s trying to shut down the desire that flares in him. But I see it in his eyes—the flicker of something primal. Something I can’t ignore.
Finally, he sets me down, but he doesn’t let go immediately. He’s still so close that I can feel his breath on my skin, a whisper of warmth against the cold, the tension stretching taut between us, like a string pulled too tight. My pulse races as I settle onto the bed, the soft covers pressing against me, but my chest feels like it’s about to burst. I try to catch my breath, but it’s like the air in the room has thickened, heavy with unsaid words and the suffocating weight of everything unsaid.
Xaden doesn’t back away. He hovers, towering over me, his presence suffusing the space around us. I can feel the heat radiating off him, his body just a breath away, and every inch of me is screaming to close the distance. But I don’t move. I’m not sure I can. His nearness makes every part of me ache, makes every nerve light up, thrumming with the raw electricity that crackles between us.
His voice cuts through the thick silence, deep and steady, but there’s something almost... softer now, something gentler that makes my heart stutter. “Stay here,” he commands, his words pressing down on me like a physical weight, making my chest tighten. The force of his tone is undeniable, but there’s an undercurrent of something else—something that makes my stomach flutter. Something dangerous and thrilling all at once. "Be a good girl. Don’t go anywhere.”
I feel those words in my bones, in the very marrow of my being. The way he says it—it’s like a promise, a command that makes my heart race faster than it should. And yet, there’s a tenderness beneath it, a strange gentleness that pulls at me, twists my insides into knots. He wants to keep me here, close. He wants to possess this moment with me, even though I can feel the struggle in him—his body yearning to cross the line, but his mind pulling him back, trying to control what’s growing between us.
His gaze holds mine, unwavering, and I swear I see something break in his eyes—something raw and unspoken. It’s as if he’s holding himself back from doing something he knows would be too much, too dangerous. But the look in his eyes tells me everything I need to know: the battle is far from over, and this tension—this charge—it’s only just beginning.
I try to swallow, but my throat is dry. Every muscle in my body is taut, every nerve alive with an electric hum. Xaden disappears into the adjoining ensuite, his heavy footsteps echoing softly across the stone floor. I can hear the gentle hiss of the water filling the tub, the steady flow of it working in rhythm with the hammering of my heart. The tension between us lingers, the silence more suffocating now than ever before, and I can’t shake the feeling of his gaze still lingering on me even as he disappears from the room.
I should feel grateful for the space—should breathe, slow my pulse—but all I can think of is him. The way he’s so effortlessly commanding, yet there’s this softness beneath it that I can't quite place. The way he had looked at me, his expression a battle between restraint and something far more intense.
My fingers twitch, almost compulsively, and I reach for my boots, needing to do something. My body is still shaking from the exertion, from the near-collapse, and now my brain feels fuzzy, the exhaustion creeping in faster than I expected. I should just wait, I know I should, but I feel... out of control. I need to regain some semblance of normalcy, something to anchor me.
I struggle to bend down, but my balance is still far off from the punishment I just put my body through. My vision swims a little, and before I can register what’s happening, my body tips forward, sending me sprawling from the edge of the bed with a yelp. The floor greets me hard, and a shock of pain shoots up my spine, but it's nothing compared to the embarrassment that floods through me in waves. My pulse spikes, and I scramble, feeling utterly ridiculous.
A sharp, almost instinctive growl of frustration rises in the air—Xaden. He’s already moving quickly, a blur of motion as he rushes back into the room, his broad form filling the doorway in an instant. His dark eyes sweep over me, a flicker of concern passing through them, but it’s quickly replaced with something harder—almost irritated.
"You really are a disaster, aren't you?" His voice is deep, but there's a teasing bite to it, even as he crosses the room toward me in strides that eat up the distance. I can’t even find it in me to be offended. I’m too busy feeling like a complete fool.
Before I can open my mouth to respond, he’s crouching in front of me, his hands reaching for my arms to steady me. The sheer strength in his touch almost knocks the wind out of me as he helps me back onto my feet, the warmth of his hands traveling through my skin and straight to my chest. He doesn’t say anything else, but the way his eyes linger on me for a moment, as though making sure I’m okay, sends something fluttering nervously in my stomach.
“Try not to break anything else, would you?” His voice is softer now, as though the weight of the moment has finally broken through that icy exterior of his. His lips curve into a smirk, but there’s no denying the genuine care beneath the sarcasm.
Xaden moves with quiet precision, his hands wrapping around my waist, gentle but firm, as he guides me toward the bed. The heat from his touch lingers on my skin, and despite everything, I can't help but shiver. His grip is unyielding, his presence surrounding me, and as I sit on the edge of the bed, he stands in front of me, towering over me. The dim light from the room casts shadows across his features, making him look even more intimidating than usual, but there’s something in his eyes that betrays the mask he’s trying so hard to maintain.
His hands rest on my knees for a moment, and his gaze flickers to mine. There’s a question there, unspoken, something almost vulnerable beneath that stoic expression. I can see the battle waging in his eyes. He doesn’t want to touch me—at least, that’s what his expression says. But his eyes… those eyes of molten gold flecked with onyx… they betray him, flashing with an intensity I can’t quite read.
And then, in a moment that feels both like an eternity and a breath, Xaden sinks to his knees in front of me. The movement is fluid, almost too graceful, and my heart skips a beat. It feels wrong to be this close, too intimate. His presence is overwhelming, and I can feel the tension in the room thickening with every inch of space he closes between us.
Xaden kneels before me, his hands gentle but firm as he removes my boots. His touch is careful, almost reverent, but the tension is unmistakable. Each movement is deliberate, like he's holding himself back from something. The weight of his gaze on me is intense—smouldering, even—and I can feel every inch of him watching, noticing, memorising.
As he pulls off the second boot, his fingers brush against my calf, sending a jolt through me. My breath catches, and I instinctively tense, but it's more from the electric charge between us than the discomfort of my body. I don’t know why it affects me like this—this man who’s never once been shy about hiding the way he feels or thinking that his touch doesn’t matter—but in this moment, it matters. It matters more than it should.
He looks up then, his gaze locking onto mine. The heat in his eyes is unmistakable, a dark storm brewing just beneath the surface. His brow furrows slightly, and for a split second, I wonder if he’s questioning something—me, himself, what we’re both doing here, like this. But then his eyes flick lower, and I can see the hesitation there, a silent question that hangs in the air between us.
His fingers hover at the waistband of my tracksuit bottoms, brushing lightly against my hips. The touch is almost too soft, as if he’s trying to gauge my reaction before crossing a line that’s already dangerously blurred. He doesn’t say a word—he doesn’t have to. The question is in his eyes, in the way his lips part ever so slightly, in the subtle tension in his jaw. It’s an unspoken request, one that I know all too well.
I can feel the pulse of uncertainty in my veins, but something about this—about him—makes me lower my defences, just a little. Without even thinking, I raise my hips slightly, just enough to give him the signal. My movement is small, almost imperceptible, but it's enough. His breath hitches, and I can see the way his eyes flicker, a momentary loss of control before he tightens his grip on his composure.
Xaden exhales sharply, like he’s been holding his breath all this time, and I can see it in his expression—the struggle between what he wants and what he’s trying so hard to resist. His fingers slide beneath the waistband of my tracksuit bottoms, and I feel the slightest tremor in his touch. He’s slow, deliberate, like he’s savouring the moment, but also like he’s afraid that if he moves too quickly, the entire thing might shatter.
The air between us crackles with an electric tension, and as he helps me out of the fabric, I’m left feeling exposed in a way that’s more than physical. My heartbeat is louder than anything else, pounding in my ears, and for a moment, I forget about the aches in my body, the bruises, the exhaustion. It’s as though the world has narrowed to just us. Just this. And I can’t seem to pull away from him, from the way he makes me feel, from the way his hands linger a little too long at the edge of my clothing, as if to remind me that he sees me—every part of me.
I know it’s not supposed to feel this way, not like this. But every glance, every touch, every quiet, unspoken word between us is enough to unravel the careful walls I’ve built. And yet, even as he pulls the tracksuit bottoms off, his hands gentle but insistent, there’s something else in his eyes—something that tells me he’s fighting every urge to touch me, to kiss me. But he doesn’t. He never does.
I can’t decide whether that makes it harder or easier.
And when he finishes, leaving me in nothing but my sports bra and panties, I feel more vulnerable than I’ve ever been—completely at his mercy, exposed in more ways than one. The air is thick with unspoken words, and even as I sit there, trying to catch my breath, I know this isn’t over.
Xaden lets out a frustrated sound, a low, throaty growl that resonates deep in his chest. His breath stutters as his forehead falls gently to my thigh, the weight of it anchoring me in place. The intensity of the moment is suffocating, like the world around us has slowed to a stop, leaving only the two of us, tangled in something we can’t deny. His hands are gripping the edge of the bed, his knuckles white, and I can feel the tension in his body, a tight coil of restraint and hunger.
And then, in one swift, desperate motion, he surges upward, his lips crashing against mine. There’s no warning, no hesitation. Just pure, raw need. His mouth takes mine with a fierce intensity that leaves me breathless, as though he’s been holding back for far too long and now there’s no more control. It’s like he’s been starved for this—starved for me—and he doesn’t want to let me go, not even for a second.
I kiss him back with everything I have, my hands finding the sides of his face, pulling him closer, as if I can’t get enough. Every part of me feels alive with the heat between us, my skin tingling where his fingers brush against it, my heart thudding erratically in my chest. He tastes like fire—burning hot, consuming—and I can’t help but fall into him, into the kiss, into the feeling of him. I can feel the weight of his body pressing against mine, the strength of him, but it’s not overbearing. It’s grounding, like he’s pulling me into his orbit.
His hands move quickly, urgently, as if he’s afraid the moment will slip away from him. Before I can fully comprehend what’s happening, he’s lifting me effortlessly from the bed, and suddenly I’m straddling his thighs. His hands settle on my hips, holding me in place, the heat of his body radiating into mine. I can feel the way his pulse races beneath his skin, the way his chest rises and falls against mine. The kiss deepens, growing even more frantic, and I don’t know whether it’s the intensity of it or the way he’s holding me that makes everything else feel so insignificant.
He pulls me closer, his hands guiding me with a possessive, yet gentle touch, and I can feel the thrum of energy between us, something electric, something undeniable. My fingers tangle in his hair, tugging him closer, and the sound of his breathing, his heavy exhales, fills the space between us. I can hear the way he’s fighting for control, the way his muscles tighten with the effort of keeping his composure.
But I don’t want him to. I don’t want him to hold back.
I don’t want him to fight it anymore.
I can feel the heat of his body through the thin fabric of my sports bra, his chest pressing against mine with each movement, and I’m acutely aware of how close we are, how easy it would be to lose ourselves completely in this. And yet, even as we continue kissing, tangled in each other’s embrace, there’s a part of me that’s still unsure, still trying to catch up with everything happening around me. But when his hands slide down to my thighs, gripping them with such possessiveness, that uncertainty melts away, replaced by a heady rush of desire.
The kiss breaks, but just for a moment, both of us gasping for air. His lips hover above mine, and I can see the raw intensity in his eyes, a mixture of frustration and something else—something far more tender, even if it’s buried beneath the layers of urgency.
"Don't stop," he mutters, his voice rough and low. His hands tighten around me, pulling me against him, as if he’s trying to make sure I’m real. “Please don’t stop.”
And all I can do is nod, my chest still rising and falling with the rapid pace of my heart. I don't want to stop either.
The air between us feels thick with heat, charged with a tension that I don't want to break, even as the reality of what we’re doing begins to settle in. Xaden’s hands are still firm on my hips, his grip tightening with every shift of my body, and I can feel every muscle in his form, every bit of control he's holding onto, fighting to stay composed. He pulls me closer again, the fabric of my sports bra barely separating us, his chest brushing against mine as he presses his forehead to mine, both of us gasping for breath.
The heat from his skin, the closeness of his body, is too much to ignore. It's overwhelming in the best way. I can hear my own pulse hammering in my ears, feel the electricity between us that neither of us can escape. He looks at me, his gold-flecked eyes searching mine, his breath ragged as if he's barely holding on to the edge of whatever control he has left.
I can't stop myself from raising my hand to touch his face, my fingers trailing down the line of his jaw, tracing the hard curve of his chin, feeling the roughness of his stubble. The tenderness in my touch makes him shiver, his breath catching in his throat, and for a brief second, everything else fades. There’s no training, no curfew, no expectations—just the two of us, caught in something far more complex than either of us ever intended.
His lips brush against mine once more, a soft, tentative kiss, but it feels more intimate than the previous fiery moments. It's full of the unspoken things, the feelings we've been hiding, buried beneath layers of duty and unacknowledged desire. Xaden pulls back slowly, just enough to look at me, his eyes heavy with something unreadable.
"I—" he starts, his voice thick with emotion, but I stop him, my fingers pressing gently to his lips.
“I know," I whisper. "I know, Xaden. We don’t need to say it.”
The words hang in the air between us, unspoken yet understood. He looks at me, really looks at me, and for once, there’s no pretension, no walls between us. Just a moment of raw honesty.
But then, he pulls back just a fraction, his hands slowly loosening their grip on me, as if reluctant to let go but knowing he has to. His eyes soften, a flicker of something tender passing over his features before he runs a hand through his windblown hair, trying to regain some semblance of composure.
“You should rest,” he murmurs, though there’s a trace of something unreadable in his voice. “You’ve pushed yourself too hard tonight.”
I nod, feeling the weight of his words as the adrenaline from our moment starts to ebb away, leaving me with a sense of vulnerability, of exhaustion I hadn’t realised had been creeping up on me. My body is still sore from the training, but now, there’s an ache of a different kind, a deep, resonating need I’m not sure how to deal with.
“You’re right,” I murmur, my voice hoarse. “About that bath…”
Xaden’s hands gently guide me to my feet, his fingers lingering on my hips just a moment longer than necessary, as if making sure I’m steady before he lets go. His touch is firm but considerate, grounding me, reminding me that he’s here, present, in this moment. I almost wish he didn’t have to pull away so soon, but the space between us feels impossible to close for reasons I can’t quite name.
With a soft grunt, Xaden rises to his full height, towering over me for a moment before he reaches down and picks me up again, effortlessly moving me toward the bed. His strong arms encircle my waist, and I feel the heat radiating from his chest, the power in his body that he keeps so carefully controlled. He sets me down gently on the edge of the mattress, the softness of the sheets a stark contrast to the tension that still crackles in the air between us.
I sit there for a moment, watching him, as he turns toward the bathroom, his broad back stretching as he moves, his muscular frame rippling with every step. His windblown black hair falls just above his collar, and I can't help but stare at the way he walks—confident, purposeful, but there’s an undercurrent of something, a quiet storm inside him that’s barely contained.
The silence feels heavy, too heavy, until I finally speak up, the words tumbling out before I can stop them.
“... Maybe you could join me?”
The moment they leave my mouth, time seems to slow. Xaden freezes in his tracks, his hand hovering over the doorframe, his back to me. For a breathless second, I wonder if he didn’t hear me, if the words just got lost in the space between us. But then, the tension in his body is palpable. His shoulders tighten, his jaw clenches, and I watch as a low, almost imperceptible sound slips from his throat—a frustrated, breathy exhale that he seems to be holding back with all his strength.
He doesn’t turn around right away, but when he does, his eyes meet mine, and there's a flicker of something dangerous there. It’s not anger. It’s hunger—raw, palpable, and so intense that it sends a shiver down my spine. I can't look away, can't tear my gaze from his. The silence between us stretches, thickening, until I can almost feel the heat coming off of him.
"You really want that?" His voice is low, a little strained, like he's trying to rein himself in. There's a slight tremor in his hands, and his posture is tense, like a coil ready to snap. He’s trying to keep himself in check, and I know he’s holding back everything he wants to say, everything he wants to do. But there's something in his eyes, a flicker of vulnerability, of yearning, that betrays the composure he’s trying so hard to maintain.
I nod slowly, heart pounding in my chest as I search his face, looking for any sign of hesitation, any clue that I’ve crossed a line. But there’s none. Instead, he takes a step toward me, his movements slow and deliberate, as if he’s waiting for me to stop him, to give him some sort of excuse to turn back. But I don’t.
I don’t know what happens next, only that the space between us feels like it’s been stretched so thin that it could snap at any moment. Xaden is so close now, his presence overwhelming, and I can’t breathe, not properly. All I can do is stare at him, feel the pull, the need between us, and wonder if he can feel it too.
“Don’t tempt me,” he mutters under his breath, before stepping into the bathroom, leaving me to wonder if he’ll give in, if he’ll actually let this tension between us break.
Part Two ⇒ Giving Into Temptation

Fourth Wing Masterlist TAG LIST - updated 12th Oct 2024
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Phainon x (fem)reader
Phainon is crushing and Y/N is oblivious 🤭
Part1 PART2
The golden streets of Okhema City were alive with motion, as market vendors called out to shoppers, children darted through the crowd with sweets in hand, and musicians played cheerful tunes in the background. Amid all this, Phainon walked a few paces ahead of the group, his hands clasped behind his back, every movement calculated to look calm and composed. Internally, though, he was anything but.
“This way,” Phainon said, turning briefly to glance at Y/N. “The central market is one of Okhema’s highlights—lots of unique crafts and imports from other planets. It’s… worth a visit.”
He cleared his throat, which was already dry from nerves. Y/N wasn’t paying attention to how stiffly he moved or how his voice wavered slightly. She was too busy marveling at the intricate architecture surrounding them. Towering buildings of white stone glimmered faintly, their edges lined with gold filigree that caught the sunlight just right. Her eyes sparkled as she took it all in.
“This place is incredible!” she said, twirling to take in the sights. “You live here, Phainon? You’re so lucky.”
Phainon flushed under her bright gaze. “It’s, uh… it’s nice, I suppose.”
“Nice?” she repeated, incredulous. “It’s gorgeous! Look at that fountain!” She pointed at a marble structure adorned with carved phoenixes. Golden water trickled from their beaks, glowing faintly in the light. “Is it glowing? It’s glowing! Is it supposed to do that?”
“It represents unity,” Phainon explained, his voice quieter now. “It’s a… local tradition.”
Tribbie, walking beside Y/N, leaned toward Mydei and whispered loudly enough for everyone to hear, “You can practically hear the crush in his voice.”
Mydei rolled his eyes. “He’s trying too hard. It’s embarrassing.”
“Give him a break!” Tribbie grinned. “He’s doing great!”
“By what standards?” Mydei deadpanned.
Phainon coughed awkwardly, pretending not to hear them. His white-gloved hand brushed against his coat, nervously adjusting the fabric as he tried to think of something to say that wouldn’t make him look like a complete fool. But before he could, Y/N gasped again and rushed ahead.
“Look! That vendor’s selling jewelry! I’ve never seen designs like that before,” she said, practically dragging Trailblazer along with her. The two crowded around a stall displaying shimmering necklaces and intricately designed earrings, their energy overwhelming the vendor.
Phainon followed hesitantly, trying not to let his nerves get the better of him. “Be careful,” he said, his voice soft. “Some of these pieces are delicate—”
“You’re just saying that because you’re worried she’ll trip into the stall,” Mydei muttered from behind him.
“Or knock over a stack of something,” Dan Heng added dryly.
Tribbie, meanwhile, clasped her hands together dramatically. “But wouldn’t it be so romantic if Phainon caught her in his arms? You know, like in those old love stories?”
“I’ll bet ten credits he’d faint first,” Mydei retorted.
Phainon stopped walking and turned to glare at them, his face flushed. “Could you—please—stop that?” he hissed. “It’s not—”
“Not what?” Tribbie blinked innocently. “We’re just supporting you, Phainon. That’s what friends do.”
Before Phainon could respond, a loud shout cut through the cheerful hum of the market. “Thieves!” a merchant cried, waving his arms frantically. “My stock is gone—again!”
The group turned toward the commotion as a small crowd gathered. The merchant, a balding man with a deep frown, gestured wildly at an empty display case where shiny trinkets once sat. “It’s those creatures! They’ve been sneaking into the market at night, stealing everything shiny! No one’s done anything about it!”
“Creatures?” Y/N’s eyes widened with curiosity. “What kind of creatures?”
The merchant shook his head. “Small, ghost-like things. Glowing eyes. They come from the outskirts, I think, but I don’t know how to stop them. They’ve hit half the vendors on this street!”
Y/N turned to the group, her excitement unmistakable. “We should help!”
Trailblazer grinned. “Absolutely.”
Phainon opened his mouth to protest but quickly shut it when Y/N beamed at him. “You’re here to keep us safe, right, Phainon?” she asked.
He froze, his heart doing an unsteady flip. “I… well, yes, but—”
“Then it’s settled!” Y/N said, already turning back to the merchant. “We’ll get your stuff back in no time.”
Tribbie leaned toward Phainon again, whispering loudly, “You’re doing great! She’s counting on you.”
Phainon sighed, adjusting his coat again to hide his embarrassment. “This is a bad idea,” he muttered.
Mydei clapped him on the shoulder. “No kidding. But at least it’ll be entertaining.”
Dan Heng shook his head as the group began heading toward the outskirts. “Why do I feel like this is going to end badly?”
“Because it always does,” Mydei replied.
Phainon, trailing slightly behind Y/N, couldn’t help but think the same—but then Y/N glanced back at him, smiling brightly, and all his worries melted away. For now.
Phainon’s boots crunched softly on the overgrown trail as he followed the faint shimmer of the residue. The group has split up to cover more ground leaving phainon and Y/N alone,
He can still picture Tribbies giggling as she declared phainon and Y/N should team up. He kept his usual cheerful expression, his white hair catching the faint golden glow from the city behind them. The trees arched overhead, their twisted branches forming patterns that danced in the mist.
“This is such a weird place,”
Y/N commented, walking just behind him. “It feels… old. But cool. Like something out of a storybook.”
“It’s definitely unique,” Phainon replied, glancing back at her with a warm smile. “Okhema’s outskirts have a lot of history. Ancient battles, forgotten shrines, you name it. Some people find it eerie, but I think it’s—”
“Amazing?” Y/N finished for him, her voice brimming with excitement.
“Y-yeah,” he said, a bit flustered but recovering quickly. “Exactly!”
Y/N grinned. “I like how you look at things, Phainon. You always seem so… optimistic.”
“Oh, it’s nothing!” He waved a hand dramatically, his voice taking on a slightly theatrical tone. “Life’s too short to not find the good in things, you know? Even creepy glowing trails.”
That earned him a laugh from Y/N, which made him grin even wider.
As they walked, Phainon occasionally crouched to inspect the shimmering residue, his golden and blue coat flaring out dramatically behind him. Y/N watched with curiosity as he ran his fingers over the faint scratches on the stones.
“You’re really good at this tracking thing,” she said, leaning over his shoulder to get a better look.
His heart jumped into his throat. “I—I mean, it’s just something I’ve done a lot!” he stammered, his cheeks tinged with pink as he straightened too quickly, almost tripping over his own feet. “Years of practice, you know. Nothing special.”
Y/N tilted her head, oblivious to his awkwardness. “It is special. You’ve got a knack for this stuff, Phainon. I don’t think we’d even know where to start without you.”
Phainon blinked, his cheeks turning an even darker shade of pink. “R-really? You think so?”
“Of course,” she said brightly. “You’re basically leading the whole investigation. It’s impressive!”
Phainon looked away, scratching the back of his neck as he tried to suppress a goofy grin. “I mean, well, someone has to do it… but thank you!”
Before Y/N could say more, a sudden rustling sound came from the trees to their left. Phainon froze, his smile vanishing as he instinctively stepped in front of Y/N, his hand hovering near the hilt of his sword.
“What was that?” Y/N whispered, her voice a mix of curiosity and caution.
“Stay behind me,” Phainon said, his usual playful tone replaced by a rare edge of seriousness. “It could be one of the creatures.”
They waited, the rustling growing louder. Then, with a burst of motion, something small and fast darted out of the underbrush.
“Ah!” Y/N jumped back, but Phainon had already drawn his sword in one smooth motion, the blade gleaming faintly in the dim light.
“Wait,” Y/N said, squinting. “Is that… a bird?”
Sure enough, a small, scruffy bird hopped into view, its feathers ruffled and its beady eyes glaring at them like they’d just interrupted its meal. It flapped its wings once in irritation before waddling off into the bushes again.
Phainon stood there, sword still raised, staring at the spot where the bird had disappeared. Slowly, he lowered his weapon and let out a sheepish laugh. “Uh… false alarm.”
Y/N burst out laughing, clutching her sides. “Phainon, that bird looked like it was ready to fight you!”
“Well, it caught me off guard!” he defended, laughing along with her. “It could’ve been something dangerous!”
“Sure,” she teased. “A very dangerous… tiny bird.”
Phainon sighed dramatically, sheathing his sword. “Mock me if you must. But remember, I’m here to protect you from all creatures—big or small.”
“You’re doing an excellent job,” she said between giggles.
Her words, though playful, still made Phainon’s cheeks heat up again. “T-thanks,” he muttered, rubbing the back of his neck.
They continued down the trail, the shimmering residue becoming more noticeable as they approached a clearing. The mist thinned, revealing a cluster of ancient stone pillars, each one etched with faintly glowing runes.
“Whoa,” Y/N breathed, stepping closer to one of the pillars. “These look ancient. Do you think they have something to do with the creatures?”
“Possibly,” Phainon said, his voice quieter now as he examined the runes. “The outskirts are full of strange things like this. I don’t know much about their history, but these markings… they’re similar to ones I’ve seen before near Titan ruins.”
“Titan ruins?” Y/N looked at him, impressed. “things are getting more interesting, I'm glad I have you here"
Phainon blushed again, suddenly feeling like his coat was too warm. “It’s… uh, nothing, really. Just part of the job.”
“You’re way too humble,” she said, shaking her head. “Give yourself some credit, Phainon.”
Before he could respond, another sound broke through the air—this time a low, guttural growl. Both of them froze, their eyes darting toward the source of the noise.
“Well,” Phainon said, his cheerful tone faltering slightly, “I don’t think that’s a bird.”
Y/N grinned, drawing her weapon. “Finally! Some action!”
“Action?” Phainon echoed nervously, his hand moving to his sword again. “What kind of action are we talking about here?"
The low growl turned into a rumble, and the ground beneath their feet trembled. Emerging from the shadows of the ancient stone pillars were creatures that looked like they were chiseled straight from the earth itself. Their bodies were made of jagged stone, glowing cracks spreading across their limbs like molten veins. Their heads were featureless save for the hollow, blazing orange orbs that seemed to serve as eyes.
“Okay, now that’s definitely not a bird,” Phainon muttered, unsheathing his sword in one swift motion.
“Phainon,” Y/N said with a grin, her own blade already drawn and gleaming. “You’ve fought these things before, right?”
“Uh… sure!” he said, his usual confidence slightly wavering as the creatures lumbered closer. “They’re slow, but don’t let them corner you. Aim for the cracks—they’re weak points!”
“Got it,” she replied, shifting into a ready stance.
Before Phainon could say anything else, one of the creatures lunged forward with surprising speed, its rocky fist slamming into the ground where Y/N had been standing a split second earlier. She darted to the side with the grace of a dancer, her blade flashing as she struck at the glowing crack along the creature’s arm.
The impact sent a spray of sparks flying, and the creature roared in pain, stumbling back. Y/N didn’t let up. She pivoted on her heel, slicing upward in a clean arc that severed part of the monster’s arm.
Phainon blinked, momentarily frozen as he watched her. “W-wow…” he mumbled, then quickly shook himself out of it when another creature charged at him.
“Focus, Phainon!” Y/N called, sidestepping another attack with ease.
“Right! Focus! I’m totally focused!” he yelled, leaping into action.
Phainon parried a heavy blow from his opponent, his sword ringing loudly as it clashed with the stone creature’s fist. He danced backward, grinning as he feinted to the left before delivering a precise strike to its glowing chest. The creature groaned and crumbled into a pile of rubble.
“Not bad!” Y/N called over her shoulder, slashing through another monster with an impressive flurry of strikes.
“Not bad?” Phainon repeated, his golden-retriever energy kicking into overdrive as he sliced through a smaller creature trying to flank him. “I’ll have you know, I’m amazing at this!”
As if to prove his point, he spun dramatically, striking the creature’s chest in one fluid motion. The monster staggered and collapsed, but in his enthusiasm, Phainon misjudged the swing and nearly tripped over its remains.
Y/N laughed, glancing back at him. “Careful, ‘Amazing.’ Don’t let your feet betray you.”
Phainon straightened, cheeks burning. “That was just… strategy! I wanted it to think I was vulnerable.”
“Sure you did.”
Another creature roared and lunged toward Y/N, its massive fists slamming down in an attempt to crush her. She jumped back, then forward, using the momentum to propel herself up onto the creature’s arm. In one fluid motion, she ran up its shoulder, her sword gleaming as she drove it down into the crack in its neck.
The monster let out a guttural sound before crumbling beneath her, its glowing eyes dimming. Y/N landed lightly on her feet, flicking her sword to the side to shake off the dust.
Phainon gaped. “Okay, that… that was amazing.”
Y/N turned to him, brushing a strand of hair out of her face. “Thanks,” she said with a casual smile, as if she hadn’t just dismantled a walking pile of stone like it was nothing. “Your turn.”
Before Phainon could respond, the largest of the creatures emerged from the shadows, its molten veins pulsing with an ominous glow. It was twice the size of the others, its fists like boulders and its eyes blazing with fury.
Phainon gulped. “Alright. Big guy. No problem.”
Y/N smirked. “Want me to handle it?”
“No, no!” he said quickly, stepping forward and twirling his sword. “I’ve got this! Watch and learn!”
The creature roared, charging at him like an avalanche. Phainon dodged to the side at the last second, slashing at the cracks along its side. Sparks flew, but the beast didn’t falter. It swung its massive arm, forcing Phainon to duck and roll out of the way.
“You’re doing great!” Y/N called, clearly enjoying herself.
“I’m trying not to die!” Phainon shouted back, though his grin was still plastered on his face.
He darted around the creature, his movements quick and agile. With a sharp leap, he managed to climb onto its back, his sword glowing faintly as he struck at the cracks near its neck. The creature howled, thrashing violently to shake him off.
“Hang on, Phainon!” Y/N called, readying herself to step in if needed.
“I’ve got it!” he yelled, though his grip on the creature’s jagged surface was less than reassuring. With one final strike, his blade sank deep into the glowing crack, and the monster let out a deafening roar before collapsing to the ground.
Phainon rolled off just in time, landing in an ungraceful heap. He quickly scrambled to his feet, brushing the dirt off his coat as if nothing had happened.
“See?” he said, turning to Y/N with a triumphant smile. “Told you I had it.”
Y/N laughed, walking over to him. “I’ll admit it—you were pretty impressive.”
Phainon’s grin faltered for half a second as her words sank in, and the familiar warmth crept up his neck. “I… uh… really? You think so?”
“Of course,” she said with a bright smile. “You took down the big guy all on your own. Not bad at all.”
He scratched the back of his neck, looking anywhere but at her. “Oh, it was nothing, really. Just, you know… part of the job.”
“Sure,” she said, patting him on the shoulder. “You’re too humble, Phainon. Own it.”
He opened his mouth to respond but was interrupted by Tribbie’s voice echoing through the mist.
“Guys? Did you leave anything for us, or are we just cleaning up rubble over here?”
Y/N and Phainon exchanged a glance before bursting into laughter.
“Let’s regroup,” Y/N said, sheathing her sword.
Phainon nodded, his smile softening as he followed her back toward the others, his heart still pounding—but not from the fight.
The group reconvened in a small clearing not far from the crumbled remains of the stone creatures. The mist had thinned, and the faint hum of energy from the ancient pillars seemed to fade, leaving a tense silence in its wake.
Tribbie had already set up a makeshift picnic on a large, flat stone, her red hair glowing faintly under the filtered sunlight. Her blue eyes sparkled with excitement as she waved the others over.
“Perfect timing! I brought snacks!” Tribbie chirped, pulling out a variety of treats from her impossibly small bag. “You know what makes monster fighting better? Food!”
Dan Heng stood nearby, arms crossed and expression unreadable as always, but he glanced toward the food with mild interest. Trailblazer, however, was already sitting down, grabbing one of Tribbie’s sandwiches.
“Oh, come on,” Tribbie pouted, slapping Trailblazer’s hand away. “Wait until everyone’s seated, you greedy gremlin!”
Y/N chuckled as she and Phainon approached. “Looks like we’re just in time.”
Phainon, as usual, was all smiles. “Tribbie, you’re a lifesaver! I don’t suppose you have anything sweet in there?”
“Of course I do,” she replied with a grin. “But only if you tell me how many monsters you crushed today.”
“Crushed?” Phainon placed a hand on his chest, feigning offense. “Tribbie, I don’t crush monsters—I defeat them with style and precision.”
“Oh, excuse me, ‘Mr. Style and Precision.’ Sit down before I take it all back.”
Everyone chuckled as they settled in, the tension from the fight dissipating in the warmth of camaraderie. Y/N sat beside Phainon, who was still grinning from Tribbie’s teasing.
As the group began eating, Y/N noticed something out of the corner of her eye. Phainon was trying—and failing—to hide a wince as he reached for a piece of bread.
“Phainon,” Y/N said, her tone shifting from playful to concerned. “What’s wrong?”
“Wrong? Nothing’s wrong!” he said quickly, straightening up like a guilty child caught sneaking cookies. “Why would you think anything’s wrong?”
Y/N didn’t buy it for a second. Her eyes dropped to his arm, where a faint tear in his sleeve revealed a nasty scrape along his forearm. The edges of the wound were smeared with dust and a faint trace of glowing residue.
“Phainon,” she said again, this time more firmly. “You’re hurt.”
“It’s nothing!” he insisted, waving her off. “Barely a scratch. You should’ve seen the other guy!”
Y/N gave him a pointed look, crossing her arms. “That’s not a scratch, and you know it. Let me see.”
“It’s really not that ba—”
“Phainon.” Her voice left no room for argument.
He hesitated, his golden-retriever energy momentarily dampened by the sheer force of her determination. With a sheepish smile, he extended his arm. “Fine, fine. But I’m telling you, I’ve had worse.”
Y/N ignored his protests, pulling a small first-aid kit from her bag. She crouched beside him, carefully examining the wound. “You’re lucky it’s not deeper. This residue looks like it might irritate the skin. Hold still.”
Phainon sat stiffly as Y/N cleaned the wound with surprising gentleness. Her focus was entirely on her work, her touch steady and sure.
“You don’t have to fuss over me, you know,” he said, trying to sound nonchalant.
“I’m not fussing,” she replied without looking up. “I’m making sure you don’t get an infection. There’s a difference.”
He laughed nervously, trying not to notice how close she was. Her hair brushed against his shoulder as she leaned in to wrap a bandage around his arm.
“There,” she said after a moment, tying the bandage securely. “All done."
Phainon looked down at his arm, then back at her. “Thanks, Y/N. Really.”
She smiled at him, and before he could say more, she reached up and ruffled his hair.
“You did so good out there,” she said warmly. “I mean it. You were amazing.”
Phainon froze, his mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. The words “you did so good” echoed in his head like a mantra, and the way she said it—so genuine, so casual—completely disarmed him.
“I—uh—well—” he stammered, his face rapidly turning as red as Tribbie’s hair.
Tribbie, who had been watching the whole scene out of the corner of her eye, nudged Trailblazer with a knowing grin. “Look at him. Poor guy doesn’t know what hit him.”
Trailblazer smirked but stayed quiet, munching on a piece of bread. Dan Heng sighed, his expression as neutral as ever, but there was a faint twitch at the corner of his mouth.
Oblivious to the growing amusement of their companions, Y/N stood up and stretched. “Alright, everyone ready to get moving? I think we’re on the right track!”
Phainon, still sitting there with his hair slightly mussed and his face glowing, finally managed a weak nod. “Y-yeah. Let’s go.”
As the group packed up and prepared to continue their journey, Tribbie leaned over to Phainon with a sly grin. “Don’t worry,” she whispered. “I think you’re doing great, Mr. Style and Precision.”
Phainon groaned, covering his face with his hand. “I’m never going to live this down, am I?”
“Nope,” she said cheerfully, skipping ahead to join Y/N.
And despite his embarrassment, Phainon couldn’t stop smiling.
A.N . First, I didn't plan on making a part 2 because I didn't expect people to actually like it that much, but I'm happy you guys enjoy it l, I'll try to make this little love story interesting ♡
#phainon x you#phainon x reader#phainon#phainon hsr#phainon honkai star rail#honkai star rail#hsr x reader#honkai x reader#hsr art#hsr smut#hsr x y/n#x y/n#x you#hsr x you#honkai star rail x you#amphoreus#x reader
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You were stressed. Pushed past your limit time and time again. Why? Charlie. You cared for her like a daughter, you truly did—but you needed a break. It was your fault, and you knew it. You had offered to handle all the holiday affairs so she could run the trust exercises stress-free…but now you were suffering with nowhere and nobody to turn to. You had been told to take a break by Charlie and Vaggie multiple times, but you couldn’t. Not now, when you’re so close to being done!
So there you were, sitting quietly, running paperwork for the rest of the Christmas decor that would be arriving soon, bored out of your mind and stressing out. That was until you heard the subtle click of the lock opening, followed by the squeak of the door. You quickly looked up, expecting Charlie—only to be met with Lucifer. “Luci?” You ask softly, still holding the small red and gold pen in your hand. “Did you need something?”
Lucifer's gentle gaze falls upon you as he enters the room, his presence commanding attention as he approaches your desk. He sits down beside you, his beautifully tailored creamy white suit a stark contrast to the mundane paperwork you're handling. His gloved hand reaches out, gently taking the pen from yours and setting it aside. You look up at him, giving him your undivided attention. "You're overworking yourself again, darling.” Lucifer says in an almost sing-songy tone, his voice is gentle, almost concerned.
"Tell me truthfully—when was the last time you took a proper break? Let someone else handle things?" Lucifer grips your hands softly. “I don’t have time for a break.” You say sweetly, your right hand cupping his pale face, while the other sits folded in your lap. “And I’m almost done anyways.” Lucifer's golden eyes crinkle at the corners as he smiles softly, leaning into your touch. He knows this argument all too well. "Almost done?" He echoes, his tone skeptical. "You've been saying that for weeks now." He sighs. “Well it’s true this time-!” Luci lets out a soft chuckle, reaching up to hold your hand against his cheek. "Oh golly…” He sighs.
“Listen to yourself. The only thing 'true' here is how badly you need someone to force you to rest." His expression softens further, becoming more tender. You stare at him silently, having no argument because you know deep down he’s right. You cross your arms and pout your upper lip. Seeing your pout, Lucifer can't help but smile wider, his golden eyes crinkling at the corners. He leans in, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead before standing up and pulling you to your feet. "Come on, let's get you out of here before you burn yourself out completely."
“Luci!” You frown. His expression turns more serious, and he steps closer to you. "Don't 'Luci' me. I'm not letting you push yourself like this anymore." With a quick move, he sweeps your papers into a neat stack and slides them aside. He steps to the large curtained windows and opens them, letting light seep into the room. “I’m not letting you end up like me…” Lucifer mutters quietly, not loud enough for anyone but himself to hear.
“What did you say?” You ask softly, stepping closer. Lucifer's gaze drops to the floor, clearly ashamed of his seven year disappearance—his hands clasped behind his back as he stares out the window. "Oh uhm- nothing, darling. Just...nothing." He clears his throat, trying to shake off the melancholy that often settles over him. "Now, let's get you out of here." You follow him out of the hotel’s office, and into the main lobby. You squint, putting a hand to your eyebrows to dim the light…has it always been this bright in here? You follow Lucifer down the hall to the elevator and step inside. The ride up is silent, the tension so thick you could cut it with Vaggie’s spear.
Suddenly, the elevator stops, and the doors open. You follow Lucifer down another long hall to what you remember to be the large apple shaped tower from the outside of the building; his room. You step inside. The interior is golden, completely furnished with velvety red sofas, a large white kitchen with marble counters, and an intricate sunglow spiral staircase to the top floor. All around were intricate apples and wings, reminiscent of his days as an angel.
As you step inside, Lucifer closes the door behind you and leans against it, his red pupils watching you as you take in the lavish room. He unbuttons his white suit jacket, revealing the crisp white and red vest underneath. "Make yourself comfortable, apple pie." You sit down on one of the velvety sofas in the living room as Lucifer disappears from sight. You take another look around the golden, apple themed penthouse before Lucifer reappears carrying a small golden, woven basket full of what you assume to be the presents for the hotel residents.
From your quick glance, you see a bottle of champagne and a knitted sweater (with an intricate stitched apple design)—presumably for Husk and Charlie respectively. “What are those?” You ask him politely, though you probably already knew the answer. Lucifer sits down beside you on the velvet sofa, placing the golden basket between his knees. He looks down at the presents, his fingers gently sifting through the wrapping paper. "I think you know.” He smirks devilishly.
“And you want my help wrapping?” You fold your hands in your lap. "Perhaps..." His golden eyes gleam with amusement as he selects a small package and hands it to you. "Or maybe I just wanted an excuse to get you up here." The words come out with a hint of playfulness, but underlying them is a warmth that speaks of tender feelings. “Well either works, because I love wrapping presents!” You squeal excitedly as Lucifer hands you the champagne bottle. He chuckles, pleased by your enthusiasm. You carefully chose a golden sheet of wrapping paper, cutting it precisely before slowly wrapping and taping. Once the bottle is wrapped nicely, you put a big red bow and write ‘To: Husker’ on the bottle, before setting it aside. He selects the knitted sweater and begins to wrap it himself, his movements a little more clumsy compared to yours. He adds a small, slightly lopsided bow and writes 'To: Charlie' in elegant script before setting the present aside next to the champagne bottle.
The two of you repeat the process until there are no presents left, you look over to Lucifer, who is beaming with delight. Smiling brightly with delight, Lucifer leans back against the sofa cushion, stretching his arms across the back of the sofa. "Oh golly! Now that was productive.” You laugh softly at his overexcited tone. You never thought you’d see the literal devil happy over wrapping Christmas presents. Scratch that- You never thought you’d see the devil celebrating Christmas at all!
“I never thought I’d see the ‘prince of darkness’ so joyous over wrapping gifts.” You comment aloud. "Well, it's not every day I get to sit around and wrap presents with my...” He pauses, his golden eyes flickering with unspoken words. “Your…?” You motion for him to finish, but he quickly switches the topic before he can say too much. “I uhm- I like your skin- I mean- Oh golly! Look at the time!” Lucifer laughs awkwardly.
You let out a yawn, not realizing how tired you really were from the past few weeks of overworking yourself. “I should probably get some sleep.” You pause, leaning in and kissing him on his rosy-red cheek. “Goodnight.” You wave goodbye, before strolling out of his room sleepily. As soon as you're gone, Lucifer's expression turns soft and contemplative. He touches his cheek where you kissed him, a small, tender smile playing on his lips. Touché.

#alastor x reader#hazbin hotel x reader#hazbin x reader#alastor x you#hazbin hotel x you#hazbin x you#vox x reader#hazbin hotel imagine#hazbin hotel fanfiction#hazbin hotel headcanon#lucifer x reader#lucifer smut#alastor smut#hazbin hotel smut#lucifer morningstar x reader#satan x reader#helluva boss satan#hb satan supermercy#hazbin adam#adamsapple#hazbin hotel adam#adam x reader#adam stanheight#adam hazbin hotel#hazbin hotel lucifer#hazbin hotel abel#hazbin hotel eve#hazbin charlie#charlie morningstar#hazbin hotel charlie
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those three words
words: 1.2k
warnings: 18+ only, smut, p in v sex, unprotected sex, descriptions of reader being short and curvy, like 3 uses of the word kid?, they say i love you for the first time <3, established relationship, protective!rafe, kinda drug dealer rafe but really barry just makes a ~scary~ appearance
“rafe-” your eyes widen as you take in the scary looking man standing in front of you, heavy footsteps making their way in your direction.
“it's alright, kid.” rafe moves effortlessly in front of you, blocking your entire body out as you grip onto the back of his shirt.
“who's that you're hiding?” the man asks. you peek around rafes tall frame to blink at the stranger.
“she's mine.” rafe simply grunts out, and the feeling of confusion and fear is replaced by pure flattery as your cheeks blush red.
“she's a cute little thing, huh?” he smirks at you, gold tooth catching the sun as you quickly duck back behind rafe.
“yeah, she's my cute little thing.” rafe turns to you, placing his hands on your shoulders and gently pushing you towards the sliding glass doors. “and she's going inside right now.” his tone is soft, but still commanding.
you glance once between rafe and the man before gulping and rushing inside up the stairs to rafes bedroom, locking yourself inside and even crawling under the covers like the warm material could keep you safe.
you wait patiently, silently as you listen, letting out a sigh of relief when the footsteps you hear making their way up the stairs are clearly rafes, not the stranger with the heavy gait.
“who was that?” you ask as you open the door, rafe pressing you back inside, easily flipping the lock behind his back to trap you back in his room.
“nothing for you to worry about, doll.” rafe smirks at you before his lip drops when you let out a frustrated huff. “come here.”
rafe moves to the bed, pulling you onto his lap, caging you against his body with his thickly muscled arms.
“shit like that is for me to deal with. you don't need to be stressing your pretty little head, okay?” rafe says slowly. you nod back even slower.
“what are you here for, huh?” rafe taps your nose, getting you to refocus on him, seeing your mind already starting to drift elsewhere. “tell me baby.”
“im here to look cute…” you glance down at your fingernails, painted a light shade of pink. “and make you happy…” your cheeks flush red at the next part. “and make you feel good.”
“exactly.” rafe nods. “so when barry comes around, you come in here and wait for me to get back, okay?”
you nod more enthusiastically this time, the worry and anxiety floating away. rafe is there for you, he'll always be there for you, to protect you. you just need to clear your mind and let him.
“so you gonna make me feel good now?” rafe ducks his head to bring it closer to your face. he towers over you, your tiny stature is part of what made rafe attracted to you. graced with beautiful mature curves but short legs and torso which made you pewny next to his massive height.
“course.” a smile stretches across your plump cheeks.
“get naked for me then.”
you slide off of rafes lap, feet padding softly against the rug he bought just because your bare feet got cold against the wooden floor.
you start with your tanktop, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth are you slowly lower it until you fling it away, cupping your hands around your bra, the light pink matching everything, just as rafe likes it.
you reach behind your back to undo the bra next, pulling the straps down teasingly slow before letting the cups fall away to the floor.
“god.” rafe groans out, unashamed as he grips his cock through his pants. “i like the show, baby, but i need you right now.”
despite his size, rafe moves quickly and smoothly, grabbing your waist and pushing you towards the bed, flopping onto your stomach.
before you can even adjust, rafe is pulling you by your hips towards the edge so your feet are hips are at the side of the bed, legs hanging down.
rafe loves how easily he can manhandle you, make you his little fuck toy as his hands push your skirt up, revealing a tiny thong that is quickly ripped away.
rafe watches as you spread your legs while he undoes his jeans, your pussy already gleaming with wetness as you bare yourself for him.
“that's my girl.” rafe smirks, grasping his freed cock and running it through your folds, feeling the way it soaks his head before he taps it against your entrance, once, twice, and then a final third time before pushing forward, burying his cock inside of you with a groan.
“oh, fuck.” you squeal out, rafe not giving you even a moment to adjust. he wouldn't need to wait for his hand or a fleshlight, so he doesn't wait for you either, instantly setting a rapid pace, his cock squelching into your wetness with every thrust.
“god, so tight. so tight and-” rafe let's out a low moan. “and fucking tiny.”
rafe grips your hips, lifting your entire ass off the bed, your flowy skirt falling even more down your back as he holds you up with ease, smiling to himself as his muscles bulge, knowing this is undoubtedly what will be on his mind next time he works out.
rafe pulls your hips back with every thrust to meet his as your arms scramble to support yourself, but no need as you ultimately resign to your fate, bare cheast pushing against the bed as rafe fucks you, ass in the air.
“god, so good for me baby.” rafe groans out. you're not doing anything other than staying still for him, but you still glow at the praise, clenching your cunt around his cock every time he pulls out.
“jesus, you don't want me out do ya kid?” rafe chuckles, having to work to get his cock out just to slam back in.
“love your cock.” you manage to say. “‘ts perfect.”
“aww, baby.” rafe coos out. “it's your pussy that's perfect for me.”
rafe thrusts harder as if trying to prove his point. you feel his cock swell inside of you and know it's moments before your cunt gets flooded. you relax when the warm cum fills you as rafe moans, fingers squeezing your hips so tight you're sure to bruise as he holds you down on his cock until it's done pumping.
“fuck.” rafe groans, pulling out as you clench your pussy, trying to not let the cum escape, loving the feeling of being filled up with rafe.
“come on, turn over kid.” rafe taps your hip as you flip onto your back, giggling as rafe falls with a bounce onto the bed next to you, pulling you in for a kiss.
“see, kid. that was exactly what i needed.” you can already tell the shift in energy from rafe, the way he's more relaxed now, face not hard set with stress.
the words escape your lips before you can help it. “i love you.”
your eyes widen once you realize what you just admitted, causing rafe to laugh. you pull away, suddenly feeling awkward and exposed, only for rafe to tug you back close.
“relax, baby.” he says, running his thumb over your cheek. “i love you too.”
taglist: @drewstarkeyslut @forstarkey @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @drudyslut @jjsmarijuana @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog @outerbankspov @drewstarkeyswifehoe @cutielando @kamninaries @rafeyslove @rafeinterlude @bellbottombaby @deeaardiary @rubixgsworld @wearemadeofstardust0 @leighbronk @starkeysheart @pradabambie @tobesolovelysstuff @alexiskirkland @rafestar @babygorewhore @juniebugg @magicalyoura @cokepewpsii @mysticallystilinski @luvdella @aerangi @vogueprincess @yourenogoodforme @auryyz @mayhem-72 @thestarlithideout @marvelfanfics1recs @rafesgiirl @ditzyzombiesblog @chiaraanatra @tobiaslut
#rafe smut#rafe cameron smut#obx smut#outer banks smut#rafe fic#rafe fanfic#rafe fanfiction#rafe cameron fic#rafe cameron fanfic#rafe cameron fanfiction#rafe x you#rafe x y/n#rafe x reader#rafe x oc#rafe cameron x you#rafe cameron x y/n#rafe cameron x reader#rafe cameron x oc#rafe imagine#rafe blurb#rafe drabble#rafe one shot#rafe cameron imagine#rafe cameron blurb#rafe cameron drabble#rafe cameron one shot
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Based off of this! post.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!reader Summary: you surprise Eddie by dressing up as an elven princess from Dnd. Warnings: 18+ SMUT kissing, fingering, unprotected PIV (please be safe out there), oral (f receiving), body worshipping, teasing, a little nipple play, orgasm denial A/N: I have played Dnd once in my life, I do not know everything about it so please correct me if I get anything wrong about it.

Eddie sat up in bed re-reading the Lord of the rings The Two Towers for the millionth time as he waited for you to join him.
it was the first night of your honeymoon and it had been a long day and Eddie had done nothing but pepper you with love the whole day, being the gentleman he is and showed you exactly why you married him
you had been in the bathroom for quite some time, not that Eddie had seemed to notice, as he stuck his nose in a book he can't put down until you cleared your throat
he looked up to see you and his eyes widened as he got the sight of you leaning against the door frame with a seductive smile on your face
you were dressed in an elegant, fantasy-inspired gown in various shades of green, becoming darker as the skirt flows down, adorned with gold embroidery with a flowing chiffon cape that drapes over the shoulders.
your hair was down with a single braid tucked behind an elf ear you had placed on, and a golden headpiece atop your head.
you perfectly resembled an elven princess from Dungeons and Dragons, and he let his copy of TOTR fall from his hands and land on the floor by the bed
"Suilad ennas nin bein adan plural edain" you spoke, tilting your head mockingly as Eddie gulps and tries to find the words to say to you
He can already see it, your body on top of his, tangled in the sheets as you moan his name in pure bliss as he pleases you nicely.
the tent in his pants grew as he thought about what he would do to you.
you were the prettiest thing he's ever laid his eyes on, and it was all for him, for his benefit and dick seemed to understand that as it rose in his pants, so hard it was uncomfortable and almost painful.
he needed to have you; he needed to ravish you right this second after ripping the dress off your body, he needed to fill you up so good that it would risk getting you pregnant, and he wouldn't mind, not if it meant he could think back to this night.
he wanted it so bad, and he could tell you knew that as you smiled cockily, taking small strides towards him on the bed, your leg peeking out of the high slit in the skirt of the dress.
he wanted to sink his teeth into your plush skin just hard enough to leave a mark, he wanted to tear the dress to shreds whilst still on your body, leaving you look a mess, though you'd still be as stunning as now, stood in front of him.
"Holy shit" he mumbled to himself as he shifted in his place, unable to find the words to express how good you look, how much he wanted to tear you apart and fuck you until your dumb
but just as he leaned up and tried to kiss you, you stopped him
you pulled out a pair of dice from inside the bodice and dropped them onto the bed sheets beside him
"if you want to kiss me, you're gonna have to roll" you smirked, seeing his whole body twitch in anticipation and need
he looked up at you, the fire in his eyes made you feel weak in the knees as he adjusted himself, rubbing over his boner to ease the growing pain of eagerness
he fumbled over picking up the dice. looking at you before rolling it onto the bed sheets
he mumbled in victory before pulling you down and bringing you into a passionate, much needed by him kiss.
you find a comfortable position as he placed you on his lap, his hand finding its way onto your thigh, gently rubbing your skin, sighing at the feeling of your lips dancing together
his hands moved up, following the curve of your hips up to the bodice of your dress, cupping your breasts in his hands, managing to give them a squeeze before you pulled away, humming
"What do you want to do next?" you asked him, crawling off on his lap
he frowns as he thinks "I want to...take off your dress?"
"Then roll" you whispered in his ear, smiling as he shivers
he picked up the dice and rolled it, praying to the gods he got over a ten, wanting nothing more for the dress to come off so he could worship your perfect body
he cursed to himself when it landed on a two, looking up at you with innocent eyes, making you fake a pout
"looks like that'll have to wait, big boy" biting your lip, internally laughing at his face, laced with disappointment
He frowns "can we continue kissing?" He blinks, looking down at your lips
You pretend to think for a moment, tapping your chin, humming "mm. Let's ask the dice"
He grabbed the dice from beside him and rolls, immediately grabbing your chin, pulling you down, you didn't even have time to see what he got before you melted into the kiss, he slides his right hand down your chin to your waist. Pulling you down onto the bed beside him.
You open your eyes, taking a sneak peak at the dice on the other side of his leg. Pushing him away
"Eddie! That was a miss! You don't get to kiss me!" You faux anger before dropping your voice, your fingers trailing his chest, right over the O in 'dio', your fingertips running over the letter
"Does someone need to be punished for lying?" You tut, leaning in and whispering in his ear
He lets out a whimper, secret be told- he likes seeing you have such power over him, he likes being told what to do- he finds it so attractive on you, seeing you in such a way is making him so hard that he's finding it hard to focus when your tits are right there, in front of him, calling out his name, begging to be sucked on so nicely.
He can already hear the sounds of your pretty moans as you let him fuck you. He can see it, your tits bouncing as he pounds into you mercifully, showing you his frustration for teasing him, for making him wait, for making him roll a pair of dice just so he can touch you.
Eddie shakes his head "n-no I- I'm sorry I won't do it again"
He knows your version of punishment in this situation won't end in an orgasm on his end- he won't even be getting teased- your punishment will be nothing, you'll sit there, letting him learn his lesson for lying to you, letting him know what he did and that he should regret it. So he would rather not get that punishment tonight
"Why shouldn't I?" You tilted your head, almost mocking him
"Please? I- I know what I did was wrong" he looked down
You drag your hand over his legs, pressing against the tent in his pants before moving on, reaching for the pair of dice before picking them up, ignoring his sigh as you touch him
"Let's see if the dice thinks I should forgive you"
You roll the dice and smile "looks like it's your lucky day"
You asked him what he wanted to do and he tried again with taking off your dress, rolling the dice.
He looked over at you with his big doe eyes and a smile, you leaned over him, making sure the roll was a hit.
You raised your eyebrows. Slowly rising from the bed before standing in front of him.
You reach for the zipper on the side on the dress, letting it fall down your body as you stand in front of him, leaving you in only the cape and a matching green lingerie set.
You were so perfect, so pretty, so fuckable.
He shifts on the bed, leaning closer to the edge
You go closer to him, climbing onto his lap, smirking at his desperate face as he stares at your breasts right in front of his eyes
You lean in, placing a kiss on his lips. He runs his hands along your back, his thumb going under the clasp on your bra as his other hand reaches up and unclosed the Cape, taking the mesh away from your soft skin.
Before he has a chance to unclasp your bra, you stop him, slapping his arm away
You tut again, forcing the dice in his hands
"You forget about my little friends?"
He groaned and rolled it, he's so hard he's co fused as to why you haven't said anything, like you usually do, teasing him about the way he gets turned on just for you
He unclipped your bra and threw it across the room
Your run your hand through his hair as you slowly grind on his lap, subtlety rolling your hips against him
"What next baby?" You bite your lip, holding the back of his neck as you lean in, nibbling on his ear, loving the way he shivers against your touch
"I- I want to touch you...them" he mumbled, sounding almost hungry as he stares at your bare tits in front of him
he rolled the dice and instantly attached his hands to your breasts, giving them a little squeeze, his ears perking up as he heard a gasp fall from your lips as he pinched your nipples. they were always so sensitive against his rough padded fingertips teasing them, and the noises you made as he pressed his thumbs against them were so pretty, so pretty that he might say it was his favourite noise, music to his ears, he's said before.
the buds of your nipple were hardened against the hotel room's cold air and he smiled to himself as he thought about taken them into his mouth, licking and sucking on them as you whimpered and moaned his name, he knows you wouldn't be happy, not rolling the dice before making a move but he couldn't hold it in anymore, the swell of your breasts looking so appetizing to the point Eddie's almost drooling.
So he brought your right nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it as he squeezed your other tit, smiling to himself as you whimpered when he bit down on the sensitive bud of your nipple
you mumble his name as you feel his hot tongue swirl over your breast, it feels so good that you don't have the power to stop him, you should give him this for being so good for you, and right now he's being so good.
he hums against your breast, still sucking and nibbling, now just moving to the left, sending vibrations through your body as your close your eyes, your hands finding his hair as he massages the soft skin of your chest.
you begin to grind on his lap, feeling his hard cock against your clothed heat, slowly growing wet, feeling the patch soaking your lace panties as you rub yourself against the rough fabric of his jeans.
"you're so beautiful" he mumbled as he pulled away for a moment before latching his mouth onto your neck, licking and sucking your sweet spot, being sure to leave his mark on you.
he nibbles on your collarbone as he hears a content sigh leave your lips before you find the strength the fight him, remembering the whole game of this
"who said you could do that?" you frown, glaring at him
he looks into your eyes with blown out eyes, looking like he's in a trance as he gaze lowers down to your plush lips.
in any other situation, he would have felt bad, he would have apologised and begged for forgiveness for going against you, but Eddie couldn't find it in himself to say sorry about it, cause he wasn't, why should he be sorry for wanting you underneath him, open for him as you moan his name
so he made the bold decision to ignore you, pressing a desperate kiss to your lips as he pushed you down on the bed, laying you flat on your back before pulling away
"I'll play your little game, but you're not in control here, doll"
before you could protest, he shoved two fingers in your mouth, making you hum in confusion
"Suck" he ordered as he picked up the dice, swearing under his breath before you giggled, gagging when he shoved his fingers deeper down your throat.
he went back to kissing your neck, sucking the places he hadn't only a few seconds prior. you had closed your eyes, relaxing on the bed as he began to use you, without your knowledge, Eddie had rolled the dice, trying again before taking his fingers out of your mouth
the string of spit connecting your lips and his fingertips before snapping when he pulled away too far, bringing his hand down your body, digging his hand into your lace panties, pressing his now soaked fingers to your clit, earning a gasp from you and you opened your eyes, seeing him shift down the bed, you feel his hot breath brush against your skin as his fingers hook around your underwear, pulling them down slowly, placing kisses down your body, gently biting at the skin of your hip as he removes your underwear, pulling them all the way down, flinging them across the room before planting wet, sloppy kisses over your lower stomach, rubbing the skin under your boob with his thumb as he rang his other hand back to your bare core, rubbing his fingers flat through your slick folds.
as you look down, lazily smiling at him loving on your naked body, you frown, noticing he has all his clothes on still.
"Eddie" you breathe, hearing his groan as he continues to pamper your body.
you reach down and pull at the collar of his shirt "take it off, baby"
"oh Elven Princess, Patience is a virtue" he tsks.
he chuckles under his breath as he begins slowly circling your clit, his fingertips gliding with delicious friction over the sensitive bud.
"this what you wanted, Princess?” he cooed, his voice mockingly sweet. You could feel his warm breath fan over you as he moved closer.
He couldn’t stop himself. he couldn't help but lean in and flick his tongue over it just once, just the slightest touch, and you let out a broken moan and wiggled under his touch.
He inhaled deeply, smelling your intoxicating scent.
he looked up from your pussy and made eye contact with him as you leaned on your shoulders, staring at him while he rubs over folds, not yet going in.
Eddie wrapped his plush lips around your clit and started to flick his tongue over the bud at a painfully slow pace.
You gasped and gripped the neat bedsheets. he always was good with his tongue.
His mouth was hot and wet, and the way he was looking at you with such love and lust, made the tightness inside of you start to grow in the pit of your stomach.
Eddie was in on cloud nine as he buried his face in your pussy, drinking your delicious and sweet taste.
With one hand on your hip, keeping you from wiggling around, he slid one of the fingers of his other hand into your throbbing entrance. Slowly, before adding another, not giving you any time to adjust before he carefully pumps.
He chuckled when you moaned at the feeling of him stretching you open.
you whined, gasping at painful stretch of your delicate skin he is currently abusing.
you squeezed his fingers so nicely, feeling every ridge and hearing every squelch as he curls his fingers inside you, his lips still attached to your aching clit, sucking harshly.
Soon the only sounds in the room were the wet clicks of your pussy, and your soft moans as you let your head fall onto the pillow beneath you, your eyes rolling back when he squeezed your hip
Eddie laid his tongue flat and wide as he lapped up your pussy and you couldn't help but whimper at the feeling.
Eddie’s cock throbbed in his tight jeans, so uncomfortable as he grinded against the mattress, trying to give himself the friction he so desperately needed as he ate your pussy so well for you
"Eddie.. I- mm...i'm gonna cum" you moaned sinfully
Eddie pulled away after humming, his fingers still pumping inside you, gaining speed to replace his tongue
"let's see if the dice wants you to, ay?" he growled, releasing your hip and grabbing the dice
"do you, dice, want this elven princess to cum f'me?" he asked the dice before rolling
you were in a trance, tightening your walls around his thick fingers as he pumped, too focused on trying to cum that you barely heard what your husband was saying, his voice sounding like a distant hum.
you let out a broken moan as you felt the tightness start to let go be tuts
"dice says no, sweetheart" he said, pulling away, making you whine and your whole body shiver as the tightness fades, leaving you frustrated
"what? no, please" you beg before looking beside you at the dice, frowning
"Eddie that was a hit?!" you huffed in slight anger
"was it? must've mistaken it- woah!" you said before you pushed him away, flipping him over so he's on his back
"you were never in power here, weakingling, the dice controls us" you glare at him
he stared up at you as you climbed on top of him, straddling his lap, you lean down to kiss him and just as your lips meet and he lean in, his eyes fluttering shut, you stop, tilting your head to the side, you grab his chin and point his head to the side as you bite his earlobe, steadying your breathing as your pull away, pulling him in for a kiss,
your press your lips against his before leaning away, biting his lip as you pull away, letting go to see his lips bounce back
"don't play with me, commoner. you don't know what i can do to you, what i will do if you play with me, so sit back and be a good boy for me, understand?" you question him fiercely
he nods his head as you pull his shirt over his head, taking it off befoe throwing it away, staring at his tattoos littering his body of show for you
you place your hands on his chest and lean down, playing a kiss on every tattoo on view, hearing his breath hitch when you place a delicate kiss to his newest addition you had only found out about a week after he got it, a few months ago, right below his right collarbone, over his heart was laced with a fine line ink, confirming the date on your wedding, it was so gentle, contrasting against every other tattoo on his body.
you had cursed at him for getting it, and he had questioned you for your hesitation, saying 'think we won't last? honey I'm planning on keeping you forever, js'wanted to have a bit of us on me forever'
it was crazy to think that was almost 6 months ago, you had been so stressed with planning and wanting every aspect to be perfect. and now, a day in to being married to him, your heart warming at the little touch of writing, a promise of commitment that he couldn't get rid of it he tried
Eddie's dick was still so hard, he could feel the precum staining his boxers until he was whining
you sucked on his skin, going up all the way to his neck, wanting nothing more to mark him. your hands find their way to his pants and fumble to undo his fly and push down his pants with the help of him, kicking the jeans off, the only thing keeping you from sitting on his pretty cock was his thin boxers.
you grind your hips on his, creating some sort on friction, you push him up so he would lean against the headboard, sitting up but still laying down.
his hands find your hips and guides your movements until you smack his arms away
"how dare you touch me without the permission of the dice" you spat
it gave you a rush, giving him orders and telling him off for things, you had done it before yes, but it always felt so good, giving you a thrill knowing it turned him on so good, he loved it, and he was never scared to show it
you gripped onto his hair and forced him to look into your eyes as he stares down at your tits bouncing
"You want these off, don't you?" you reach your hand down, snapping the elastic of his boxers on his skin as you pull them back
he gulps and hums out a response "uh-huh" he mumbled
"Beg for it" you howl, lowering your voice as you stare down at him
"Please take them off, I'll be good-" he starts before you cut him off
"don't beg me, beg the dice" you hold the dice in front of him
he sighed, looking down at the small shapes in your hand "please let her take my boxers off, I won't disobey you again" he pleaded
you roll the dice on his chest and grin wickedly
"Looks like the dice answered your calls" you huff before pushing them off his body, letting them roll to the side of him on the bed
you left yourself up and push his boxers down his legs, letting them fall off the side to the floor, you sit on his thighs just below his cock that sprung out, being let free from the aching pain of being stuck inside harsh fabric.
the precum leaking from his swollen tip is what sends you into a frenzy
"Such a pretty cock you got, commoner" you coo, reaching and slowly pressing your thumb to the head, chuckling at how it twitches in your hand
"Please, please I need you" he begged as he closes his eyes when you begin slowly pumping his dick
you pick up the dice shove them in your hand "roll"
he huffs and rolls the dice, moaning in victory
"You heard the dice, fuck me" he sighed, resting his head on the headboard
you roll your eyes and position yourself right above him
"Do not rush me, and do not command me, do you want to cum? you desperate human" you tut
you sink down on his cock and compress your whine when you let him fill your aching pussy
"Yes, yes I want to cum- I'm so sorry, princess, it won't happen again, I want to cum in you" he nods enthusiastically
you hum in satisfaction. you sit on his lap for a second, slowly rocking to get yourself adjusted before you slowly lift off and bounce back down
you place your hands on his chest to stabilize yourself
"c-can I touch you, princess?" he asked desperately
"I suppose" you huff, covering the fat you want his hands on you, helping you out to bounce on his dick, to give him pleasure
his hands find your hips yet again and you let him, loving the feeling of his rough fingertips against your skin
you rise and fall on his lap in a slow rhythm, slowly building pace as you feel more comfortable, the stretch of his big cock stuffing you nicely as he hits all the right spots, he's always reached the best of places, making you feel so full as he pounds into you
but being on top lets him reach so many more places
and before you know it, your pace is gradually getting faster and faster, your moans filling the sweaty air of the hotel room and he grunts, letting out small pleas and whines, whispering your name
he leans up, taking one of your tits in his mouth, biting at the sensitive bud of your nipple, hearing your gasp of pain but moan of pleasure.
you start rolling your hips in circular motions, trying so desperately to rub your clit against his pubic hair at the base of his cock.
he started the thrust up into you, matching your rhythm of pace, the sound of skin clapping together is all you can hear past his groans and your whimpers.
you focus on the feeling, letting your eyes roll and your head throw back as he reaches all the right places, he feels so good.
His hot wet tongue sucking and nibbling at your tit, and the harsh and rough feeling his hair feels grazing against your clit is aching.
Eddie releases your nipple with a pop! And leans up, digging his face in your neck, mumbling words of encouragement and praise into the shell of your ear.
Nothing can be heard but the squelching of his big cock thrusting into your pussy as you bounce up and down.
You pace has quickened and your moans are becoming breathless as you feel the tightness bubbling up in the pit of your stomach
Eddie groans as your walls tighten around him, squeezing him no nicely
Everything about this is driving him crazy, every moan escaping your plush lips, every slap of skin, every pornagraphic look on your face when he slams his dick so deep inside of you
God he fills you up so well, so well that you feel the pit inside of you grow.
Eddie can tell you are close just by the way you squeeze your dripping wet walls around him, coaxing him in your juices.
Eddie moans into the swell of your neck, biting on the soft skin
He leans away, his back leaning against the frame of the bed, one hand finding its way to the small of your back, just above your ass, eith the other remaining on your hip, gripping on to the sweaty skin and you pant and moan
Your hands find Eddie's chest again, your nails seeping into his skin, scratching his pecks. His thrusts are beginning to get sloppy and you know he's close
Eddie can't take his eyes away from you, he's so entranced by what you've done for him tonight, making the fantasy he didn't know he wanted needed come true.
You could feel his dick twitching inside of you and you smiled weakly
"Are you gonna cum f-for me?" You panted
He nods, not being able to speak as he watches your tits bounce with your movements, with your mouth hung open, letting out broken whines of pleasure
"Y-yes, p-princess" he winces "I-im gonna cum"
You smirk down at him "you reckon the dice will let you spill your seed into the elven princess?"
He whines, his climax about to reach breaking point, on the verge of spilling his load inside of you, painting your walls white.
You pick up the dice for the last time. Flicking them away, nor having the energy to roll, you glance beside you, looking at the numbers
"Cum f'me, Eddie" you let out, wanting his hot cum fill you up
You hold your climax in, wanting nothing more than to cum together.
"A-are you close?" He grunts, his palm flat against your back, pressing firmly as his other hand traces shapes around your hip.
You hum in response, not being able to hold it much longer as your thrusts grow tired "Please cum for me, Eddie"
He lets out a broken moan and mumbles intot the hot, sex filled air
"I'm gonna-"
You both moan in unison, each thrust and fall of your hips meeting in perfect harmony as you both let the tightness go.
Eddie hums as he spills his hot seed into you
And you let out a toe curling moan escape your lips as you cum on his dick, you juices mixing together, sticking to your thighs as it leaks out of your throbbing hole.
You hum, your climax fading away as you begin to go limp in his arm. He rides out your high as he pushes you closer to him, letting you lean on his chest.
After a moment, he's stopped moving, and you're left to catch your breath, listening to his rapid heartbeat as his chest rises and falls against your ear
"You're the best wife ever, you know that?" He sighs.
#eddie munson x reader#imagines#smut#eddie stranger things#dnd#eddie munson smut#fluff#x fem!reader#eddie the hero#oneshot#stranger things#eddie munson#joseph quinn#eddie munson imagine#eddie munson x fem#stranger things smut
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free palestine carrd 🇵🇸 decolonize palestine site 🇵🇸 how you can help palestine | FREE PALESTINE!
⟢ ┈ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 | 2k
⟢ ┈ 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 | lamelo is never quiet type, and it extends to your relationship — because that's just who he is, and how he shows his love. this is how your valentine's day always goes.
⟢ ┈ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | lamelo being the best bf ever, and just fluffy stuff!
Every year, without fail, LaMelo Ball made Valentine’s Day his personal stage. It wasn’t just a day; it was an event. No matter what was going on—road games, media obligations, team practices—he always found a way to make sure you felt like the center of his universe.
The first time it happened, you thought it was a fluke. A ridiculous, over-the-top, early-relationship flex. You had barely been together for a few months when he sent a massive bouquet of roses—three dozen, deep red, wrapped in sleek black paper—to your apartment at exactly midnight. It came with a note in his messy, looping handwriting: First Valentine’s. Not the last.
By the second year, it became clear that this wasn’t just some honeymoon-phase thing. Because this time, it was an even bigger arrangement—lilies, peonies, and the same signature roses, towering in a glass vase you were pretty sure could double as a fish tank. That, and a diamond bracelet, which he clasped around your wrist himself with the type of satisfaction that said, Yeah, I did that.
The third year, you didn’t even try to act surprised when he went even bigger. It was just how he loved—bold, unfiltered, and grand.
And now, another Valentine’s was here.
You woke up to the first sign of it: the soft ding of a text notification. Still half-asleep, you reached for your phone, eyes squinting at the brightness of the screen.
Melo 💕 Morning, Valentine. Be ready by 7.
You exhaled a quiet laugh, already knowing what that meant. Because this wasn’t just a dinner reservation or a casual date. When LaMelo said “be ready,” he meant something’s coming, and it’s coming big.
You stretched, blinking up at the ceiling as the weight of his text settled in. Be ready by 7. No further explanation. No details. Just that.
But you already knew how this would go.
You swung your legs over the bed, running a hand through your hair as you sat up. The apartment was quiet, save for the soft hum of the heater kicking in. Outside, the city still felt half-asleep, the early morning light filtering in through your curtains in muted golds and grays.
And then—ding. Another text.
Melo 💕 Check the door.
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t help the way your lips curled into a smile as you climbed out of bed, padding toward the front door. There was no need to check the peephole. You already knew what would be waiting on the other side.
When you pulled it open, the scent hit you first—sweet, floral, overwhelming in the best way.
There, standing proudly on your doorstep, was the kind of bouquet that would put entire wedding arrangements to shame. A mix of your favorites—full-bloom peonies, creamy garden roses, white orchids threaded between delicate baby’s breath, the kind of bouquet that looked like it belonged in the lobby of a five-star hotel rather than sitting outside your apartment door.
Tucked neatly between the stems was a black envelope, your name scrawled across the front in his signature handwriting. You already knew what it would say before you even opened it.
For my Valentine, You already know what today is. Get ready. —Melo ♡
You shook your head, laughing softly. Same Melo. Always.
But that was the thing about him. He didn’t just say he loved you—he made it felt like an undeniable fact, like the sky being blue or the sun rising every morning.
You pulled the bouquet inside carefully, placing it on the counter before heading toward your bathroom. If you had any hope of making it through whatever he had planned tonight, you needed to start getting ready now.
By the time the evening rolled around, the anticipation sat in your chest like static—warm, buzzing, something you couldn't quite shake.
You stood in front of your mirror, adjusting the clasp of your necklace. The dress he sent over fit like it had been made for you—because, knowing him, it probably had been. It was elegant but understated, the type of effortless glamour Melo always liked on you.
As if on cue, your phone vibrated on the counter.
Melo 💕 I’m outside.
With one last glance in the mirror, you grabbed your clutch and headed out.
When you stepped into the crisp night air, the first thing you saw was the car—a sleek black Rolls-Royce, engine humming low and steady like it had been idling there for a while.
And then, there was him.
LaMelo stood next to the car, leaning against the hood with his arms crossed, watching you. His chain caught the glow of the streetlights, and he was wearing that easy, knowing smirk—the one that told you he knew he had outdone himself again.
“You look good, baby,” he murmured as you stepped closer. His eyes dragged over you, slow and deliberate. “Like, real good.”
Your lips curved. “I had a feeling you’d say that.”
He chuckled, shaking his head before stepping forward, his hands finding your waist with the kind of ease that came from years of muscle memory. “You ready?”
You tilted your head. “Do I get any hints this time? Or are we sticking to the whole ‘mystery’ thing?”
Melo hummed, pretending to think about it. Then, with a grin, he pressed a soft kiss to the corner of your mouth. “Nah. You’ll see.”
And with that, he opened the car door, the night stretching ahead like a promise.
You slid into the car, the scent of his cologne already wrapped thick in the air—something deep and smooth, a little woody, something that smelled expensive in the way Melo always did. The seats were buttery soft against your skin, and the hum of the engine felt impossibly steady beneath you, like the entire night was resting in the palm of his hand.
Melo climbed in next to you, one hand on the steering wheel, the other stretching across the center console to rest on your thigh like it belonged there. He always did that. A quiet reassurance. A you’re here, I’m here, that’s all that matters.
"Comfortable?" he asked, shooting you a quick glance, the ghost of a smirk tugging at his lips.
You ran a hand along the sleek leather of the seat, already knowing that whatever destination he had in mind, it was going to be as excessive as always. "Do I ever have a choice with you?"
He grinned at that. “Nope.”
The car pulled off smoothly, gliding onto the road with the kind of ease that came from Melo’s particular brand of living—never rushed, always in control, like everything was happening exactly how he wanted it to.
Outside, the city lights flickered past in a blur, neon signs and warm streetlights stretching across the skyline like scattered constellations. You stole a glance at him, the glow of the dashboard casting soft shadows over his face, highlighting the sharp angles of his jaw, the relaxed set of his mouth.
LaMelo Ball, for all his flash and extravagance, was surprisingly quiet in moments like these. He never felt the need to fill silences with small talk, never rushed to explain himself. He let things breathe. And maybe that was why, even when he was spoiling you to the point of ridiculousness, it never felt performative. It was just him.
You let the silence linger for a beat before finally breaking it. “So, where are we going?”
Melo exhaled a laugh, shaking his head as he drummed his fingers against the steering wheel. “Always with the questions.”
You shot him a look. “You can’t drop off a thousand-dollar bouquet at my door, send me a dress, pick me up in this—” you gestured to the ridiculously luxurious car— “and not expect me to be curious.”
He hummed, eyes still on the road. "You’ll see."
"You keep saying that," you muttered, crossing your arms.
He grinned, clearly entertained. “And yet, here you are. Still in the car. Still trusting me.”
You hated that he was right.
But it wasn’t long before you started to get an idea of where he was taking you. The roads shifted, the city lights fading into something quieter, more private. When the car slowed, your brows furrowed.
This wasn’t a restaurant.
This wasn’t some exclusive, celebrity-packed dining spot with a three-month waitlist.
This was—
“Melo,” you started, eyes widening as you took in the familiar gated entrance, the dimly lit pathway leading up to an impossibly grand rooftop setup. “Did you—?”
He only smirked as he pulled the car to a smooth stop, throwing it in park before turning to you fully.
“You like it?” he asked, a certain boyish pride lacing his voice.
Like it?
Your gaze swept over the setup visible through the open terrace doors—hundreds of twinkling string lights draped from above, the soft glow of candles flickering against crisp white table linens, a private chef already setting up by the terrace’s edge. The city skyline stretched endlessly in the background, hazy and golden in the distance.
It was perfect. It was ridiculous. It was him.
“Melo,” you whispered, still stunned.
He let out a small chuckle, reaching over to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. “I figured we’ve done the whole restaurant thing enough. Wanted to switch it up.”
You turned to him, still trying to process it all. “You booked out an entire rooftop just to ‘switch it up’?”
He shrugged, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Yeah.”
The simplicity of it made your chest ache. Because this was how he loved—loud, effortless, like the world was his to shape and all he wanted to do was carve a space for you in it.
You let out a breathy laugh, shaking your head. “You’re insane, you know that?”
Melo’s grin softened into something fonder, something quieter. “Maybe.” Then, with a tilt of his head, “Come on. Let me show you.”
The night unraveled in golden moments.
Dinner was perfect. The kind of perfect that made your chest feel full, warm. The chef had prepared a menu tailored specifically to the things Melo knew you loved—seared scallops with that buttery sauce you were obsessed with, truffle pasta that melted on your tongue, a dessert that felt almost too beautiful to eat.
Halfway through the meal, you caught Melo watching you, chin resting lazily in his palm, amusement flickering in his gaze.
“What?” you asked, setting your fork down.
He shook his head, lips twitching. “Nothin’. You’re just cute when you’re happy.”
Your face warmed instantly. “Oh my God, shut up.”
He laughed, leaning back in his chair, one hand stretching across the table to toy with your fingers. “Nah. Just facts.”
And then there was the gift.
Because, of course, there was always a gift.
You were halfway through your glass of wine when he slid a small velvet box onto the table, completely casual, as if he was passing you the salt.
You stared at it. “Melo.”
“What?” he said, ever-so-innocent.
“You did not.”
He arched a brow. “You gon’ open it, or you just gon’ keep yellin’ at me?”
Your heart pounded as you reached for the box, flipping it open with careful fingers.
Inside, nestled against plush velvet, was a necklace.
Not just any necklace—the necklace. The one you had pointed out months ago in passing, barely thinking twice about it, assuming it would be just another one of those it’s pretty, but it’s too much moments.
But Melo had remembered.
You looked up at him, eyes soft, stunned.
“LaMelo,” you murmured. “How did you—?”
He only smirked, already reaching over to take it from the box. “Turn around.”
You swallowed, doing as he said, heart stuttering as he gently brushed your hair aside. The metal was cool against your skin, the weight of it settling perfectly as he clasped it into place.
When you turned back around, he was already watching you, gaze flickering between your eyes and the necklace, as if making sure it belonged there.
You exhaled, shaking your head with a small, overwhelmed laugh. “You’re unbelievable.”
Melo grinned, leaning forward, his voice low, teasing. “And yet, here you are. Still trusting me.”
And just like that, you knew—he had won. Again.
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I Remember Everything - Rafe Cameron (Chapter 7)

Summary: You left the island two years ago, leaving the love of your life a shattered man in your wake. Now, when you return, you find the sweet boy you once loved has transformed into a monster of a man. How can you detangle the real Rafe from the terrible things he's done?
Timeline: begins toward the end of obx season 3 and is mostly canon.
Content: this story contains sexual content, alcohol and drug abuse, and brief mentions of violence. All chapters are 18+, minors do not interact!
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“You should put that down.”
Rafe stood in the doorway, glaring at you as you held up the gun you’d discovered in his father’s office. Your mind was whirling with questions as you looked back at him, the sunlight leaking through the windows reflected off the giant pile of gold and onto your face.
“What is all of this, Rafe?” You nearly whispered, your stomach twisting in sickened awe.
“Put the gun down,” his eyes were dark and his jaw clenched as he stalked toward you, arm outstretched.
You just looked back at the treasure you had uncovered, mesmerized by the enormity of it. There had to be hundreds of millions of dollars worth of gold and precious stones here. You weren’t even thinking of the gun in your hand when he reached you, taking it from you slowly and tucking it into his waistband.
He crowded your space with his towering frame, his stare menacing. You looked up at him nervously.
“You shouldn’t have come in here,” he growled.
“Rafe, you’re scaring me,” you warned him, your bottom lip quivering slightly.
“What are you doing tearing my house apart? Were you looking for the cross?” His mind was clearly somewhere else, flooded with a paranoia you’d never seen before. His pupils were dilated to pinpoints as he asked you questions you didn’t understand.
You started to back up and he followed you, his chest heaving as he berated you. “Is that why you came back, huh? Are you trying to get the gold? Are you working with those fucking pogues?”
With every sentence he stepped closer, and you continued to back away from him. You’d never seen him like this, so menacing, so unhinged.
“It wasn’t enough for you to break my heart?” His voice got louder with every word. The back of your legs hit the edge of his father’s wooden desk, nowhere left to go. “You had to come back to take what’s MINE?!”
On the last word, he raised his hand to gesture to the gold behind him, and you flinched. A terrified gasp left your lips and your eyes widened at the hand he was waving so close to your face.
Rafe’s whole body fell when he noticed your response. It dawned on him slowly, you flinched because you thought he was going to hit you. The fear on your face snapped him back to reality. You were scared of him.
“Baby, I-” he tried to rest his hand on your cheek but you jerked away from him, ducking under his arm so you were no longer pinned between him and the desk.
“Stay away from me,” your voice shook as you crossed the room to put space between yourself and Rafe.
Rafe took you in, your eyes wide like an animal caught in a trap. His heart shattered at the thought that you, the only person in the world he didn’t want to be intimidated by him, truly believed that he was about to hurt you. Tears stung his bottom lashes and he searched for the words to undo the damage he’d just done. As he looked at you cowering in the corner, barely able to meet his eyes, he realized he suddenly wasn’t seeing you anymore, he was seeing Sarah.
“It’s me, Rafe - your sister,” She had cried when he lunged for her, before she couldn’t speak anymore because he was holding her under the water.
He hadn’t had a full night’s sleep since he’d heard those words. His brain never gives him reprieve from the crushing guilt of seeing her gasp for air, trying to flee him, fearing for her life due to her big brother’s temper. He hadn’t meant it, he wished he could take it back. Now Sarah would hate him forever, she’d made that much clear. Was he about to lose you the way he lost her? He’d find a way to manage through life without his sister, but if you stopped loving him, he might just sink into the floor and die.
“Baby, please, I didn’t mean to scare you,” he tried to keep his voice steady as he raised his hands, like he was trying to prove they weren’t dangerous.
“Don’t call me that,” you snapped, tears flowing freely now.
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry. Just please come back over here,” he begged.
“No, I don’t trust you” you sobbed.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” his voice was pained. “I would never hurt you.”
“Something’s wrong with you, Rafe,” you spat. “You need to tell me what’s going on. Where’d that gold come from? What’s the cross? Is it the reason you were arrested?”
“I can’t,” he pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to maintain his composure even though he could feel his blood pressure rising again. “It’s just business stuff. It’s not important.”
You snorted bitterly, “clearly.”
“Why can’t you just mind your fucking business?” He bit back, unable to control his tongue.
That was your final straw. “I’m leaving,” you said as you hurried out of the room.
“No, no, wait!” Rafe called after you, following you into the hall.
“If you don’t want to be honest with me, then I don’t want to be here,” you don’t turn around, even though he’s right on your heel.
He stepped in front of you, his long legs besting yours. You step back instinctually and he cursed himself silently for losing your trust.
“Don’t go,” he begged, grabbing your hand. “Don’t go back to them. Stay here, be with me, we can finally have the life we wanted. I have the money now, I have everything. I can be the man you need. We can do this, finally.”
“I can’t be with someone I don’t really know,” you shook your head.
“What are you talking about? It’s me,” he actually smiled, as though he could charm his way out of the massive hole he’s dug. You snatched your hand away.
“That means nothing to me now,” you snarled, side-stepping him and fleeing quickly down the stairs.
He watched you go, feeling like his heart was being dragged with you, an emptiness left in his chest. He watched the hem of your dress as it flew behind you, and you disappeared like you had so many painful times before.
Three Years Earlier…
“This color was made for you!” Sarah chirped happily as she applied one of her MAC lipsticks to your lips.
You fought back your smile so you could keep your lips steady for her to finish applying the makeup.
“Okay,” she said as she passed you her hand held mirror so you could inspect the full face of makeup she’d spent the last hour applying for you. “All done!”
You smiled at your reflection, you had never been particularly skilled at makeup, preferring a natural look. It helped that you had a boyfriend who constantly told you how gorgeous you were without it. “Don’t need all that shit on your face, baby, you’re already perfect,” he’d say.
But you wanted tonight to be different, you wanted his jaw to drop to the floor when he saw you. Plus his eyes wouldn’t be the only ones on you tonight, this being the first time you’d be attending Midsummers together as an official couple. Everyone on the island knew you’d been together since forever but, as Rafe had pointed out when he’d asked you to go with him a few weeks ago, you had never made a formal debut.
“Need everyone on this damn island to know you’re my girl,” he had whispered in your ear as he held you in the bed of his new truck while you stargazed by the beach.
“I think it’s pretty clear,” you giggled. “We already spend every waking second together.”
“Doesn’t matter,” he explained. “I wanna see their dumbstruck faces when they see the most beautiful girl in the OBX walking in with me.”
You nuzzled into him lovingly, “you’re too nice to me.” You kissed the tip of his nose.
“Impossible,” he shook his head, making you laugh as his nose rubbed against yours playfully. “You deserve all the niceness. You deserve all the good things, ‘n when we’re older, I’m gonna give you everything.”
“I don’t want everything,” you said, making his brow furrow slightly. “I just want you. You’re all I ever wanted.”
He knew he’d never hear more perfect words in his life, and he’d spend forever keeping them true.
Three weeks later, you were getting ready for Midsummers with Sarah, while Wheezie watched you wistfully from the corner. You sat on a tufted pedestal in the middle of Sarah’s walk-in closet as she added a few more bobby pins to secure the up-do she had crafted for you.
Wheezie wasn’t old enough for Midsummers yet and would be left home with a babysitter, an arrangement she made very clear she didn’t agree with.
“You’re so pretty,” she pouted. “Are you gonna marry my brother?”
You went red, completely caught off guard by her intrusive question.
“Oh! Well, I, uh,” you tried to think of an appropriate answer that a ten year-old would understand.
“Wheezie!” Sarah scolded her, saving you from having to respond. “You can’t just ask somebody that.”
You smiled up at her gratefully as she shielded your eyes from the hairspray she was adding to the front of your head.
“But of course she is, they’re like made for each other,” she continued.
Though you were slightly caught off guard by her abruptness, your cheeks hurt from the smile you failed to stifle. You loved the idea that it was so obvious to everyone else, it made you feel like your certainty that you’d already found the love of your life at seventeen wasn’t so crazy after all. Your mother would call you naive, but here in this house with the family that already felt like yours, you had never felt so sure that he was your forever.
“You’re all done!” Sarah beamed at you as she stepped away so you could stand and look at yourself in the full length mirror.
You tried to hide your blush, not wanting to seem conceited, but you felt absolutely beautiful. You wore a white dress, the snug bodice hugging your torso while the flowy skirt swooshed dreamily with every step you took. You had borrowed everything from Sarah, your mom refusing to take you shopping for an event she fundamentally protested, both for the flashy kook-iness of it all and the fact that you’d be going as a pseudo-Cameron - her worst nightmare.
“You did such a good job!” You told Sarah, leaning closer to the mirror. “Thank you so much!”
“Anything for my future sister-in-law,” she nudged you with her elbow. “Oh, wait! One more thing!”
She padded into her room and returned quickly, holding a stunning, sparkly diamond necklace.
“Oh, Sarah,” you said, eyes widening at the blinding jewels. “It’s too much.”
“It was my mom’s,” Sarah explained. “And it doesn’t go with my dress. But she’d want it to be worn for sure.”
You teared up a bit as she fastened it around your neck, the sunlight pouring through the tall windows causing the diamonds to glimmer against your skin. You blinked fast trying not to ruin your makeup, or let the girls know how emotional you were getting, but Sarah caught your eye in the mirror and gave you a knowing smirk.
Before you could thank her again, the wind was knocked out of you by Wheezie, who threw her arms around your waist and hugged you tight from behind.
“Please marry my brother,” she said with her face squished against your back, causing her words to come out in a funny whine. “He’s so much nicer when you’re around.”
You laughed and turned around to hug her back. “Aww, Wheeze! Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.”
She looked up at you with a pout, “I wish I could go to Midsummers, and be as pretty as you.”
“Oh, but you are!” You assured her. You grabbed the lipstick Sarah had used on you from the vanity and dabbed some onto her lips. “There,” you smiled down at her. “Now we match!”
She beamed at you and skipped over to the mirror, smiling wildly at her reflection. Sarah rolled her eyes amusedly at her.
“Time to go,” she reminded you, handing you a pair of heels she had picked out for you.
Rafe checked his watch anxiously as he paced back and forth at the bottom of the stairs. He wasn’t sure why, but tonight just felt like a big night. His dad and Rose knew you well, you had been around the mansion everyday since you were kids, but they never fully accepted how serious Rafe was about you. Whenever he’d bring you up in conversation, they’d give each other a knowing smirk that made him feel like he was five and they were discussing whether it was time for him to go to B-E-D.
The truth was, while he said tonight was about showing the island how serious he was about you, it was really about showing Ward. Maybe if his dad could see how mature he was around you, he’d finally acknowledge that you’re good for him and give his wholehearted blessing.
But proving that the two of you were mature was going to be hard to do if you showed up late. Ward and Rose were already at the club, they were the co-chairs of this year’s event, which put even more pressure on the evening.
Just as Rafe was about to yell to hurry you and Sarah along, you appeared at the top of the steps.
It was like he’d been punched in the gut, the way the air left his body. Everything stilled as he watched you descend the steps, floating to him like an angel in white. When you made it to the second to last step, you were finally at his eyeline, you gazed at him with a twinkle in your eye.
“Hey mister,” you said sweetly, wrapping your arms around his neck as his hands found your waist, thumbs circling your skin through the soft fabric of your dress.
“How are you real?” He mumbled, eyes wide with infatuation.
“You’re too nice to me,” you giggle.
As your chest rose with your laughter, his eyes caught the necklace Sarah had given you. Your smile faded, taking in the way his lips curved down slightly as he realized where the necklace came from. Maybe wearing his mother’s necklace was a step too far, maybe he’d feel like it was a violation somehow. He didn’t like to talk about his mom, the memory too painful, and here you were wearing a big, shimmering reminder of her on what was supposed to be a special night.
“I can take it off,” you offered, removing your hands from him to reach back and unclasp it.
He stopped you, gently grabbing your arm and bringing it down to your side.
“No,” he said softly, eyes beginning to water. “It’s perfect. She would’ve loved you.”
You reach your other hand up to his cheek, gently thumbing away the teardrop that had slipped through.
“I love you,” you whispered soothingly.
“I love you, too,” he said before placing a peck to your lips. “Even though you’re making us late.”
With his teasing remark, he lifted you by your waist and spun you around, whisking you off the stairs. You yelped in surprise and smacked his arm playfully when he set you down. You stumbled slightly on your heels, being swept off your feet throwing your balance off.
“Woah there, baby,” Rafe laughed, grabbing your hips to steady you. “What were you three doing up there, pre-gaming?”
“No, just wedding planning,” Sarah said from the top of the stairs as she and Wheezie descended.
You and Rafe both jumped slightly, too lost in your intimate moment to have noticed their arrival.
“Wedding planning, huh?” Rafe smiled at you.
“Yeah, I’m gonna be the flower girl!” Wheezie informed the room, making your eyebrows shoot up as you chuckled at her excitement for your fictional wedding.
“Nah, Wheeze,” Rafe said, grabbing your hand and his truck keys off the hook by the door. “If you’re the flower girl then who will be my best man?”
“You promise?” She asked hopefully.
“‘Course, I need my best bud up there with me,” He told her, winking at you as you looked up at him with a loving look that made his heart soar.
The evening hadn’t even technically begun yet and you already felt like you gained a husband and two little sisters. Your future was a bright, glowing light on the horizon. Rafe had told you someday he would give you everything, but he didn’t understand - he already had.
It was too late to make it to the actual rehearsal, but you had plenty of time to swing by the dinner. You pulled up outside the nice restaurant on the water that Chip had rented out, surely burning through his life savings to do so, not that your mother would care.
You followed the sound of classical music and echoing voices around the back of the restaurant to the patio overlooking the ocean, black tie party in full swing. The crowd chattered with small talk as you searched the sea of people for your mother. You saw her standing by the champagne table, talking with some of the ladies she played tennis with. You steeled yourself with a deep breath and approached the group.
“...they had to sell their house in Cabo-” the ladies’ gossip was cut off as all of their heads turned to you, eyes wide in surprise at your arrival.
“Don’t let me interrupt, ladies, just wanted to let my mother know I’m here,” you smiled at them, trying to recall the way you used to charm all the adults at these kinds of events.
Your mother smiled tightly, trying to play off her surprise, but you could read her better than anyone and you knew she was not happy to see you.
“Excuse me, everyone,” your mother set her champagne flute down and wrapped her hand around your arm. “Just need to catch up with my beautiful daughter real quick.”
“Oh, I don’t think that’s necessar-” your mother cut you off, squeezing your arm hard as she pulled you away. “Okay, okay, geez.”
Once she had led you away from the crowd, around the corner of the restaurant, out of view but not totally out of earshot, she whispered, “where the hell have you been?”
“What are you talking about?” You weren’t whispering, and her eyes shot past you to make sure no one could hear. “You kicked me out, remember?”
“I didn’t- keep your voice down first of all,” she said, making you roll your eyes, “and I did not kick you out, you ran away.”
“Whatever you need to tell yourself, mom.” You really had come here to try to make things right with her, but you couldn’t help the rise she got out of you, her tone so condescending.
“Were you with him?” She asked.
“No,” you didn’t even think about the lie, it was just your instinct. You’d been lying to your mother about Rafe your whole life.
“Oh really?” Your mother raised her eyebrows. “Then why did I get a call from the credit card company asking if I authorized a bail payment at the Kildare County Sheriff's Office? And why did I hear from three of my friends that they saw you running out of the Cameron’s driveway this morning crying?”
“These kooks really need to get some hobbies,” you huffed.
“Don’t change the subject!” She snapped, trying and failing to keep her voice to a whisper.
“Well if you already knew the answer then why are you interrogating me?” You snapped back.
“You know what? Everyone has already seen you and I don’t want to have to answer more embarrassing questions about you, so you can stay for dinner, but then I’m done. I don’t want any more drama surrounding my wedding. When we’re done with toasts, you can go back to him and we’ll just stop trying to force the happy family act.”
You sighed heavily, “I can’t.”
“You can’t sit politely through one dinner?”
“No, I can't… go back to him. He’s, uh, that’s over.” You saw what could almost be mistaken for concern flash through your mother’s eyes, but she quickly regained her impassive composure.
“Well, that’s not my problem. You wanted to be an adult? You got it. You’re on your own,” she squared her shoulders, stepping back from you and returning to the party.
You just rolled your eyes, your mother always made empty threats. You knew if you did what she wanted and smiled your way through the party, not drawing too much attention to yourself, she’d forgive you by the end of the night and soon you’d be sleeping in your own bed again.
So you returned to the party, the picture of a dutiful daughter. You made small talk, carefully weaving a web of little white lies to cover up what you’d really been up to for the past two years. You listened to the toasts from your mother’s friends, faking a pretty, charming laugh as they made terrible jokes. Finally, Chip stood, tinking his fork against his champagne glass and clearing his throat. You turned to watch his speech.
Chip began with the story of how he met your mom, and she beamed at him as he spoke. Even though you were angry with her, it made you happy to see her so in love. Chip was so…uncomplicated. You ached for the days when your love felt so simple and clear.
“...what I love most about my soon-to-be-wife is…” Chip’s words faded. “I love that she, uh-” You followed Chips’s distracted stare to the back of the patio, where you found Rafe leaning against the brick wall of the restaurant. He had put on a suit, looking like he was just another party guest. The blood drained from your face at the sight of him, afraid of what he might do.
Your mom had spotted him, too. She shot you a fiery, warning glare. You mouthed, “I don’t know why he’s here,” but she didn’t understand what you were trying to say.
Chip decided to continue with his speech. “...she’s so selfless, she always puts others before herself.”
A loud scoff came from the back of the crowd, several people turning their heads to see who was protesting, shocked when they saw Rafe Cameron was here. Your mother’s face went red with anger.
Desperate to defuse the situation, Chip just continued, eyes darting helplessly between you and your mother, who’s stare was fixed on Rafe.
“...she’s also kind and generous.”
“Bullshit,” Rafe spat.
Tick, tick, tick…boom. Fourteen years of tension exploded all at once.
“Excuse me?” Your mother rose from her chair abruptly, and pushed her way through the crowd as she approached Rafe, who started stalking towards her as well, the two meeting in the middle of the crowd, staring daggers. You and Chip both rushed over to them.
“I said it’s fuckin’ bullshit, calling you generous when you can’t even take care of your own kid!” Rafe yelled in her face.
“What the hell would you know? You’re just an irresponsible waste of a trust fund!” She shouted back.
“And you’re a selfish bitch!” He bellowed.
You finally reached them, placing your hands on Rafe’s chest so he’d have to back away.
Your mother watched with poison in her stare, ruefully glaring at the sight of your hand on his chest.
“Ward was right,” she said quietly.
Both you and Rafe snapped your heads towards her at the shocking sound of Ward’s name coming from her lips.
“What did you just say?” Your hands left Rafe as you started walking towards her, Chip moving to stand between you and your mom.
“Hon, I think you and your boyfriend should just go,” he put his hand on your shoulder, but you shook it off and side-stepped him to get closer to her.
“No. What does that mean, ‘Ward was right?’ Tell me, now,” you raised your voice more the closer you got to her, her face completely impassive, unflinching as you yelled at her.
“Leave,” she said.
“What did you do, mom?” You questioned, desperate for understanding.
“What I had to,” she said, shrugging her shoulders as if it was the simplest explanation in the world. “What you couldn’t.”
“What does Ward have to do with that? What did he do?” Your voice shook with tears. Rafe looked around the party, all eyes were on you as you teetered near the verge of full meltdown. He hated the way everyone was looking at you, entertained by the drama of it all. He knew everyone on the island would hear about your meltdown within hours. He had to get you out of here before things got worse.
He walked up behind you as you continued in on your mom.
“What kind of mother are you? To let me suffer like that for two years?” Rafe placed his hand gently around your elbow, saying your name, trying to calm you. It has the opposite effect.
“No, no!” You turned on him. “You’re just as bad as her! I’m not leaving here until someone tells me the fucking truth for once!” You ripped your arm from him, stumbling backward and into the champagne table. A dozen glasses crashed to the ground dramatically, shattering loudly. The crowd watching gasped.
You didn’t even care about the mess you’d created, you wanted to keep going until you got the answers you needed, so tired of being in the dark, of your life being decided for you. You opened your mouth to yell at them some more, but when you saw Rafe’s eyes flash around you to the rest of the party, you realized for the first time just how many people were watching and your voice died in your throat.
“Are you done making a scene?” Your mother snarked from behind you.
“Yeah,” you nodded ruefully. “I’m so done.”
Done with her, done with this family, done with this whole fucked up island.
You stepped over the broken glass and pushed through the party-goers, hearing them murmur about you as you exit. You took off into a run as you exited the patio onto the beach, disappearing into the night.
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“I’m sorry ma’am, it appears your card has been declined.”
The fluorescent light in the motel lobby flickered, casting a shadow across your face as you nodded ruefully.
“You’re on your own,” your mother had warned you.
She must’ve canceled your credit card, and now you were alone, being turned away from a motel in the middle of The Cut. No money, no family, no home.
When the front desk agent tried to hand you back the card, you shook your head, “no, it’s okay, you can toss it.”
You turned and exited the motel, wrapping your arms around yourself in the chilly air. You stood in the parking lot for a moment, at a complete loss for what to do next. You pictured yourself spending the night on a park bench. This was officially rock bottom.
You started walking, not sure where you were going to go, but you stopped short when you saw a familiar black truck parked across the street. Rafe leaned against the car with his arms crossed, illuminated by the dim streetlight.
He lifted his chin, staring you down. Your shoulders fell as you shared a knowing look. You both knew you had no choice but to get in the truck.
(to be continued)

a/n: feels like this story kind of found a second life this past week and I'm so grateful! We're nearing the end, I think there will be 9 or 10 chapters and an epilogue. This story is going to be on hiatus for a bit, due to other projects and because I'm feeling lost and want to find the right ending and give it my full attenton. Thank you for sticking around it means the world to me!!! 😘 We will be back.
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